2012-06-12 57 views


class A { 
    static const char fooString[]; 
const char A::fooString[] = "This is a Foo."; 

class B { 
    static const char barString[]; 
const char B::barString[] = "This is a Bar."; 

class C { 
    static const char fooString[]; 
const char C::fooString[] = "This is also a Foo."; 

//Many other classes which have either a fooString or a barString 

void doFoo(const char*s) { /*something*/ } 
void doBar(const char*s) { /*something else*/ } 

template&ltclass T> 
class Something { 
    //This version should be called if T has a static member called "fooString", 
    //so it should be called if T is either class A or C 
    void doSomething() { doFoo(T::fooString); } 

    //This version should be called if T has a static member called "barString", 
    //so it should be called if T is class B 
    void doSomething() { doBar(T::barString); } 

void someFunc() 
    Something&ltA> a; 
    Something&ltB> b; 
    Something&ltC> c; 

    a.doSomething(); //should call doFoo(A::fooString) 
    b.doSomething(); //should call doBar(B::barString) 
    c.doSomething(); //should call doFoo(C::fooString) 



你怎么能DoSomething的()定义了两次? – Jagannath


这是一种伪代码。它并不实际工作,我想要发生的是,只有一个doSomethings将被使用,这取决于是否存在T :: fooString或T :: barString – Mark




#include <iostream> 
#include <type_traits> 

class A { 
    static const char fooString[]; 
const char A::fooString[] = "This is a Foo."; 

class B { 
    static const char barString[]; 
const char B::barString[] = "This is a Bar."; 

class C { 
    static const char fooString[]; 
const char C::fooString[] = "This is also a Foo."; 

void doFoo(const char*s) { std::cout << "doFoo: " << s << "\n"; } 
void doBar(const char*s) { std::cout << "doBar: " << s << "\n"; } 

template<class T> 
class Something { 
    //This version should be called if T has a static member called "fooString", 
    //so it should be called if T is either class A or C 
    template <typename TT = T, typename std::enable_if<TT::fooString != 0, bool>::type = false> 
    void doSomething() { doFoo(T::fooString); } 

    //This version should be called if T has a static member called "barString", 
    //so it should be called if T is class B 
    template <typename TT = T, typename std::enable_if<TT::barString != 0, bool>::type = false> 
    void doSomething() { doBar(T::barString); } 

int main() 
    Something<A> a; 
    Something<B> b; 
    Something<C> c; 

    a.doSomething(); //should call doFoo(A::fooString) 
    b.doSomething(); //should call doBar(B::barString) 
    c.doSomething(); //should call doFoo(C::fooString) 


doFoo: This is a Foo. 
doBar: This is a Bar. 
doFoo: This is also a Foo. 

它不会为我编译,它说缺省模板参数只能用于类模板。但是,我从来没有听说过type_traits标题,这听起来很有希望,我会试着去研究它。 – Mark


该解决方案需要一个支持C++ 11的编译器,例如gcc 4.7。 'type_traits'是新的,现在允许使用函数模板默认参数。 –


谢谢,在MinGW上完美编译。 – Mark