2016-09-28 64 views



其快速的读取速度表格数据,但它只有在阅读的第一行。 如何读取整个表格? 我不想用大熊猫或numpy.loadtext()

np.fromfile('abc.txt', count=-1, sep=",") 

为什么不loadtxt?你的文件如何详细查看? – dnalow


loadtext需要更多时间。我的文件大小约为2GB,有8列 – user1779646


如果你有几行,它不能用你的分隔符“,”,因为这个分隔符显然只是分隔列,但分隔行的是换行符('chr(10) '或'chr(13)')。因此fromfile对于您的数据来说不够灵活 – dnalow




In [312]: cat mytest.txt 
     0.26  0.63  0.97  1.01  0.42 
     1.66  1.54  1.07  2.13  1.44 
     2.57  2.73  2.45  2.47  2.29 
     3.75  3.91  3.37  3.32  4.32 
     4.27  4.33  4.05  4.21  4.48 
     0.37  0.58  0.07  0.59  0.48 
     2.17  1.99  1.61  1.30  2.09 
     2.82  2.08  2.39  2.48  2.51 
     3.12  3.36  2.76  3.62  3.25 
     4.24  4.97  4.51  4.25  4.65 
     0.42  0.03  0.29  0.10  0.46 
     1.11  2.05  1.40  1.86  1.36 
     2.07  2.16  2.81  2.47  2.37 
     3.65  3.25  3.60  3.23  3.80 
     4.23  3.75  4.67  4.34  4.78 
In [313]: np.fromfile('mytest.txt',count=-1,dtype=float,sep=' ') 
array([ 0.26, 0.63, 0.97, 1.01, 0.42, 1.66, 1.54, 1.07, 2.13, 
     1.44, 2.57, 2.73, 2.45, 2.47, 2.29, 3.75, 3.91, 3.37, 
     3.32, 4.32, 4.27, 4.33, 4.05, 4.21, 4.48, 0.37, 0.58, 
     0.07, 0.59, 0.48, 2.17, 1.99, 1.61, 1.3 , 2.09, 2.82, 
     2.08, 2.39, 2.48, 2.51, 3.12, 3.36, 2.76, 3.62, 3.25, 
     4.24, 4.97, 4.51, 4.25, 4.65, 0.42, 0.03, 0.29, 0.1 , 
     0.46, 1.11, 2.05, 1.4 , 1.86, 1.36, 2.07, 2.16, 2.81, 
     2.47, 2.37, 3.65, 3.25, 3.6 , 3.23, 3.8 , 4.23, 3.75, 
     4.67, 4.34, 4.78]) 



In [315]: cat test.txt 
-0.22424938, 0.16117005, -0.39249256 
-0.22424938, 0.16050598, -0.39249256 
-0.22424938, 0.15984190, -0.39249256 
    0.09214371, -0.26184322, -0.39249256 
    0.09214371, -0.26250729, -0.39249256 
    0.09214371, -0.26317136, -0.39249256 
In [316]: np.fromfile('test.txt',count=-1,dtype=float,sep=',') 
Out[316]: array([-0.22424938, 0.16117005, -0.39249256]) 

loadtxtgenfromtxt设计表格数据。是的,它们很慢,逐行读取文件。但他们有更多的灵活性。 pandas有一个更快的CSV阅读器。


In [319]: timeit np.loadtxt('mytest.txt') 
1000 loops, best of 3: 623 µs per loop 
In [320]: timeit np.fromfile('mytest.txt',count=-1,dtype=float,sep=' ') 
The slowest run took 4.90 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached. 
10000 loops, best of 3: 174 µs per loop