2016-11-06 8 views
//testing.js file 
describe('Criteria and Adjustment Section', function() { 
    it('the labels should have correct spellings -Expected result- the labels have correct spellings', function() { 
    //some logic 

describe('Test 1', function() { 
    it('Click on the company dropdown -Expected result- Four options will be shown', function() { 
    //some logic 



//.xml file 
Test No.  Test-Cases     Expected Results 
01   all the labels should  the labels have correct spellings 
      have correct spellings 

02   Click on the company  Four options will be shown 

输入输出Javascript代码,并显示您的输出不是XML。你不清楚你在问什么,无论如何你都需要显示你写的代码并提出一个具体的问题。这里没有人会为你编写代码。 –


您是否在谈论从摩卡测试中生成xml单元测试报告? https://github.com/michaelleeallen/mocha-junit-reporter – allonhadaya




describe\('[^']*', function \(\) {.*?it\('([^']*)-Expected result-([^']*)', 



using System; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 

public class Test 
    public static void Main() 

     string pattern = @"describe\('[^']*', function \(\) {.*?it\('([^']*)-Expected result-([^']*)',"; 
     string input = @"describe('Criteria and Adjustment Section', function() { 
    it('the labels should have correct spellings -Expected result- the labels have correct spellings', function() { 
    //some logic 

describe('Test 1', function() { 
    it('Click on the company dropdown -Expected result- Four options will be shown', function() { 
    //some logic 
     RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline; 
     int count=0; 
     foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(input, pattern, options)) 
      Console.WriteLine("Test No : "+count); 
      Console.WriteLine("Test-Cases: "+m.Groups[1].Value); 
      Console.WriteLine("Expected Reult: "+m.Groups[2].Value); 



Test No : 1 
Test-Cases: the labels should have correct spellings 
Expected Reult: the labels have correct spellings 
Test No : 2 
Test-Cases: Click on the company dropdown 
Expected Reult: Four options will be shown 

Run the code here



非常感谢你特立独行!我主要遇到了正则表达式模式的问题。 :) –
