2012-05-28 64 views




Function DictAdd(StartingDict As Dictionary, Key, Item, AfterKey) As Dictionary 
Dim DictKey As Variant 

    Set DictAdd = New Dictionary 
    For Each DictKey In StartingDict 
     DictAdd.Add DictKey, StartingDict(DictKey) 
     If DictKey = AfterKey Then DictAdd.Add Key, Item 
    Next DictKey 
End Function 


Sub TestDictAdd() 
Dim MyDict As New Dictionary, DictKey As Variant 

    MyDict.Add "A", "Alpha" 
    MyDict.Add "C", "Charlie" 

    Set MyDict = DictAdd(MyDict, "B", "Bravo", "A") 
    For Each DictKey In MyDict 
     Debug.Print DictKey, MyDict(DictKey) 
    Next DictKey 
End Sub 


  • 加入错误处理
  • 使AfterKey可选参数
  • 添加BeforeKey作为可选参数

+ 1 :)对于打我吧! –



Option Explicit 

Sub Sample() 
    Dim Dict As Dictionary 
    Dim itm As Variant 

    Set Dict = New Dictionary 

    Dict.Add "MyKey1", "Hello" 
    Dict.Add "MyKey2", "This" 
    Dict.Add "MyKey3", "is" 
    Dict.Add "MyKey4", "Example" 

    '~~> USAGE: Dictionaty Object, Key, Text, Position   
    Additem Dict, "MyKey5", "An", 3 

    For Each itm In Dict 
     Debug.Print itm & " - " & Dict(itm) 
End Sub 

Function Additem(ByRef D As Dictionary, ky As Variant, itm As Variant, pos As Long) 
    Dim kyAr() As Variant, itmAr() As Variant 
    Dim temp1() As Variant, temp2() As Variant 
    Dim i As Long 

    kyAr = D.Keys: itmAr = D.Items 

    ReDim temp1(UBound(kyAr) + 1) 
    ReDim temp2(UBound(itmAr) + 1) 

    For i = 0 To pos - 1 
     temp1(i) = kyAr(i): temp2(i) = itmAr(i) 

    temp1(pos) = ky: temp2(pos) = itm 

    For i = pos + 1 To UBound(temp1) 
     temp1(i) = kyAr(i - 1): temp2(i) = itmAr(i - 1) 

    ReDim kyAr(0): ReDim itmAr(0) 

    kyAr() = temp1(): itmAr() = temp2() 


    For i = LBound(kyAr) To UBound(kyAr) 
     D.Add kyAr(i), itmAr(i) 
    Next i 
End Function 



MyKey1 - Hello 
MyKey2 - This 
MyKey3 - is 
MyKey4 - Example 


MyKey1 - Hello 
MyKey2 - This 
MyKey3 - is 
MyKey5 - An 
MyKey4 - Example 

代替排序的字典时,我t包含了我实现的所有项目,称为DctAdd的一个小程序,它可以在添加项目时立即对键进行排序。 假设关键字是vAdd,该项目是vItem,类型变体和要排序的字典都是dct。因此,而不是:

dct.Add vAdd, vItem 


DctAdd dct, vItem, vAdd, dam_sortasc 



' Just for the performance time measurement ----------------------------- 
Private Declare Function GetTime Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "timeGetTime"() As Long 
' For the execution mode of DctAdd -------------------------------------- 
' (may be extended to also cover insert before and after) 
Public Enum enAddInsertMode 
    dam_sortasc = 1 
    dam_sortdesc = 2 
End Enum 

下面的代码可以复制到任何标准或类模块: 请/后注意之前插入尚未实施,但不应该花很长时间才能完成。

Public Sub DctAdd(ByRef dct As Scripting.Dictionary, _ 
        ByVal vItem As Variant, _ 
        ByVal vAdd As Variant, _ 
        ByVal lMode As enAddInsertMode) 
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
' Add to the Dictionary dct the item vItem with vAdd as the key, 
' sorted in ascending or descending order. 
' If the vAdd key already exists, adding it will be skipped without 
' an error. A not existing dictionary is established with the first add 
' W. Rauschenberger, [email protected], Berlin, Feb 2015 
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Dim i   As Long 
Dim dctTemp  As Scripting.Dictionary 
Dim vTempKey As Variant 
Dim bAdd  As Boolean 

    If dct Is Nothing Then Set dct = New Dictionary 

    With dct 
     If .count = 0 Then 
      .Add vAdd, vItem 
      Exit Sub 
      ' ----------------------------------------------------------- 
      ' The can maybee added directly after the last key 
      ' ----------------------------------------------------------- 
      vTempKey = .Keys()(.count - 1)  ' Get the very last key 
      Select Case lMode 
       Case dam_sortasc 
        If vAdd > vTempKey Then 
         .Add vAdd, vItem 
         Exit Sub    ' Done! 
        End If 
       Case dam_sortdesc 
        If vAdd < vTempKey Then 
         .Add vAdd, vItem 
         Exit Sub    ' Done! 
        End If 
      End Select 
     End If 
    End With 

    ' ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Since the new key could not simply be added to the dct it must be 
    ' added/inserted somewhere in between or before the very first key 
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    Set dctTemp = New Dictionary 
    bAdd = True 
    For Each vTempKey In dct 
     With dctTemp 
      If bAdd Then ' When the new item has yet not been added 
       Select Case lMode 
        Case dam_sortasc 
         If vTempKey > vAdd Then 
          If Not dct.Exists(vAdd) Then 
           .Add vAdd, vItem 
          End If 
          bAdd = False ' Add done 
         End If 
        Case dam_sortdesc 
         If vTempKey < vAdd Then 
          If Not dct.Exists(vAdd) Then 
           .Add vAdd, vItem 
          End If 
          bAdd = False ' Add done 
         End If 
       End Select 
      End If 
      .Add vTempKey, dct.Item(vTempKey) 
     End With 
    Next vTempKey 
           ' ------------------------------------ 
    Set dct = dctTemp   ' Return the temporary dictionary with 
    Set dctTemp = Nothing  ' the added new item 
    Exit Sub     ' ------------------------------------ 

    Debug.Print "Error in 'DctAdd'!" 
End Sub 


Public Sub Testdct1Add() 
Dim dct1 As Scripting.Dictionary 
Dim dct2 As Scripting.Dictionary 
Dim i  As Long 
Dim lStart As Long 
Dim lAdd As Long 
Dim vKey As Variant 

    ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    Debug.Print vbLf & "DctAdd: Test ascending order" 
    ' Add sorted ascending with the key provided in the reverse order 
    Set dct1 = Nothing 
    For i = 10 To 1 Step -1 
     DctAdd dct1, i, i, dam_sortasc 
    Next i 
    ' Show the result and wait ---------------- 
    For Each vKey In dct1 
     Debug.Print vKey & " " & dct1.Item(vKey) 
    Next vKey 

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    Debug.Print vbLf & "DctAdd: Test descending order" 
    ' Add sorted ascending with the key provided in the reverse order 
    Set dct1 = Nothing 
    For i = 1 To 10 
     DctAdd dct1, i, i, dam_sortdesc 
    Next i 
    ' Show the result and wait ---------------- 
    For Each vKey In dct1 
     Debug.Print vKey & " " & dct1.Item(vKey) 
    Next vKey 

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    lAdd = 500 
    Debug.Print vbLf & "DctAdd: Test a best case scenario by adding " & _ 
       vbLf & lAdd & " items in the desired sort order" 
    Set dct1 = Nothing 
    lStart = GetTime 
    For i = 1 To lAdd 
     DctAdd dct1, i, i, dam_sortasc 
    Next i 
    Debug.Print "Adding " & dct1.count & " items in the target " & _ 
     vbLf & "sort order = " & GetTime - lStart & " ms" 

    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    lAdd = 500 
    Debug.Print vbLf & "DctAdd: Worst case scenarion test by adding " & _ 
       vbLf & lAdd & " items in the reverse sort order" 
    Set dct1 = Nothing 
    lStart = GetTime 
    For i = lAdd To 1 Step -1 
     DctAdd dct1, i, i, dam_sortasc 
    Next i 
    Debug.Print "Adding " & dct1.count & " items, 4 out of " & vbLf & _ 
       "order = " & GetTime - lStart & " ms" 

    ' ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
    lAdd = 1000 
    Debug.Print vbLf & "DctAdd: Worst case scenarion test by adding " & _ 
       vbLf & lAdd & " items in the reverse sort order" 
    Set dct1 = Nothing 
    lStart = GetTime 
    For i = lAdd To 1 Step -1 
     DctAdd dct1, i, i, dam_sortasc 
    Next i 
    Debug.Print "Adding " & dct1.count & " items:" & vbLf & _ 
       GetTime - lStart & " ms" 


    ' ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
    ' Example for using dctAdd to sort any dictionary. The item if dct2 
    ' are temporarily added sorted ascending to the dct1 and finally set 
    ' to dct2 
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    Debug.Print vbLf & "DctAdd: Used to sort another Dictionary (dct2)" 
    Set dct2 = New Dictionary 
    dct2.Add "F", 1 
    dct2.Add "A", 2 
    dct2.Add "C", 3 
    dct2.Add "H", 4 
    dct2.Add "D", 5 
    dct2.Add "E", 6 
    dct2.Add "G", 7 
    dct2.Add "B", 8 

    Set dct1 = Nothing 
    For Each vKey In dct2 
     DctAdd dct1, dct2(vKey), vKey, dam_sortasc 
    Next vKey 
    Set dct2 = dct1 
    ' Show the result and wait ---------------- 
    For Each vKey In dct2 
     Debug.Print "Key=" & vKey & ", Item=" & dct2.Item(vKey) 
    Next vKey 

End Sub 