2014-06-26 9 views



3959 * acos (
cos (radians(43.7779)) 
* cos(radians(fc.Address1_Latitude)) 
* cos(radians(fc.Address1_Longitude) - radians(-88.4215)) 
+ sin (radians(43.7779)) 
* sin(radians(fc.Address1_Latitude)) 
As Miles 
from filteredcontact fc 


select case 
WHEN 'Miles' < 25 THEN '0-24' 
WHEN 'Miles' <= 25 and 'Miles' <49 THEN '25-49' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 50 and 'Miles' < 74 THEN '50-74' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 75 and 'Miles' < 99 THEN '75-99' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 100 and 'Miles' < 125 THEN '100-125' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 126 and 'Miles' < 151 THEN '126-151' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 152 and 'Miles' < 177 THEN '152-177' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 178 and 'Miles' < 203 THEN '178-203' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 204 and 'Miles' < 229 THEN '204-229' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 230 and 'Miles' < 255 THEN '230-255' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 256 and 'Miles' < 281 THEN '256-281' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 282 and 'Miles' < 307 THEN '282-307' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 308 and 'Miles' < 333 THEN '308-333' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 334 and 'Miles' < 359 THEN '334-359' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 360 and 'Miles' < 385 THEN '360-385' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 386 and 'Miles' < 411 THEN '386-411' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 412 and 'Miles' < 437 THEN '412-437' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 438 and 'Miles' < 463 THEN '438-463' 
    WHEN 'Miles' >= 464 and 'Miles' < 489 THEN '464-489' 
WHEN 'Miles' >= 490 and 'Miles' < 500 THEN '490-500' 
ELSE 'over 500' 


sum (case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Prospect','Inquiry', 'Applicant', 'Admit', 
'Confirmed', 'Enrolled', 'Application Started', 'Application Submitted', 
'Application Completed', 'Application Moved to ERP') then 1 else NULL End) as "INQ", 
    sum (case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Applicant','Admit', 'Confirmed', 'Enrolled', 
    'Application Submitted', 'Application Completed', 
    'Application Moved to ERP')then 1 else NULL End) as "APP", 
    (select cast (sum(case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in   ('Applicant','Admit', 'Confirmed', 
'Enrolled', 'Application Submitted', 'Application Completed', 
'Application Moved to ERP') then 1 else NULL End)as float)/ 
(sum (case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Prospect','Inquiry', 'Applicant', 'Admit', 
'Confirmed', 'Enrolled', 'Application Started', 'Application Submitted', 
'Application Completed', 'Application Moved to ERP') then 1 else NULL End))) "APP/INQ", 
    sum (case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Admit', 'Confirmed', 
    'Enrolled') then 1 else NULL End) as "ADM", 
    (select cast (sum(case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Admit', 'Confirmed', 
    'Enrolled') then 1 else NULL End)as float)/ 
    (sum (case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Applicant','Admit', 'Confirmed', 'Enrolled', 
    'Application Submitted', 'Application Completed', 
    'Application Moved to ERP') then 1 else NULL End))) "ADM/APP", 
    sum (case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Confirmed', 'Enrolled') then 1 else NULL End) as "DEP", 
    (select cast (sum(case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Confirmed', 'Enrolled') then 1 else NULL End)as float)/ 
    (sum (case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Admit', 'Confirmed', 
    'Enrolled') then 1 else NULL End))) "DEP/ADM", 
    sum (case when fc.elucnsrv_currentprimaryappstatusname Like '%Canceled%' then 1 else NULL  End) as "CAN", 
    (select cast (sum(case when fc.elucnsrv_currentprimaryappstatusname Like '%Canceled%' then 1 else NULL End)as float)/ 
    (sum (case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Confirmed', 'Enrolled') then 1 else NULL End))) "CAN/DEP" 
    sum (case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname ='Enrolled' then 1 else NULL end) as "ENR", 
    (select cast (sum(case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname ='Enrolled' then 1 else NULL End)as float)/ 
    (sum (case when fc.datatel_prospectstatusname in ('Admit', 'Confirmed', 'Enrolled') then 1 else NULL End))) "ENR/ADM" 

FROM FilteredContact fc 
    where fc.Address1_Latitude is not null 
    and fc.Address1_Longitude is not null 
    and fc.FirstName is not null 
and fc.LastName is not null 
and fc.datatel_academiclevelofinterestidname in ('PreProfessional' , 'Undergraduate' , 'Special') 
    and (fc.statecodename = 'Active' and fc.customertypecodename = 'Prospective Student') 
    group by fc.address1_latitude, fc.address1_longitude 

您能否提供一个您希望输出看起来像什么的例子?一个简单的输入矩阵可以帮助人们理解你的问题。 – SlimsGhost


这是'Case'声明中的问题吗?因为它将'String''Miles'与'int'进行比较,并且它总是错误的。 – Caveman42


看下面的打印屏幕 – user3629893



enter image description here不知道究竟是什么问题就在这里,但我注意到几件事情:

  1. 在你的第二个代码块,你必须:

    select case 
    WHEN 'Miles' < 25 THEN '0-24' 
    WHEN 'Miles' **<=** 25 and 'Miles' <49 THEN '25-49' 


    select case 
    WHEN 'Miles' < 25 THEN '0-24' 
    WHEN 'Miles' **>=** 25 and 'Miles' <49 THEN '25-49' 
  2. 在您的第二个代码块中,编译器会将“Miles”视为字符串文字,而不是指向列的指针(这似乎是预期的行为)。这将导致转换错误



declare @MilesTable TABLE (Miles INT) 
    INSERT INTO @MilesTable (Miles) 
    3959 * acos (
    cos (radians(43.7779)) 
    * cos(radians(fc.Address1_Latitude)) 
    * cos(radians(fc.Address1_Longitude) - radians(-88.4215)) 
    + sin (radians(43.7779)) 
    * sin(radians(fc.Address1_Latitude)) 
    from filteredcontact fc 

    select case 
    WHEN Miles < 25 THEN '0-24' 
    WHEN Miles <= 25 and 'Miles' <49 THEN '25-49' 
    WHEN Miles >= 50 and 'Miles' < 74 THEN '50-74' 
    WHEN Miles >= 75 and 'Miles' < 99 THEN '75-99' 
    WHEN Miles >= 100 and 'Miles' < 125 THEN '100-125' 
    WHEN Miles >= 126 and 'Miles' < 151 THEN '126-151' 
    WHEN Miles >= 152 and 'Miles' < 177 THEN '152-177' 
    WHEN Miles >= 178 and 'Miles' < 203 THEN '178-203' 
    WHEN Miles >= 204 and 'Miles' < 229 THEN '204-229' 
    WHEN Miles >= 230 and 'Miles' < 255 THEN '230-255' 
    WHEN Miles >= 256 and 'Miles' < 281 THEN '256-281' 
    WHEN Miles >= 282 and 'Miles' < 307 THEN '282-307' 
    WHEN Miles >= 308 and 'Miles' < 333 THEN '308-333' 
    WHEN Miles >= 334 and 'Miles' < 359 THEN '334-359' 
    WHEN Miles >= 360 and 'Miles' < 385 THEN '360-385' 
    WHEN Miles >= 386 and 'Miles' < 411 THEN '386-411' 
    WHEN Miles >= 412 and 'Miles' < 437 THEN '412-437' 
    WHEN Miles >= 438 and 'Miles' < 463 THEN '438-463' 
     WHEN Miles >= 464 and 'Miles' < 489 THEN '464-489' 
    WHEN Miles >= 490 and 'Miles' < 500 THEN '490-500' 
    ELSE 'over 500' 
    FROM @MilesTable 



但是,我们没有使用里程表,这是我们正在报告中的一列。我们把它放在离校园不远的地方,而不用使用这个选择语句。在转换英里数后,我们希望它将数字放入coluhms中。例如,我会在数学后离校园20英里远的地方居住。现在我想把我的青年放到一个类别中,我将属于这个类别,并且距离校园不到24英里。我们正试图获得每个类别的累计总数。 – user3629893


我认为你要做的然后是把: ( 3959 * acos( cos(弧度(43。7779)) * COS(弧度(fc.Address1_Latitude)) * COS(弧度(fc.Address1_Longitude) - 弧度(-88.4215)) +罪(弧度(43.7779)) *罪(弧度(fc.Address1_Latitude) ) )) 你的时间。如果您试图针对您在运行时创建的列运行case语句,则它不会像原文中所写的那样工作,因为尽管您和我知道该列被称为“Miles”,但SQL不知道。这将是巨大而令人讨厌的,因此@MilesTable –