2016-09-20 90 views

我试图使用Excel VBA提供Active Directory域上的用户帐户的帐户信息。我在“Active Directory用户和计算机”中的“帐户”选项卡中苦苦寻找选项,专门检查帐户是否被锁定。我有以下代码,但不管我尝试获取帐户锁定状态我无法获得输出或它失败(假设我的代码尝试是无效的),我到目前为止的代码适用于以下所有其他属性:任何人都可以推荐一种方法来扩展现有代码以捕获帐户是否被锁定。 史蒂夫在Active Directory中搜索锁定帐户(Excel/VB)

Sub UpdateInfoFromAD() 

Dim wksSheet As Worksheet 
Dim strID As String 
Set wksSheet = Sheets("IDs") 

Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Turns off screen updating 
ldapFilter = "(samAccountType=805306368)" 
Set rootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") 
domainDN = rootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext") 
Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
ado.Provider = "ADSDSOObject" 
ado.Open "ADSearch" 

strID = "A" 
i = 3 
With wksSheet 
    Do While Cells(i, 1).value <> "" 
     .Range("B" & i & ":L" & i).ClearContents 
     .Range("B" & i & ":L" & i).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous 
     userSamAccountName = .Range(strID & i).value 
     ldapFilter = "(samAccountName=" & userSamAccountName & ")" 
     Set objectList = ado.Execute("<LDAP://" & domainDN & ">;" & ldapFilter & ";distinguishedName,samAccountName,displayname,userPrincipalName,Adspath,accountExpires,lockoutTime;subtree") 
     While Not objectList.EOF 
      Adspath = objectList.Fields("Adspath") 
      Set oUser = GetObject(Adspath) 

      On Error Resume Next 
      Set llValue = oUser.Get("pwdLastSet") 
      LastPWSet = "": LastPWSet = LargeIntegerToDate(llValue) 
      Set llValue = oUser.Get("lastLogonTimestamp") 
      LastLogon = "": LastLogon = LargeIntegerToDate(llValue) 
      AccountDisabled = "": AccountDisabled = oUser.AccountDisabled 
      Company = "": Company = oUser.Company 
      Description = "": Description = oUser.Description 
      oUser.GetInfoEx Array("canonicalName"), 0 
      canonicalName = "": canonicalName = oUser.canonicalName 
      targetAddress = "": targetAddress = oUser.targetAddress 
      mailPrimary = "": mailPrimary = oUser.mail 
      tspp = "": tspp = oUser.TerminalServicesProfilePath 
      HomeDirectory = "": HomeDirectory = oUser.HomeDirectory 
      AccountExpirationDate = "": AccountExpirationDate = oUser.AccountExpirationDate 
      If AccountExpirationDate = "01/01/1970" Then 
       AccountExpirationDate = "" 
      End If 
      AccLock = oUser.lockoutTime 

      .Range("B" & i).value = LastPWSet 
      .Range("C" & i).value = LastLogon 
      .Range("D" & i).value = AccountDisabled 
      .Range("E" & i).value = AccountExpirationDate 
      .Range("F" & i).value = Description 
      .Range("G" & i).value = Company 
      .Range("H" & i).value = canonicalName 
      .Range("I" & i).value = HomeDirectory 
      .Range("J" & i).value = tspp 
      .Range("K" & i).value = mailPrimary 
      .Range("L" & i).value = AccLock 
      On Error GoTo 0 

    i = i + 1 

End With 
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'Turns on screen updating 
MsgBox "Done" 
End Sub 

Function LargeIntegerToDate(value) 
'takes Microsoft LargeInteger value (Integer8) and returns according the date and time 
    'first determine the local time from the timezone bias in the registry 
    Set sho = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") 
    timeShiftValue = sho.RegRead("HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\ActiveTimeBias") 
    If IsArray(timeShiftValue) Then 
     timeShift = 0 
     For i = 0 To UBound(timeShiftValue) 
      timeShift = timeShift + (timeShiftValue(i) * 256^i) 
     timeShift = timeShiftValue 
    End If 
    'get the large integer into two long values (high part and low part) 
    i8High = value.HighPart 
    i8Low = value.LowPart 
    If (i8Low < 0) Then 
      i8High = i8High + 1 
    End If 
    'calculate the date and time: 100-nanosecond-steps since 12:00 AM, 1/1/1601 
    If (i8High = 0) And (i8Low = 0) Then 
     LargeIntegerToDate = #1/1/1601# 
     LargeIntegerToDate = #1/1/1601# + (((i8High * 2^32) + i8Low)/600000000 - timeShift)/1440 
    End If 
End Function 




Const UF_LOCKOUT = &H10 

oUser.GetInfoEx Array("msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed"), 0 
AccLock = (oUser.Get("msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed") And UF_LOCKOUT) = UF_LOCKOUT 