2016-08-01 27 views

我需要学习将JSON对象转换为javascript。 在下面的JSON中有2列,我将如何迭代这两列。 请帮助我。学习将json对象转换为java脚本并在HTML中显示输出


    "hotels": { 

     "1":{"name": "Taj Residency","description":" Sample description of Taj" }, 

    "2":{"name": "Gulf Zone","description":" Sample description of Gulf Zone"}, 

    "3":{"name": "Silver Resort","description":" Sample description of Silver Resort"}, 

    "4":{"name": "Burj Al Arab","description":" Sample description of Burj Al Arab "}, 

    "5":{"name": "Raffles Dubai","description":" Sample description of Raffles Dubai"}, 

    "6":{"name": "Dubai Heights","description":" Sample description of Dubai Heights"}, 

    "7":{"name": "Classic Tower","description":" Sample description of Classic Tower"}, 

    "8":{"name": "Royal","description":" Sample description of Royal"}, 

    "9":{"name": "Al Arab Residency","description":" Sample description of Al Arab Residency"} 


"location": { 

    "1":{"name": "Dubai" }, 

"2":{"name": "Sharjah"}, 

"3":{"name": "Abu Dhabi"}, 

"4":{"name": "Mumbai"} 





    <meta charset="utf-8" /> 
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script> 
     $(document).ready(function() { 
       type: 'GET', 
       url: 'jSon.json', 
       data: '', 
       dataType: 'json', 
       success: function (response) { 





有些迂腐:没有这样的事情JSON对象; JSON是一个字符串;它可能会转换为JavaScript对象(JSON名称从中衍生出来)。至于将它输出为HTML,您需要用循环遍历它并创建DOM元素。你尝试过什么吗? – Utkanos


你会得到什么错误? – gcampbell


你试图在浏览器中显示的内容 – Paarth




    <meta charset="utf-8" /> 
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script> 
     $(document).ready(function() { 
       type: 'GET', 
       url: 'jSon.json', 
       data: '', 
       dataType: 'json', 
       success: function (data) { 



<div class="myClass"> 
<div class="hotels"></div> 
<div class="Locations"></div> 


好:)期待相同的输出。 谢谢:) –



var json = '{"hotels": {"1":{"name": "Taj Residency","description":" Sample description of Taj" },"2":{"name": "Gulf Zone","description":" Sample description of Gulf Zone"},"3":{"name": "Silver Resort","description":" Sample description of Silver Resort"},"4":{"name": "Burj Al Arab","description":" Sample description of Burj Al Arab "},"5":{"name": "Raffles Dubai","description":" Sample description of Raffles Dubai"},"6":{"name": "Dubai Heights","description":" Sample description of Dubai Heights"},"7":{"name": "Classic Tower","description":" Sample description of Classic Tower"},"8":{"name": "Royal","description":" Sample description of Royal"},"9":{"name": "Al Arab Residency","description":" Sample description of Al Arab Residency"}},"location": {"1":{"name": "Dubai" },"2":{"name": "Sharjah"},"3":{"name": "Abu Dhabi"},"4":{"name": "Mumbai"}}}'; 

var obj = JSON.parse(json); 

var hotels = obj.hotels; 
var locations = obj.location; 


/* To access hotels */ 
for (var i in hotels) { 
    var hotel = hotels[i]; 
    console.log(hotel.name + ":" + hotel.description); 


它工作得很好,请给我解释一下代码?请? –


@HarshadPatil - 你有什么JS经验吗?这是非常基本的东西。我鼓励你阅读关于基本JS的教程。 – evolutionxbox


好的非常感谢你的支持:) –