2015-10-08 71 views

的拆分内容我有这样mysql表:Laravel 5.1 - 表

| id |    title    | chapter | date_release | author | 
| 1 | This is should be title One |  1 | 10/08/2015 | John Robert | 
| 2 | This is should be title Two |  1 | 11/08/2015 | John Robert | 
| 3 | This is should be title Three |  1 | 12/08/2015 | John Robert | 
| 4 | This is should be title Four |  2 | 10/09/2015 | Sir Arthur | 
| 5 | This is should be title Five |  2 | 11/09/2015 | Sir Arthur | 
| 6 | This is should be title Six |  1 | 13/08/2015 | John Robert | 
| 7 | This is should be title Seven |  2 | 12/08/2015 | Sir Arthur | 

在Laravel 5.1我想从基于chapter表分裂,并导致view这样的:

<div class="chapter-1"> 
    All content from table of chapter 1 only 
<div class="chapter-2"> 
    All content from table of chapter 2 only 

我有不知道我应该在controller中做什么查询功能,以及如何在laravel view中显示它?


@ aldrin27问我关于我的控制器,在这儿呢。


namespace App\Http\Controllers; 

use Illuminate\Http\Request; 
use App\Book; 
use App\Http\Requests; 
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; 

class BookController extends Controller { 


    public function show($id) { 
     $book = Book::find($id); 
     return view('books.show', compact('book')); 



我可以看到你的控制器吗? – aldrin27


我的'controller'是一个标准的Laravel控制器,它有'index','edit','show','store'等。如果我不知道如何做到这一点,我应该如何显示我的控制器功能? (仍为空控制器) – wahyueka31


什么控制器会查询您的数据并将其传递给视图? – aldrin27





$books = Book::all(); 

$groupedBooks = $books->groupBy('chapter'); 


@foreach($groupedBooks as $chapter => $books) 
    <div class="chapter-{{ $chapter }}"> 
     @foreach($books as $book) 
      <p>{{ $book->title }}</p> 

注:我觉得有一个问题与你如何建立你的关系。例如,Book包含(零个或多个?)Chapter,因此这些将是两个相关模型,而不是仅使用一个模型 - Book。但那只是我...