2012-03-21 77 views

我正在学习中断和键盘硬件中断,例如中断9(在dos中)。 我注意到,如果我按下箭头键(左,右,上,下),则会出现两个连续的中断。第一个是'Shift'按钮中断,第二个是我按下的箭头键。按下箭头键拍摄两个键盘中断? (int 09h)



我对INT 9代码:

void interrupt interrupt_9_Implementation{ 

unsigned char scanCode; 


    in al, 60h // read the keyboard input from port 60h (96 Decimal) into al; 
    mov scanCode, al // save the keyboard input into 'scanCode' varaible 
    in al, 61h // read 8255 port 61h (97 Decimal) into al 
    or al, 128   // set the MSB - the keyboard acknowlege signal 
    out 61h, al   // send the keyboard acknowlege signal from al 
    xor al, 128 // unset the MSB - the keyboard acknowlege signal 
    out 61h, al  // send the keyboard acknowlege signal from al 

if(128 > scanCode){ // if the button is being pressed or being released. if the button is being pressed then the MSb isn't set and therfore it must be smaller than 128 

    printf("You pressed key assigned scan code = %d\n", scanCode); 

    if(EscScanCode == scanCode) 
     EscPressed = _True; 
     printf("Press any key (almost)\n:"); 

// send EOI 
    mov al, 20h 
    out 20h, al 


Press any key (almost) 
:You pressed key assigned scan code = 42 // the 'shift' key scan code 
Press any key (almost) 
:You pressed key assigned scan code = 77 // the right arrow button scan code 

到目前为止,这是唯一的发生用箭头键。而'Shift'没有被按下。 我使用的是Logitech Wave键盘。




1.7 Added non-fake shifts 

On my 121-key Nokia Data keyboard there are function keys F1, ..., F24, where F1, ..., F12 
send the expected codes 3b, ..., 58, and F13, ..., F24 send the same codes together with 
the LShift code 2a. Thus, F13 gives 2a 3b on press, and bb aa on release. Similarly, there 
are keys with added LCtrl code 1d. But there are also keys with added fake shifts e0 2a. 

Delorie reports that the "Preh Commander AT" keyboard with additional F11-F22 keys treats 
F11-F20 as Shift-F1..Shift-F10 and F21/F22 as Ctrl-F1/Ctrl-F2; the Eagle PC-2 keyboard 
with F11-F24 keys treats those additional keys in the same way. 






微软对键盘扫描码rather nice write-up,其具有如下描述:

    Base Make Base Break 
Right Arrow  E0 4D  E0 CD 
Num Lock ON  Precede Base   follow Base Break 
        Make code with   code with 
Final Key only E0 2A     E0 AA 


E0 2A E0 4D 
