2015-01-03 116 views

我已经从文件中读取了一个RGB值的数据集,我试图编码K means算法,所以我需要找到数据集中最接近三个数字的值(3个值),可以你帮我告诉我如何做到这一点?找到最接近的值C++




#include "stdafx.h" 
#include <iostream>; 
#include <fstream>; 
#include <string>; 
#include <cstdlib>; 

using namespace std; 

class rgb { 


    int r; 
    int g; 
    int b; 


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) 

    char filename[2000]; 

    ifstream infile; 

    if (infile.fail()) { 

     cerr << "something went wrong :(" << endl; 


    rgb array[500]; 

    cout << "reading in file: " << endl; 

    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) 
     infile >> array[i].r >> array[i].g >> array[i].b; 

     cout << "r: " << array[i].r << " "; 
     cout << "g: " << array[i].g << " "; 
     cout << "b: " << array[i].b << " " << endl; 


int num = 180; // random value assigned at 180 
    int centroid1x; 
    int distance = 400; 
    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) 

     if (abs(num - array[i].r) <= distance) 
      distance = abs(num - array[i].r); 
      centroid1x = array[i].r; 

     cout << centroid1x << " " ; 

    cout << endl << endl; 

    int centroid1y; 
    distance = 400; 
    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) 

     if (abs(num - array[i].g) <= distance) 
      distance = abs(num - array[i].g); 
      centroid1y = array[i].g; 

     cout << centroid1y << " " ; 

    cout << endl << endl; 

    int centroid1z; 
    distance = 400; 
    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) 

     if (abs(num - array[i].b) <= distance) 
      distance = abs(num - array[i].b); 
      centroid1z = array[i].b; 

     cout << centroid1z << " " ; 

    cout << endl << endl; 

    cout << "The closest x axis of centroid one is: " << centroid1x << endl; 
    cout << "The closest y axis of centroid one is: " << centroid1y << endl; 
    cout << "The closest z axis of centroid one is: " << centroid1z << endl << endl; 

    cout << "The closest point to centroid one is " << centroid1x << "." << centroid1y << "." << centroid1z << endl; 


    return 0; 



你的代码有什么问题。您不需要在这里编写所有的代码,而是为您的问题提供[SSCCE](http://www.sscce.org)。 – Werner


我想学习一种方法,使程序找到数据集(文件)中的哪些数字更接近180,40和100 – ceefax


是的,但你有一个代码,有什么不工作呢?你能否隔离那些工作不正常的问题部分? – Werner






我保持我的解决方案接近。我没有提供额外的数组,而是扩展了rgb类,以便它对最接近的质心采取整数引用。 split函数分配这个值。



#include <iostream> 

struct rgb { 
    int r; 
    int g; 
    int b; 
    int ref; // reference index of closest centroid 

char hexdigit(int x) 
    if (x < 0) return '?'; 
    if (x < 10) return '0' + x; 
    if (x < 16) return 'a' + x - 10; 
    return '?'; 

std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, rgb const &x) 
    return os << '#' 
     << hexdigit(x.r/16) << hexdigit(x.r % 16) 
     << hexdigit(x.g/16) << hexdigit(x.g % 16) 
     << hexdigit(x.b/16) << hexdigit(x.b % 16); 

void split(rgb pool[], size_t npool, rgb const cent[], size_t ncent) 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < npool; i++) { 
     rgb *p = pool + i; 
     int dmin = 4*255*255; 

     for (size_t j = 0; j < ncent; j++) { 
      rgb const *c = cent + j; 
      int rr = p->r - c->r; 
      int gg = p->g - c->g; 
      int bb = p->b - c->b; 
      int dd = rr*rr + gg*gg + bb*bb; 

      if (dd < dmin) { 
       p->ref = j; 
       dmin = dd; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    rgb data[12] = { 
     {106, 92, 69}, 
     {135, 16, 137}, 
     {208, 204, 220}, 
     { 11, 52, 120}, 
     { 33, 57, 81}, 
     {196, 199, 192}, 
     {236, 237, 85}, 
     { 89, 27, 225}, 
     {173, 74, 158}, 
     {220, 2, 66}, 
     {171, 145, 204}, 
     {221, 60, 235} 

    rgb cent[3] = { 
     {255, 0, 0}, 
     {0, 255, 0}, 
     {0, 0, 255} 

    split(data, 12, cent, 3); 

    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { 
     std::cout << data[i] << " " << cent[data[i].ref] << std::endl; 

    return 0; 

这是非常感谢你,我会尝试和重写这个,以便我可以学习它,然后实施我的版本到我的代码:) – ceefax


我会投它,但我不够高的排名:( – ceefax