

有没有办法循环访问数组,并可能创建另一个只包含唯一位置的数组? (纬度,经度)


  var size = 0; 
      var uniqueCustomers = [] 
      for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) { 
       if (uniqueCustomers.indexOf(gmarkers[i]) < 0) { 
        uniqueCustomers[size] = gmarkers[i]; 
        size = size + 1; 




var gmarkers = [] ; 

var coords = [ 
    {lat : 42.1, lng:3.4}, 
    {lat : 42.2, lng:3.4}, 
    {lat : 42.3, lng:3.4}, 
    {lat : 42.4, lng:3.4}, 
    {lat : 42.1, lng:3.4}, 
    {lat : 42.2, lng:3.4} 
] ; 

for (var i in coords) 
    gmarkers.push(new google.maps.Marker({ 
    })) ; 

var size = 0; 
var uniqueCustomers = {} ; 

// Loop on the 6 markers 
for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) { 
    // Create a key to identify tje position of the marker 
    var key = gmarkers[i].position.lat() + ',' + gmarkers[i].position.lng() ; 
    // If this key is not already on uniqueCustomers, then we add the marker with this key to uniqueCustomers, so at the next loops if it exists we don't add it another time 
    if (typeof uniqueCustomers[key] == 'undefined') 
    uniqueCustomers[key] = gmarkers[i] ; 

console.log('gmarkers.length',gmarkers.length) ; // 6 
console.log('uniqueCustomers.length',Object.keys(uniqueCustomers).length) ; // 4 
console.log('uniqueCustomers',Object.keys(uniqueCustomers)) ; // Display only uniques
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js"></script>


非常感谢!这工作完美! – Olis


不客气;)请考虑检查这个答案,因为有同样问题的人很容易看到这就是答案。 –


在那里,再次感谢:) – Olis