2012-11-08 68 views

好的问候Django的。Django syncdb,错误:一个或多个模型没有验证

我是一个新手,虽然试图确保数据库同步,我得到Error: One or more models did not validate


./manage.py syncdb --settings=settings.jacob 
Error: One or more models did not validate: 
users.userprofile: "uuid": Primary key fields cannot have null=True. 
places.category: "uuid": Primary key fields cannot have null=True. 
places.image: "uuid": Primary key fields cannot have null=True. 
places.masterplace: "uuid": Primary key fields cannot have null=True. 
places.place: "uuid": Primary key fields cannot have null=True. 

./manage.py schemamigration appname --auto --settings=settings.jacob 
Error: One or more models did not validate: 
users.userprofile: "uuid": Primary key fields cannot have null=True. 
places.category: "uuid": Primary key fields cannot have null=True. 
places.image: "uuid": Primary key fields cannot have null=True. 
places.masterplace: "uuid": Primary key fields cannot have null=True. 
places.place: "uuid": Primary key fields cannot have null=True. 

你可以发布你的一些车型。 –


完成了,现在我确实看到了null = False,但不确定它为什么存在,以及是否存在问题。 – webjay

