2015-06-11 60 views



//region Instance Variables 
    private int count; 
    private K[] keys; 
    private E[] data; 
    private boolean[] hasBeenUsed; 

    //region Constructor 
    public Table(int capacity) 
     if (capacity <= 0) 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Capacity is negative."); 

     keys = (K[]) new Object[capacity]; 
     data = (E[]) new Object[capacity]; 
     hasBeenUsed = new boolean[capacity]; 


public E[] getData() 
     return data; 

    public E getDataAt(int index) 
     return data[index]; 


public void print(Table hash) 
     Person[] people = toArray(hash); 
     for (int i = 0; i < hash.getData().length; i++) 
      if (null == hash.getKeyAt(i)) 
       System.out.println("NULL AT " + i); 
       System.out.println("Key: " + hash.getKeyAt(i) + " Data: " + hash.getDataAt(i)); 

    private Person[] toArray(Table hash) 
     Person[] people = new Person[hash.getData().length]; 

     for (int i = 0; i < hash.getData().length; i++) 
      people[i] = hash.getDataAt(i); 


public class Table<K,E> 
    //region Instance Variables 
    private int count; 
    private K[] keys; 
    private E[] data; 
    private boolean[] hasBeenUsed; 

    //region Constructors 

    * Constructor 
    * Instantiates the keys, data, and hasBeenUsed variables with a passed value of capacity 
    * @param capacity the size to give the three instance arrays 
    public Table(int capacity) 
     if (capacity <= 0) 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Capacity is negative."); 

     keys = (K[]) new Object[capacity]; 
     data = (E[]) new Object[capacity]; 
     hasBeenUsed = new boolean[capacity]; 

    * Constructor 
    * Default-Sets arrays to size 10 
    public Table() 
     keys = (K[]) new Object[10]; 
     data = (E[]) new Object[10]; 
     hasBeenUsed = new boolean[10]; 

    //region Public Methods 

    * Put 
    * Adds a new set to the table 
    * @param key The new Key value 
    * @param data the new Data value 
    * @return null if this is a new set, the old data value if the key already exists 
    public E put(K key, E data) 
     int index = findIndex(key); 
     E answer; 

     if (index != -1) 
      answer = (E) this.data[index]; 
      this.data[index] = data; 
      return answer; 
     } else if (count < this.data.length) 
      index = hash(key); 
      while (keys[index] != null) 
       index = nextIndex(index, key); 
      keys[index] = key; 
      this.data[index] = data; 
      hasBeenUsed[index] = true; 
      return null; 
     } else 
      System.out.println("ERROR IN PUT"); 
     return null; 

    * Remove 
    * Removes a key-data set from the table 
    * @return the value removed 
    public E remove(K key) 
     int index = findIndex(key); 
     E answer = null; 

     if (index != -1) 
      answer = (E) data[index]; 
      keys[index] = null; 
      data[index] = null; 
     return answer; 

    * Contains Key 
    * Checks if the passed key exists 
    * @param key generic type key to check for 
    * @return true if the key exists 
    public boolean containsKey(K key) 
     for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) 
      if (hasBeenUsed[i]) 
       if (keys[i].equals(key)) 
        return true; 
     return false; 

    * Get 
    * Retrieves the data held stored with key 
    * @param key the key to access 
    * @return the data at key, null if key does not exist 
    public E get(K key) 
     int index = findIndex(key); 

     if (index == -1) 
      return null; 
      return (E) data[index]; 

    //region Private Methods 

    //Locates the index value of key 
    private int findIndex(K key) 
     int count = 0; 
     int i = hash(key); 

     while ((count < data.length) && (hasBeenUsed[i])) 
      if (key.equals(keys[i])) 
       return i; 
      i = nextIndex(i, key); 

     return -1; 

    //Hashes the key 
    private int hash(K key) 
     return Math.abs(key.hashCode()) % data.length; 

    private int hash2(K key) 
     return 1 + (Math.abs(key.hashCode()) % (data.length-2)); 

    //Determines if the next index is valid 
    private int nextIndex(int i, K key) 
     return (i + hash2(key)) % data.length; 

    //region Getters and Setters 
    public int getCount() 
     return count; 

    public void setCount(int count) 
     this.count = count; 

    public K[] getKeys() 
     return keys; 

    public K getKeyAt(int index) 
     return keys[index]; 

    public void setKeys(K[] keys) 
     this.keys = keys; 

    public E[] getData() 
     return data; 

    public E getDataAt(int index) 
     return data[index]; 

    public void setData(E[] data) 
     this.data = data; 

编辑 我编辑的打印方法,现在我得到一个ClassCastException


public void print(Table<Integer, Person> hash) 
     for (int i = 0; i < hash.getKeys().length; i++) 
      if (null == hash.getKeyAt(i)) 
       System.out.println("NULL AT " + hash.getKeyAt(i)); 
       System.out.println("Data at key " + hash.getKeyAt(i) + ": \n"); 

实际上,'Table'是通用的。当你说'print(Table hash)'时,你正在使用[raw type](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/generics/rawTypes.html)。不要使用原始类型。 –
