2011-07-26 77 views
------ Starting pre-build validation for project 'CServ Setup' ------ 
WARNING: All custom dialogs must precede the 'Installation Folder' dialog. 
------ Pre-build validation for project 'CServ Setup' completed ------ 
1>------ Build started: Project: CServ Setup, Configuration: Release-W2k3 ------ 
Building file 'C:\temp\Backup Solution Sources\SQLite\CServ Setup\Release-W2k3\CServ  Setup.msi'... 
WARNING: No 'HomeSite' attribute has been provided for 'Visual C++ Runtime Libraries (x86)', so the package will be published to the same location as the bootstrapper. 
Packaging file 'MD5.dll'... 
Packaging file 'Service Installer.exe'... 
Packaging file 'Common.dll'... 
Packaging file 'cygbz2-1.dll'... 
Packaging file 'ConfigEditor.exe'... 
Packaging file 'dr4qvb9h.pol'... 
Packaging file 'crx86.dll'... 
Packaging file 'cygwin1.dll'... 
Packaging file 'CServ Service.exe'... 
Packaging file 'cmx86.dll'... 
Packaging file 'dtblcyrm.pol'... 
Packaging file 'CServConfig.xml'... 
Packaging file '6yixebcz.pol'... 
Packaging file 'SocHandler.dll'... 
Packaging file 'knj_y5bk.pol'... 
Packaging file 'OServHandler.dll'... 
Packaging file 'AdminConsoleInterface.dll'... 
Packaging file 'cmx86.dll'... 
Packaging file 'sc.exe'... 
Packaging file 'TransferServer.dll'... 
Packaging file 'cmx86.dll'... 
Packaging file '7b0ouomo.mic'... 
Packaging file 'StartCServ.exe'... 
Packaging file 'HouseKeeper.dll'... 
Packaging file 'crx86.dll'... 
Packaging file 'Logger.dll'... 
Packaging file 'cpx86.dll'... 
Packaging file 'zip.exe'... 
Packaging file 'Backup Solution Watchdog.exe'... 
Packaging file 'ConfigurationHandler.dll'... 
Packaging file 'cpx86.dll'... 
Packaging file 'sqlite3.dll'... 
Packaging file 'zlib1.dll'... 
Packaging file 'cg2bqsbk.mic'... 
Packaging file 'crx86.dll'... 
Packaging file 'dr_73xog.mic'... 
Packaging file 'CServHousekeeperConfig.xml'... 
Packaging file 'CServLoggerConfig.xml'... 
Packaging file 'CServ.dll'... 
Packaging file 'cpx86.dll'... 
Packaging file 'xerces-c_2_8.dll'... 
Packaging file 'Scheduler.dll'... 
Packaging file 'wuqeehyk.mic'... 
Packaging file 'unzip.exe'... 
Packaging file 'ufdprep.exe'... 
Packaging file 'CompressionTool.dll'... 
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 18 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== 

这是我在安装项目上构建时得到的输出。请注意,所有其他文件/输出均来自同一解决方案中的其他项目。我如何解决这个问题?Visual Studio安装项目说构建失败,但不知道为什么




在'工具 - >选项'菜单中,'项目和解决方案 - >构建和运行'将'MSBuild项目构建输出详细程度'的值更改为详细或诊断,应该可以帮助你找到问题。


它没有正确构建,因为我将Target设置为Win32而不是任何CPU。 – roymustang86
