2010-11-14 57 views








在VB 6中没有与在VB.NET中找到的通用List<T>等效。但是,在VB 6中有这样一个东西,它提供了类似的功能。主要区别在于一个VB 6 Collection没有强类型,这意味着所有对象在集合中被存储为Variants。在某些情况下,这可能是有益的,因为它允许您在同一个集合中存储许多不同类型的数据,事实上,VB在内部使用此对象。使用Collection和上传对象,因为它们是从课堂中检索的,但很难做到。在VB运行时中不可能实现强类型的集合。




Public Class CustomerCollection 

    ''#Internal collection, exposed by this class 
    Private m_Customers As Collection 

    Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
     ''#Set up the internal collection 
     Set m_Customers = New Collection 
    End Sub 

    Public Sub Add(ByVal cust as Customer, Optional ByVal key as String) 
     ''#Add the Customer object to the internal collection 
     If IsMissing(key) Then 
      m_Customers.Add cust 
      m_Customers.Add cust, key 
     End If 
    End Sub 

    Public Property Get Count() As Integer 
     ''#Return the number of objects in the internal collection 
     Count = m_Customers.Count 
    End Property 

    Public Sub Remove(ByVal index As Variant) 
     ''#Remove the specified object from the internal collection, 
     ''# either by its index or its key 
     m_Customers.Remove index 
    End Sub 

    Public Function Item(ByVal index As Variant) as Customer 
     ''#Return the specified object from the internal collection, 
     ''# either by its index or its key 
     Set Item = m_Customers.Item(index) 
    End Function 

    Public Sub Clear() 
     ''#Removes all objects from the internal collection 
     Set m_Customers = New Collection 
    End Sub 

End Class 

需要注意的是,以自定义集合的Item属性设置为集合的默认方法(如内置Collection对象),您需要遵循这些步骤在VB 6 IDE:

  1. 从 “工具” 菜单上,单击 “过程属性”

  2. 从“名称”组合框中选择您的自定义班级的名称。

  3. 当出现对话框时,单击“高级”按钮。

  4. 在“程序ID”组合框中选择“(默认)”项目。

  5. 单击“确定”

如果您还想允许使用For Each语法(也喜欢内置Collection对象),您可以添加自定义类的枚举NewEnum功能,以您的自定义类:

Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown 
    ''#Provides support for enumeration using For Each 
    Set NewEnum = m_Customers.[_NewEnum] 
End Property 


  1. 和以前一样,从“工具”菜单

  2. 打开“过程属性”对话框中,从“名称”组合框中选择自定义类的名称。

  3. 当出现对话框时,单击“高级”按钮。

  4. 在“程序ID”组合框中键入数字“-4”。

  5. 单击 “确定”


+1。恕我直言,这个(正确的)解决方案在很多情况下都是有用的,但对于其他一些情况,它可能有点过大。 – 2010-11-14 14:32:28


@Doc Brown:同意。优秀的文字选择。 – 2010-11-14 14:35:58


+1但是不要自己创建样板。 Francesco Balena写了[CollectionClassMaster](http://www.angryhacker.com/download/colclassmaster.zip),这是VB6 IDE的一个免费插件,可以自动为您提供。 [AngryHacker](http://angryhacker.com/blog/archive/2008/05/01/vb6-swiss-army-knife.aspx)) – MarkJ 2010-11-14 20:00:25




我通常在各种项目中使用c#,但对于独立的可执行文件。为什么?。因为.net很慢(大多数情况下),它可以很容易地反编译,它需要网络框架,它不适用于大多数操作系统,vb6可以从windows95运行到linux(用wine不需要太多努力)。单独的可执行文件充其量是“质朴的”。我的其他选择是Delphi和C++,但它是另一回事。 – magallanes 2010-11-14 13:59:36


你的推理是错误的。 VB6缺乏通用类型,并不是因为它是一种古老的语言(事实并非如此,C++更古老),而是因为它是一种有意识的决定,使这种复杂性远离具有完全不同利基的语言。 – GSerg 2010-11-14 14:04:25


请注意,我没有downvote,因为-2对于确实提供正确答案的帖子来说足够低。但我认为值得指出的是,作为程序员,我们总是不会选择任何我们想要的语言。你的建议并不真正有帮助,可能比任何事情都更令人沮丧。而对于它的价值,你可能还记得那个“古代”C#1.1中的泛型之前的生活...... – 2010-11-14 14:33:08



Dim l() as somefixedclass 
Redim l(0) 

'increase size dynamically: 
Redim Preserve l(ubound(l)+1) 

当然,一个List<somefixedclass>(在C#)或List(Of somefixedclass)在VB.NET中更加“用户友好”,因为它具有Find,Remove,AddRange和其他一些有用的方法。旧的VB6构造非常不利于“空列表”的情况。不要忘记,列表< ..>增加对大列表(大小> 1000)有更好的性能。


是的,这是另一种选择,谢谢 – magallanes 2010-11-14 14:33:45


这是一个合理的解决方案,不同之处在于'Redim Preserve'的性能可能是杀手级的,如果你发现自己调用它很多。在VB 6中使用数组或者“Collection”是一个重要的设计决定,最好的建议是如果你知道(或者可以近似地)预先提供的项目数量,那么你应该选择一个数组。性能稍好于“集合”,但如果您要动态添加和删除对象,“集合”可能是最佳选择。 – 2010-11-14 14:35:15


@Cody Gray:是的,性能可能会变坏。在我最近5年在Excel-VBA中编写的大多数真实世界的程序中,98%的列表情况是列表中少于500个条目的列表,其中此解决方案如果完全足够。 – 2010-11-14 14:42:28



Option Explicit 

Private mavInternalArray() As Variant 
Private mlArraySize As Long 
Private mlCount As Long 
Private mlGrowSize As Long 
Private mfZeroIndex As Boolean 

' Procedure Clear 
Public Sub Clear() 
      Dim index As Long 

     For index = 0 To mlCount - 1 
      If IsObject(mavInternalArray(index)) Then 
       Set mavInternalArray(index) = Nothing 
      End If 
     Next index 
     mlCount = 0 

End Sub 

' Procedure Swap 
Public Sub Swap(Index1 As Long, index2 As Long) 
      Dim vTmp As Variant 

     If IsObject(mavInternalArray(index2)) Then 
      Set vTmp = mavInternalArray(index2) 
      vTmp = mavInternalArray(index2) 
     End If 

     If IsObject(mavInternalArray(Index1)) Then 
      Set mavInternalArray(index2) = mavInternalArray(Index1) 
      mavInternalArray(index2) = mavInternalArray(Index1) 
     End If 

     If IsObject(vTmp) Then 
      Set mavInternalArray(Index1) = vTmp 
      mavInternalArray(Index1) = vTmp 
     End If 

End Sub 

Public Property Get ZeroIndex() As Boolean 
     ZeroIndex = mfZeroIndex 
End Property 

Public Property Let ZeroIndex(fZeroIndex As Boolean) 
     mfZeroIndex = fZeroIndex 
End Property 

Public Property Get GrowSize() As Long 
     GrowSize = mlGrowSize 
End Property 

Public Property Let GrowSize(lNewSize As Long) 
     Debug.Assert lNewSize > 0 
     mlGrowSize = lNewSize 
End Property 

Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
     mlGrowSize = 50 
     mlArraySize = mlGrowSize 
     mfZeroIndex = True 
     mlCount = 0 

     ReDim mavInternalArray(0 To mlGrowSize - 1) 

End Sub 

' Procedure Remove 
Public Sub Remove(index As Long) 
     Dim index2 As Long 

     For index2 = index To mlCount - 2 
      If IsObject(mavInternalArray(index2 + 1)) Then 
       Set mavInternalArray(index2) = mavInternalArray(index2 + 1) 
       mavInternalArray(index2) = mavInternalArray(index2 + 1) 
      End If 
     Next index2 
      If mlCount <= 0 Then 
      Exit Sub 
      End If 
     mlCount = mlCount - 1 
     If IsObject(mavInternalArray(mlCount)) Then 
      Set mavInternalArray(mlCount) = Nothing 
      mavInternalArray(mlCount) = False 
     End If 
End Sub 

' Procedure Items 
Public Function Items(index As Long) As Variant 
     If Not mfZeroIndex Then 
      index = index - 1 
     End If 

     If index < mlCount And index >= 0 Then 
      If IsObject(mavInternalArray(index)) Then 
       Set Items = mavInternalArray(index) 
       Items = mavInternalArray(index) 
      End If 
     End If 
End Function 

Public Sub SetItem(index As Long, Item As Variant) 
     If Not mfZeroIndex Then 
      index = index - 1 
     End If 
     If IsObject(Item) Then 
      Set mavInternalArray(index) = Item 
      mavInternalArray(index) = Item 
     End If 
End Sub 

' Procedure Add 
Public Function Add(vItem As Variant) As Long 

     mlCount = mlCount + 1 
     If mlCount > mlArraySize Then 
      mlArraySize = mlArraySize + mlGrowSize 
      ReDim Preserve mavInternalArray(0 To mlArraySize - 1) 
     End If 

     If IsObject(vItem) Then 
      Set mavInternalArray(mlCount - 1) = vItem 
      mavInternalArray(mlCount - 1) = vItem 
     End If 

     Add = mlCount - 1 

End Function 

' Procedure ItemArray 
Public Function ItemArray() As Variant 
     Dim vReturnArray As Variant 

     vReturnArray = mavInternalArray 
     ReDim Preserve vReturnArray(0 To mlCount - 1) 
     ItemArray = vReturnArray 
End Function 

Public Function Count() As Long 
     Count = mlCount 
End Function 

' Procedure Insert 
Public Function Insert(index As Long, vItem As Variant) As Long 
     Dim index2 As Long 

     'Make sure array is large enough for a new item 
     mlCount = mlCount + 1 
     If mlCount > mlArraySize Then 
      mlArraySize = mlArraySize + mlGrowSize 
      ReDim Preserve mavInternalArray(0 To mlArraySize - 1) 
     End If 

     'Bump all the items with a higher index up one spot 

     If index >= mlCount - 1 Then 
      If IsObject(vItem) Then 
       Set mavInternalArray(mlCount - 1) = vItem 
       mavInternalArray(mlCount - 1) = vItem 
      End If 

      For index2 = mlCount - 1 To index + 1 Step -1 
       If IsObject(vItem) Then 
        Set mavInternalArray(index2) = mavInternalArray(index2 - 1) 
        mavInternalArray(index2) = mavInternalArray(index2 - 1) 
       End If 
      Next index2 

      If IsObject(vItem) Then 
       Set mavInternalArray(index) = vItem 
       mavInternalArray(index) = vItem 
      End If 
     End If 
     Insert = mlCount - 1 

End Function 

Public Sub Clone(ByRef cDestinationDynamicArray As clsDynamicArray) 
     Dim index As Long 

     If cDestinationDynamicArray Is Nothing Then 
      Set cDestinationDynamicArray = New clsDynamicArray 
     End If 


     For index = 0 To mlCount - 1 
      Call cDestinationDynamicArray.Add(mavInternalArray(index)) 
     Next index 

End Sub 

Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown 
    ''#Provides support for enumeration using For Each 
    Set NewEnum = m_Customers.[_NewEnum] 
End Property 

+1有趣的解决方案。出于好奇:你有没有比'Collection'类更快地添加/插入基准?或者你的意思是哪种方式更好? – 2010-11-16 06:04:08


哪种方式更好?收藏可能会意外变成字典,而不知道。然后你的计数是5,但是这些项目是(0,1,4,5,6),当你尝试访问元素3并得到错误时,你会得到一个错误。另外,如果你将GrowSize设置为适合你数组的大小,它会更快(是的,它可以通过每次增长时增加一倍来提高自身,但这是一种微型优化,不值得额外的代码)。然而现在(写入CPU的速度大约是200Mhz)效率并不重要,没有错误。 – 2010-11-17 04:31:26