2015-06-05 48 views

我想建立一个通用的数据结构,需要保存键和值,并在同一时间跟踪索引的哪些键和值放入像arraylist只做复杂的O(log n)或减。是否有可能创建具有log(n)复杂性的ArrayList属性的Map?

我尝试解决此问题的解决方案,并创建了具有整数的各种TreeMaps - 索引和valuse,反之亦然,并且与键相同。

为了更清楚起见,索引代表用户的插入顺序。所以如果我有3个元素,那么他们的索引是0 1 2,如果元素0被删除,那么我需要推1到0和2到1和一个新的元素将被添加索引2.






import java.util.Collection; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.TreeMap; 
import java.util.Map; 

public class SuperStruct<K,V> 
    private Map<K,V> mInternalKeyToValueMap;//all the keys and their values 
    private Map<Integer,V> mIndexToValueMap;//index's for values according to the entrance order to 
    private Map<V,Integer> mValueToIndexMap;//values and their index's 
    private Map<Integer,K> mIndexToKeyMap;//index's and their keys according to entrance order 
    private Map<K,Integer> mKeyToIndexMap;//keys and their index's 
    private int mNextIndex;//index for the data structure according to the order data was received by user 

    public SuperStruct(){ 
     mInternalKeyToValueMap = new TreeMap<K,V>(); 
     mIndexToValueMap = new TreeMap<Integer,V>(); 
     mValueToIndexMap = new TreeMap <V,Integer>(); 
     mIndexToKeyMap = new TreeMap <Integer, K>(); 
     mKeyToIndexMap = new TreeMap <K,Integer>();  
    public boolean containsKey(Object key) { 
     boolean containable = mInternalKeyToValueMap.containsKey(key); 
     return containable; 

    public boolean containsValue(Object value) { 
     boolean containable = mValueToIndexMap.containsKey(value); 
     return containable; 

    public V get(Object key) { 
      V value = mInternalKeyToValueMap.get(key); 
      return value; 
     return null; 

    public Collection<K> keySet() { 

     return mInternalKeyToValueMap.keySet(); 
    * This method is putting the key and the value in the main TreeMap "mInternalKeyToValueMap", while on the mean time updating 4 other TreeMaps 
    * with data regarding to the index in which data was received from the user. 
    * all in all this method runs in complexity of 6*(O(log n)) that sums down to O(log n) cause constants don't calculate over the whole 
    * Complexity calculation 
    * In case that a key already had a mapping to it and we overwrite the value we will run in complexity of 11*(O(log n)) which still sums down to O(log n) 
    * cause constants don't calculate over the whole 

    public V put(K key, V value) { 
     if(mValueToIndexMap.containsKey(value))//preventing duplications of value 
      return value; 
      if(mInternalKeyToValueMap.containsKey(key)){//when a key already exist in system and we want to overwrite its value 
       int indexToDelete = mKeyToIndexMap.get(key);//we get the index of the value we over-write 
       V value1 = mIndexToValueMap.get(indexToDelete);//using this index we get the value 
       mValueToIndexMap.remove(value1);//we remove the value and its index 
       mIndexToValueMap.remove(indexToDelete);//we remove the index and its value 
      mInternalKeyToValueMap.put(key, value);//putting the new value for the key in the main TreeMap 
      mValueToIndexMap.put(value, mNextIndex);//populating the TreeMap of values and their index's - the order we received them from the user 
      mIndexToValueMap.put(mNextIndex, value);//This TreeMap holds the index's for each value according to the order of insertion by user 
      mIndexToKeyMap.put(mNextIndex, key);//This TreeMap holds the index's for each key according to the order of insertion by user 
      mKeyToIndexMap.put(key,mNextIndex);//populating the TreeMap of keys and their index's - the order we received them from the user 
      ++mNextIndex;//advancing the index which mark the insertion order of arguments to structure 
      return null; 


    public V remove(Object key) { 
     if(mInternalKeyToValueMap.containsKey(key)==true && (mInternalKeyToValueMap.get(key)!=null)) 
      V value = mInternalKeyToValueMap.get(key); 
      mInternalKeyToValueMap.remove(key);//removing map for the value 
      int mIndexToRemoveValue = mValueToIndexMap.get(value);//getting the right index to remove the value 
      mIndexToValueMap.remove(mIndexToRemoveValue);//vacating the value for this index 
      mIndexToKeyMap.remove(mIndexToRemoveValue);//vacating the key for this index 
      mKeyToIndexMap.remove(key);//removing a key and index in the keyToIndex Map 
      mValueToIndexMap.remove(value);//removing a key and index in the ValueToIndex Map 
      return value; 

     return null; 

    public Collection<V> values() {  
     return mInternalKeyToValueMap.values(); 

    public Collection<V> getStrcutureSorted(){ 
     return mValueToIndexMap.keySet(); 

    public V getValueByIndex(int index){//return the index in which the value sits in, if not present null 
     V value = mIndexToValueMap.get(index); 
      return value; 

    public Integer getIndexByKey(K key){ 
     Integer returnable = mKeyToIndexMap.get(key); 
     if(returnable == null) 
      return -1; 
     return returnable; 

    public K getKeyByIndex(int index){ 
     return mIndexToKeyMap.get(index); 

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44170832/access-tree-with-ordinal-index –



这是一个有趣的难题。这感觉应该是可能的,但细节是难以捉摸的。问题出在删除后的索引更新操作中。例如,如果索引存储在树节点中,那么在删除操作之后,平均n/2个索引将不得不被更改,这会删除您正在争取的O(log n)属性。

如果将对象同时存储在树中和ArrayList中,则仍然存在在ArrayList中查找对象的问题,我无法以简单的方式在小于O(n)的时间内工作, 。可能在ArrayList上有一些变化,也许是一种自定义构造,但是这看起来像很多工作。

取而代之,我建议你考虑一个红黑树或类似的平衡树,其修改记录在Red-black tree access by ordinal index:对于树的每个节点,还存储以给定节点为根的子树中的节点数。在插入和删除操作期间,您必须更新受旋转操作影响的所有节点的计数。这仍然可以在O(log n)时间完成,但它很复杂。

然后按照通常的递归算法,二进制搜索第k个最小(或最大)元素也将在O(log n)时间内运行。

以下是该技术的更多参考文献:http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/cs673/lecture/lecture8.pdf,http://fdatamining.blogspot.ca/2011/09/functional-red-black-tree-with-dynamic.html, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_statistic_tree。这应该让你开始。


你将要做的是创建两棵树。其中一个可能是普通的平衡树(如红黑树),用键/值对来保存对象的引用。您可以搜索关键字并获取O(log n)中的对应值;插入和删除也将是O(log n)。另外,这第一棵树中的节点将持有对第二棵树中节点的引用(见下文)。



可以在第一棵树上对O(log n)中的给定键执行搜索操作,该操作将返回适当的值,并且在对另一棵树的引用之后,可以用于查找“顺序统计量“在O(log n)时间中的第二棵树中的节点,通过遍历树到根并执行简单的计算。

可以在O(log n)时间的第二棵树上对队列中的第k个位置进行搜索操作,返回对第二棵树的引用,该引用可以被解引用以获得关联的键/值对。

在两棵树中删除之前都会先引用另一棵树,然后删除第一棵树中的节点,然后删除另一棵树中的对应节点,都是O(log n)操作。

我认为就是这样。一切都可以在O(log n)时间完成。第二棵树的空间很小,但只包含引用;空间仍然是O(n)。



我不确定这将在OP的情况下工作。其“索引”的概念是基于用于构造树的关键。 OP希望“索引”引用与插入顺序无关的插入顺序。 – ishnid


是的,你说得对。但我有一个直觉,这可能会有所帮助。我认为它的确如此,但答案比我最初的答案更详细。我会在几分钟后发布更新。 –


是的,我认为你的更新后的文章将工作。我在睡觉前发布了我的回复,并且今天早上一直在执行一个实施。我想出了与你的建议非常相似的东西。我认为唯一的变化是我有一个Entry类,它将关键字,值和引用存储到每个树中的适当节点。 – ishnid
