2015-05-27 20 views

我看过PAN103正常表达式的this questionthis blog[A-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[A-Z]{1}。但是我的问题比这个扩大了一点点。验证PAN卡号的正则表达式


1) The first three letters are sequence of alphabets from AAA to zzz 
2) The fourth character informs about the type of holder of the Card. Each assesse is unique:` 

    C — Company 
    P — Person 
    H — HUF(Hindu Undivided Family) 
    F — Firm 
    A — Association of Persons (AOP) 
    T — AOP (Trust) 
    B — Body of Individuals (BOI) 
    L — Local Authority 
    J — Artificial Judicial Person 
    G — Government 

3) The fifth character of the PAN is the first character 
    (a) of the surname/last name of the person, in the case of 
a "Personal" PAN card, where the fourth character is "P" or 
    (b) of the name of the Entity/ Trust/ Society/ Organisation 
in the case of Company/ HUF/ Firm/ AOP/ BOI/ Local Authority/ Artificial Jurdical Person/ Govt, 
where the fourth character is "C","H","F","A","T","B","L","J","G". 

4) The last character is a alphabetic check digit. 


它原来是[A-Z]{3}[C,H,F,A,T,B,L,J,G,P]{1}**something for the fifth character**[0-9]{4}[A-Z]{1}


以编程方式,它可以完成,someone has done it in rails但它可以通过正则表达式吗?怎么样?


做尝试(P | [C,H,F,A,T,B,L,J,G]) –


不能能够理解第三点。有多少个字符? –


@AvinashRaj如果PAN卡号中的第四个字符是P,那么第五个字符将是您姓的第一个字母,例如。如果你是Avinash Raj,你的pancard数字的第4个字符将是P个人,第5个字符将是Raj的R.而如果PAN卡属于一个组织,比如说一家公司,那么第四个字符就是公司的C,第五个字母是公司名称的第一个字母,例如,如果有一家公司叫做“微软公司”,那么公司的第四个字符是“C”,第五个字符是微软的“M”。 – inquisitive




String rx = "[A-Z]{3}([CHFATBLJGP])(?:(?<=P)" + c1 + "|(?<!P)" + c2 + ")[0-9]{4}[A-Z]"; 

Sample code

String c1 = "S"; // First letter in surname coming from the EditText (with P before) 
String c2 = "F"; // First letter in name coming from another EditText (not with P before) 
String pan = "AWSPS1234Z"; // true 
System.out.println(pan.matches("[A-Z]{3}([CHFATBLJGP])(?:(?<=P)" + c1 + "|(?<!P)" + c2 + ")[0-9]{4}[A-Z]")); 
pan = "AWSCF1234Z"; // true 
System.out.println(pan.matches("[A-Z]{3}([CHFATBLJGP])(?:(?<=P)" + c1 + "|(?<!P)" + c2 + ")[0-9]{4}[A-Z]")); 
pan = "AWSCS1234Z"; // false 
System.out.println(pan.matches("[A-Z]{3}([CHFATBLJGP])(?:(?<=P)" + c1 + "|(?<!P)" + c2 + ")[0-9]{4}[A-Z]")); 

enter image description here

Pan= edittextPan.getText().toString().trim(); 

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[A-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[A-Z]{1}"); 

Matcher matcher = pattern .matcher(Pan); 

if (matcher .matches()) { 
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), Pan+" is Matching", 

Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), Pan+" is Not Matching", 