2016-02-19 66 views



using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Threading; 

namespace RMBot 
    public partial class Form1 : Form 
     public Form1() 

     static bool botrunning = false; 
     private void OnOff_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      if (botrunning == false) 
       OnOff.Text = "STOP"; 
       botrunning = true; 
       //Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CombatInit)); 
       Thread b = new Thread(new ThreadStart(stats)); 

      else { 
       OnOff.Text = "START"; 
       botrunning = false; 

     private void SetText(Control control, string text) 
      if (control.InvokeRequired) 
       this.Invoke(new Action<Control>((c) => c.Text = text), control); 
       control.Text = text; 

     public void stats() 
      while (botrunning == true) { 

       // update label approximately 10 times every second 

       HPLabel.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => 
        HPLabel.Text = string.Format(Memory.SetCurrentHP()); 





public static string SetCurrentHP() 
    return Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(gameBaseAddress + HpAdr, Handle)); 
    //return "WORKING"; 


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Threading; 

namespace RMBot 

    class Memory 

     public static extern Int32 ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, [In, Out] byte[] buffer, UInt32 size, out IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesRead); 

     public static byte[] ReadBytes(IntPtr Handle, Int64 Address, uint BytesToRead) 
      IntPtr bytesRead; 
      byte[] buffer = new byte[BytesToRead]; 
      ReadProcessMemory(Handle, new IntPtr(Address), buffer, BytesToRead, out bytesRead); 
      return buffer; 

     /* READ INT */ 
     public static int ReadInt32(Int64 Address, IntPtr Handle) 
      return BitConverter.ToInt32(ReadBytes(Handle, Address, 4), 0); 

     /* READ STRING */ 
     public static string ReadString(long Address, IntPtr Handle, uint length = 32) 
      return ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(ReadBytes(Handle, Address, length)).Split('\0')[0]; 

     public static void GetClient() 
      Process Aion = Process.GetProcessesByName("aion.bin")[0]; 
      UInt32 winBase = (UInt32)Aion.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32(); 

      //seznam vseh modulov 
      ProcessModuleCollection myProcessModuleCollection = Aion.Modules; 
      //iskani modul 
      ProcessModule myProcessModule; 
      UInt32 gameBase = 0; 

      for (int x = 0; x < myProcessModuleCollection.Count; x++) 
       myProcessModule = myProcessModuleCollection[x]; 
       if (myProcessModuleCollection[x].ModuleName == "Game.dll") 
        gameBase = (UInt32)myProcessModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32(); 
        //Console.WriteLine("The moduleName is " + myProcessModule.ModuleName); 
        //Console.WriteLine("The " + myProcessModule.ModuleName + "'s File Name is: " + myProcessModule.FileName); 
        //Console.WriteLine("The " + myProcessModule.ModuleName + "'s base address is: " + myProcessModule.BaseAddress); 
        //Console.WriteLine("For " + myProcessModule.ModuleName + " Entry point address is: " + myProcessModule.EntryPointAddress); 

      IntPtr Handle = Aion.Handle; 
      //Console.WriteLine("Base Address : " + Convert.ToString(gameBase)); 

      //Current HP 
      //UInt32 HpAdr = 0xEB5AB0; 
      //String Hp = Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(gameBase + HpAdr, Handle)); 

      //Console.WriteLine("Health: " + Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(gameBase + HpAdr, Handle))); 


     //Gets the base address of the game 
     public static int GetGameBase() 
      Process Aion = Process.GetProcessesByName("aion.bin")[0]; 
      UInt32 winBase = (UInt32)Aion.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32(); 

      //seznam vseh modulov 
      ProcessModuleCollection myProcessModuleCollection = Aion.Modules; 
      //iskani modul 
      ProcessModule myProcessModule; 
      UInt32 gameBase = 0; 

      for (int x = 0; x < myProcessModuleCollection.Count; x++) 
       myProcessModule = myProcessModuleCollection[x]; 
       if (myProcessModuleCollection[x].ModuleName == "Game.dll") 
        gameBase = (UInt32)myProcessModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32(); 
        //Console.WriteLine("The moduleName is " + myProcessModule.ModuleName); 
        //Console.WriteLine("The " + myProcessModule.ModuleName + "'s File Name is: " + myProcessModule.FileName); 
        //Console.WriteLine("The " + myProcessModule.ModuleName + "'s base address is: " + myProcessModule.BaseAddress); 
        //Console.WriteLine("For " + myProcessModule.ModuleName + " Entry point address is: " + myProcessModule.EntryPointAddress); 
      IntPtr Handle = Aion.Handle; 

      return Convert.ToInt32(gameBase); 

     //Gets the game handle ptr 
     public static IntPtr GetGameHandle() 
      Process Aion = Process.GetProcessesByName("aion.bin")[0]; 
      UInt32 winBase = (UInt32)Aion.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32(); 

      //seznam vseh modulov 
      ProcessModuleCollection myProcessModuleCollection = Aion.Modules; 
      //iskani modul 
      ProcessModule myProcessModule; 
      UInt32 gameBase = 0; 

      for (int x = 0; x < myProcessModuleCollection.Count; x++) 
       myProcessModule = myProcessModuleCollection[x]; 
       if (myProcessModuleCollection[x].ModuleName == "Game.dll") 
        gameBase = (UInt32)myProcessModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32(); 
        //Console.WriteLine("The moduleName is " + myProcessModule.ModuleName); 
        //Console.WriteLine("The " + myProcessModule.ModuleName + "'s File Name is: " + myProcessModule.FileName); 
        //Console.WriteLine("The " + myProcessModule.ModuleName + "'s base address is: " + myProcessModule.BaseAddress); 
        //Console.WriteLine("For " + myProcessModule.ModuleName + " Entry point address is: " + myProcessModule.EntryPointAddress); 
      IntPtr Handle = Aion.Handle; 

      return Handle; 

     //Current HP 
     static UInt32 HpAdr = 0xEB5AB0; 
     static int gameBaseAddress = GetGameBase(); 
     static IntPtr Handle = GetGameHandle(); 
     String Hp = Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(gameBaseAddress + HpAdr, Handle)); 

     public static string SetCurrentHP() 
      var hpValue = ReadInt32(gameBaseAddress + HpAdr, Handle); 

      return Convert.ToString(hpValue); 
      //return Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(gameBaseAddress + HpAdr, Handle)); 
      //return "WORKING"; 
     //Console.WriteLine("Health: " + Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(gameBase + HpAdr, Handle))); 


我建议不要每秒设置一次标签文本100次......如果将睡眠改变为200ms会发生什么? –


应该是100而不是10,我的不好,是什么导致它发生故障? – mheonyae


那么它可能会堆放事件消息。 –






public static string SetCurrentHP() 
    var hpValue = ReadInt32(gameBaseAddress + HpAdr, Handle); 

    return Convert.ToString(hpValue); 

是的迹线显示其0,但我不明白如何......它不应该是.. – mheonyae