2015-12-16 63 views

在我们的C#.NET WinForm应用程序中,我们有一个名为ControlWithLabel的自定义控件。我想通过模板将其增强到ControlWithLabel<TControl>。问题是,我们有数百个检查如if (something is ControlWithLabel),并且测试对象可以是多个派生类型(TextBoxWithLabel,ComboBoxWithLabel等)。我怎样才能将它转换为模板解决方案,而无需重写每张支票,并将其与每种可能性相乘,如if (something is ControlWithLabel<TextBox>) || (something is ControlWithLabel<ComboBox>) || ... etc ...当从协变接口派生时,协变性会丢失


public class ControlWithLabel<TControl> : IControlWithLabel<TControl> where TControl : Control, new() 
    public ControlWithLabel() 
     this.Control = new TControl(); 
     this.Label = new Label(); 

    public Label Label 
     private set; 

    public TControl Control 
     private set; 

public class ControlWithLabel : ControlWithLabel<Control>, IControlWithLabel 

public interface IControlWithLabel<out TControl> where TControl : Control 
    Label Label 

    TControl Control 

public interface IControlWithLabel : IControlWithLabel<Control> 

public class TextBoxWithLabel : ControlWithLabel<TextBox> 
    public void SpecialMethodForTextBox() 
     // Special code ... 

public partial class FormMain : Form 
    public FormMain() 

    private void _buttonTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     TextBoxWithLabel textBoxWithLabel = new TextBoxWithLabel(); 

     // this works, but then I need to rewrite and multiply every check 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel<TextBox>) 
      MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel<TextBox>"); 

     // this is not working, since classes cannot be covariant 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel<Control>) 
      MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel<Control>"); 

     // this is not working at all 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel) 
      MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel"); 

     // this works, but then I need to rewrite and multiply every check 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel<TextBox>) 
      MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel<TextBox>"); 

     // this works, but then I need to rewrite every check 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel<Control>) 
      MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel<Control>"); 

     // this is not working - covariance is lost!! Why? 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel) 
      MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel"); 

我应该怎么做才能够普遍采用if (something is ControlWithLabel)if (something is IControlWithLabel)代替if (something is IControlWithLabel<Control>)




public interface IControlWithLabel 
    Label Label 

    Control Control 

/// <summary> 
/// Here we use covariance 
/// </summary> 
public interface IControlWithLabel<out TControl> : IControlWithLabel where TControl : Control, new() 
    new TControl Control 

/// <summary> 
/// Common base, never instantiated 
/// </summary> 
public abstract class ControlWithLabel : IControlWithLabel 
    protected Control _control; 

    public ControlWithLabel() 
     this.Label = new Label(); 

    public Label Label 
     private set; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// This property cannot be marked as 'abstract', because we want to change the return type in descendants 
    /// </summary> 
    public virtual Control Control 
      return _control; 

public class ControlWithLabel<TControl> : ControlWithLabel, IControlWithLabel<TControl> where TControl : Control, new() 
    public ControlWithLabel() : base() 
     this.Control = new TControl(); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// We cannot use 'override', since we want to return TControl instead of Control 
    /// </summary> 
    public new TControl Control 
      return _control as TControl; 

      // This will return null if _control is not TControl. 
      // This can happen, when we make an explicit cast for example TextBoxWithLabel to ComboBoxWithLabel, which requires an explicit conversion operator implementation. 
      // In such case there can be still used general ControlWithLabel.Control, which always will be "not null" - for example ((ControlWithLabel)someObject).Control 
      // (the general ControlWithLabel.Control will always be "not null", because the base class ControlWithLabel is marked as abstract and current class ControlWithLabel<TControl> creates the control in the constructor). 

     private set 
      _control = value; 

public class TextBoxWithLabel : ControlWithLabel<TextBox> 
    public void SpecialMethodForTextBox() 
     // Special code ... 

public partial class FormMain : Form 
    public FormMain() 

    private void _buttonTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     TextBoxWithLabel textBoxWithLabel = new TextBoxWithLabel(); 

     // This works 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel<TextBox>) 
      // We can use the general ControlWithLabel.Control 
      if (((ControlWithLabel)textBoxWithLabel).Control != null) 
       MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel<TextBox>"); 

     // This is not working, since classes cannot be covariant 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel<Control>) 
      // We can use the general ControlWithLabel.Control 
      if (((ControlWithLabel)textBoxWithLabel).Control != null) 
       MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel<Control>"); 

     // This works! 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel) 
      // We can use the general ControlWithLabel.Control 
      if (((ControlWithLabel)textBoxWithLabel).Control != null) 
       MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is ControlWithLabel"); 

     // This works 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel<TextBox>) 
      // We can use the general INTERFACE property IControlWithLabel.Control 
      if (((IControlWithLabel)textBoxWithLabel).Control != null) 
       MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel<TextBox>"); 

     // This works thanks to COVARIANCE 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel<Control>) 
      // We can use the general INTERFACE property IControlWithLabel.Control 
      if (((IControlWithLabel)textBoxWithLabel).Control != null) 
       MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel<Control>"); 

     // This works! 
     if (textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel) 
      // We can use the general INTERFACE property IControlWithLabel.Control 
      if (((IControlWithLabel)textBoxWithLabel).Control != null) 
       MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel"); 

协方差,但它的好,要检查if (textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel<Control>)的可能性。在某些情况下它可能很有用。



您的接口继承是向后的。创建interface IControlWithLabel,然后从IControlWithLabel继承IControlWithLabel<T>。那么IControlWithLabel<T>的所有实例也是IControlWithLabel


耶稣!你是对的!谢谢。我将在单独的答案中写入正确的代码。 –


嗯......但...我怎么才能使用接口的属性,当我切换继承的顺序,并在代码中,我所知道的是事实,该对象是一些ControlWithLabel并具有控件和标签? –



public class TextBoxWithLabel : ControlWithLabel<TextBox> 
    public void SpecialMethodForTextBox() 
     // Special code ... 

public class ControlWithLabel<TControl> 
    IControlWithLabel<TControl> where TControl : Control, new() 
    public ControlWithLabel() 
     Control = new TControl(); 
     Label = new Label(); 

    public Label Label { get; private set; } 

    public TControl Control { get; private set; } 

public interface IControlWithLabel<out TControl> where TControl : Control 
    Label Label { get; } 

    TControl Control { get; } 

public interface IControlWithLabel 
    Label Label { get; } 


var textBoxWithLabel = new TextBoxWithLabel(); 

// This will work just fine 
if (textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel) 
    MessageBox.Show("textBoxWithLabel is IControlWithLabel"); 

唯一的问题是再你将失去.Control财产,除非你确实检查is IControlWithLabel<TextBox>



public interface IControlWithLabel 
    Label Label { get; } 

public interface IControlWithLabel<TControl> : IControlWithLabel where TControl : Control, new() 
    TControl Control { get;} 

//never instantiated, common base 
public abstract class ControlWithLabel : IControlWithLabel 

public class ControlWithLabel<TControl> : ControlWithLabel, IControlWithLabel<TControl> 