2011-04-06 60 views



/// <summary> 
/// Safely invokes an action on the thread the control was created on (if accessed from a different thread) 
/// </summary> 
/// <typeparam name="T">The return type</typeparam> 
/// <param name="c">The control that needs to be invoked</param> 
/// <param name="a">The delegate to execute</param> 
/// <param name="spinwaitUntilHandleIsCreated">Waits (max 5sec) until the the control's handle is created</param> 
/// <returns>The result of the given delegate if succeeded, default(T) if failed</returns> 
public static T SafeInvoke<T>(this Control c, Func<T> a, bool spinwaitUntilHandleIsCreated = false) 
    if (c.Disposing || c.IsDisposed) // preliminary dispose check, not thread safe! 
     return default(T); 

    if (spinwaitUntilHandleIsCreated) // spin wait until c.IsHandleCreated is true 
     if (!c.SpinWaitUntilHandleIsCreated(5000)) // wait 5sec at most, to prevent deadlock 
      return default(T); 

    if (c.InvokeRequired) // on different thread, need to invoke (can return false if handle is not created) 
      return (T)c.Invoke(new Func<T>(() => 
       // check again if the control is not dispoded and handle is created 
       // this is executed on the thread the control was created on, so the control can't be disposed 
       // while executing a() 
       if (!c.Disposing && !c.IsDisposed && c.IsHandleCreated) 
        return a(); 
       else // the control has been disposed between the time the other thread has invoked this delegate 
        return default(T); 
     catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) 
      // sadly the this entire method is not thread safe, so it's still possible to get objectdisposed exceptions because the thread 
      // passed the disposing check, but got disposed afterwards. 
      return default(T); 
     catch (InvalidOperationException ex) 
      if (ex.TargetSite.Name == "MarshaledInvoke") 
       // exception that the invoke failed because the handle was not created, surpress exception & return default 
       // this is the MarhsaledInvoke method body part that could cause this exception: 
       // if (!this.IsHandleCreated) 
       // { 
       //  throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString("ErrorNoMarshalingThread")); 
       // } 
       // (disassembled with reflector) 
       return default(T); 
      else // something else caused the invalid operation (like collection modified, etc.) 
     // no need to invoke (meaning this is *probably* the same thread, but it's also possible that the handle was not created) 
     // InvokeRequired has the following code part: 
     //  Control wrapper = this.FindMarshalingControl(); 
     //  if (!wrapper.IsHandleCreated) 
     //  { 
     //   return false; 
     //  } 
     // where findMarshalingControl goes up the parent tree to look for a parent where the parent's handle is created 
     // if no parent found with IsHandleCreated, the control itself will return, meaning wrapper == this and thus returns false 
     if (c.IsHandleCreated) 
       // this will still yield an exception when the IsHandleCreated becomes false after the if check (race condition) 
       return a(); 
      catch (InvalidOperationException ex) 
       if (ex.TargetSite.Name == "get_Handle") 
        // it's possible to get a cross threadexception 
        // "Cross-thread operation not valid: Control '...' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on." 
        // because: 
        // - InvokeRequired returned false because IsHandleCreated was false 
        // - IsHandleCreated became true just after entering the else bloc 
        // - InvokeRequired is now true (because this can be a different thread than the control was made on) 
        // - Executing the action will now throw an InvalidOperation 
        // this is the code part of Handle that will throw the exception 
        //if ((checkForIllegalCrossThreadCalls && !inCrossThreadSafeCall) && this.InvokeRequired) 
        // throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString("IllegalCrossThreadCall", new object[] { this.Name })); 
        // (disassembled with reflector) 
        return default(T); 
       else // something else caused the invalid operation (like collection modified, etc.) 
     else // the control's handle is not created, return default 
      return default(T); 

有一件事我不确定,如果IsHandleCreated = true,它会再次变成虚假吗?

我为IsHandleCreated添加了spinwait,因为我在控件的OnLoad事件中启动了任务<> s,并且可能在控件加载完成之前完成了任务。然而,如果加载控件需要花费超过5秒的时间,我仍然可以完成任务,而无需更新GUI(否则我会有很多线程等待可能不会再发生的事情)








我最近在升级工作框架以异步方式获取数据来填充一个网格。我有一个GridOverview抽象类与抽象方法来检索数据。数据的实际获取从概述加载时开始(我重写了OnLoad)。我不能总是调用,因为当句柄没有创建时失败。我不能总是假定代码不是同步使用的。我在一个由4人组成的团队中,所以我不能依靠它,它总是以相同的方式使用。 – drake7707 2011-04-06 17:54:22


此外,当我只需要更新网格时我使用BeginInvoke,并且我不需要从控件获取值,但是数据获取有时基于下拉菜单或类似输入的SelectedIndex。此外BeginInvoke不会被解雇调用线程已完成,我需要依赖的事实是,任务完成后,网格将始终更新。 – drake7707 2011-04-06 18:00:12


你说得对,虽然最好先取值,然后以上述值作为参数启动任务,而不是让任务取而代之。但有些情况并非如此简单,我不想每次都别无选择,只能在处理所有场景时使用调用,以免在某个随机点崩溃。 – drake7707 2011-04-06 18:13:58
