2008-11-16 88 views


目前我有一个图像放置在窗口的中心,我正在考虑使用三个mouseevents MouseDown,MouseMove和MouseUp来计算拖动图像时的新位置。


据我所见,我需要使用一个 为了有绝对定位可用。




public class DraggableExtender : DependencyObject 
    // This is the dependency property we're exposing - we'll 
    // access this as DraggableExtender.CanDrag="true"/"false" 
    public static readonly DependencyProperty CanDragProperty = 
     new UIPropertyMetadata(false, OnChangeCanDragProperty)); 

    // The expected static setter 
    public static void SetCanDrag(UIElement element, bool o) 
     element.SetValue(CanDragProperty, o); 

    // the expected static getter 
    public static bool GetCanDrag(UIElement element) 
     return (bool) element.GetValue(CanDragProperty); 

    // This is triggered when the CanDrag property is set. We'll 
    // simply check the element is a UI element and that it is 
    // within a canvas. If it is, we'll hook into the mouse events 
    private static void OnChangeCanDragProperty(DependencyObject d, 
       DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
     UIElement element = d as UIElement; 
     if (element == null) return; 

     if (e.NewValue != e.OldValue) 
      if ((bool)e.NewValue) 
       element.PreviewMouseDown += element_PreviewMouseDown; 
       element.PreviewMouseUp += element_PreviewMouseUp; 
       element.PreviewMouseMove += element_PreviewMouseMove; 
       element.PreviewMouseDown -= element_PreviewMouseDown; 
       element.PreviewMouseUp -= element_PreviewMouseUp; 
       element.PreviewMouseMove -= element_PreviewMouseMove; 

    // Determine if we're presently dragging 
    private static bool _isDragging = false; 
    // The offset from the top, left of the item being dragged 
    // and the original mouse down 
    private static Point _offset; 

    // This is triggered when the mouse button is pressed 
    // on the element being hooked 
    static void element_PreviewMouseDown(object sender, 
      System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
     // Ensure it's a framework element as we'll need to 
     // get access to the visual tree 
     FrameworkElement element = sender as FrameworkElement; 
     if (element == null) return; 

     // start dragging and get the offset of the mouse 
     // relative to the element 
     _isDragging = true; 
     _offset = e.GetPosition(element); 

    // This is triggered when the mouse is moved over the element 
    private static void element_PreviewMouseMove(object sender, 
       MouseEventArgs e) 
     // If we're not dragging, don't bother - also validate the element 
     if (!_isDragging) return; 

     FrameworkElement element = sender as FrameworkElement; 
     if (element == null) return; 

     Canvas canvas = element.Parent as Canvas; 
     if(canvas == null) return; 

     // Get the position of the mouse relative to the canvas 
     Point mousePoint = e.GetPosition(canvas); 

     // Offset the mouse position by the original offset position 
     mousePoint.Offset(-_offset.X, -_offset.Y); 

     // Move the element on the canvas 
     element.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, mousePoint.X); 
     element.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, mousePoint.Y); 

    // this is triggered when the mouse is released 
    private static void element_PreviewMouseUp(object sender, 
      MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
     _isDragging = false; 



<Window x:Class="WPFFunWithDragging.Window1" 
     xmlns:local="clr-namespace:WPFFunWithDragging" .. > 

然后你可以只设置DraggableExtender.CanDrag =“真”的元素,拖动:

    <Image Source="Garden.jpg" 
      Canvas.Left="10" Canvas.Top="10" 



谢谢 - 非常有用的代码。我会稍微改进它,让鼠标在鼠标下捕获鼠标并释放鼠标捕获。否则,如果由于某种原因鼠标落在被拖动项目的边界之外,很容易错过鼠标移动。 – 2009-03-30 10:21:50