2017-03-03 47 views

我还是VBA的新手,到目前为止还找不到任何使用搜索功能的解决方案。 问题: 我有(在这种情况下,十张)一行超过500单元格包含5-7个字的字符串。 现在我需要删除搜索到的单词不是最后一个单词的所有列,但是该单词在字符串中不同位置的所有单元格(行中)。 我尝试这样做:根据字符串中字符的位置删除列

Dim examinee As Variant 
Dim cell As Range 
Dim word As String 
Dim myCell As String 

examinee = InputBox("How many sheets?") 
word = InputBox("Looking for?") 

For A = 1 To examinee 

Sheets("sheet" & A).Select 
On Error Resume Next 
Range("A3", Range("A3").End(xlToRight)).Select 
    For Each Cell In Selection.Cells 
     myCell = Right(Cell, Len(Cell) - (InStrRev(Cell, " ") - 1)) 
     MsgBox myCell ' just to be sure the word is found 
     If myCell Like word Then 
     Selection.Cells.Bold = False 
     End If 
    Next Cell 

我能找到&辨别单词和“如果”工作正常,到目前为止,只是什么也没有发生选定单元格和列并没有被删除。 随着一些更改,我只能删除整行,但它不是我所需要的。 任何帮助appriciated。 Thx提前。





Sub Test() 
Dim examinee As Variant 
Dim cell As Range 
Dim word As String 
Dim myCell As String 
Dim arr() As String 
Dim strLastWord As String 

'How Many Sheets Should We Loop? 
examinee = InputBox("How many sheets?") 
'What Word Are We Searching For? 
word = InputBox("Looking for?") 
'Loop Sheets 
For A = 1 To examinee 
    'Loop Cells In Row 3 
    For Each cell In Range("A3", Range("A3").End(xlToRight)) 
     'Get The Value Of The Current Cell 
     myCell = Right(cell, Len(cell) - (InStrRev(cell, " ") - 1)) 
     'Is It A Single Word? 
     If InStr(1, myCell, " ") Then 
      'Several Words. Create An Array Of Individual Words In The Cell 
      arr() = Split(myCell, " ") 
      'Get The Number Of The Last Word 
      strLastWord = arr(UBound(arr)) 
      'Single Word. Get The Word 
      strLastWord = myCell 
     End If 
     'Is The Last Word = The Search Word? 
     If strLastWord = word Then 
      'Yes. Make It Bold 
      cell.Font.Bold = True 
      'No. Delete The Column 
     End If 
    Next cell 

End Sub 

谢谢,效果很好。对我来说,在这里学习很多新东西。 – Heinz



Sub findtext() 

Dim wsAkt As Worksheet 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim k As Integer 
Dim x As Integer 
Dim strWord As String 
Dim intWord As Integer 

'get the word 
strWord = Application.InputBox("Looking for?") 
'length of word 
intWord = Len(strWord) 
'loop through all worksheets 
For i = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count 
    'variable for selected worksheet 
    Set wsAkt = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(i) 
    'get how many columns are in row 3 
    x = wsAkt.Cells(3, wsAkt.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
     'loop through row 3 columns 
     For k = 1 To x 
      'if last Word in cell = the word then it has to have the same length 
      If Right(wsAkt.Cells(3, k), intWord) <> strWord Then 
       'delete selected column 
      End If 
     Next k 
Next i 

End Sub 



谢谢,我不得不仔细看看它,并试图理解代码,现在每个单元格都带有该单词,但我只需要那些单词是句子中最后一个单词的单元。希望我能弄清楚自己。 – Heinz