2015-11-01 57 views


Here is screen shot

ave replication state from table mysql.gtid_slave_pos: 1146:

@Z() [email protected]@[email protected]@@Z() mysqld.exe!?


see``, Routine_name , Routine_type) VALUES("ma_test_host"

umm last_update in table "mysql"."innodb_table_stats" is BIN

x_threads=501 thread_count=2 It is possible that mysql co

exe!my_security_attr_free() mysql.exe!simple_key_cache_rea

abort. Query (0x106e2f50): FLUSH PRIVILEGES Connection ID


iv ( host , Db , User , Routine_name , Routine_type`) VA


RROR] Missing system table mysql.roles_mapping; please run m

b50 InnoDB: Error: Column last_update in table "mysql"."inno


or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunc DB: Error: Column last_update in table "mysql"."innodb_table e '.\mysql\procs_priv.MYI'; try to repair it 151101 21:18:0 [email protected]@[email protected]@XZ() mysqld.exe!?ha_i


UPDATE: 我安装了Xampp,我可以看到localhost。 Xampp启动apache + MySQL没有错误,但是当我点击==> phpMyAdmin ==>用户帐户时,我看到上述错误。


(SELECT DISTINCT `User`, `Host` FROM `mysql`.`user`) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT `User`, `Host` FROM `mysql`.`db`) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT `User`, `Host` FROM `mysql`.`tables_priv`) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT `User`, `Host` FROM `mysql`.`columns_priv`) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT `User`, `Host` FROM `mysql`.`procs_priv`) ORDER BY `User` ASC, `Host` ASCrr 

Error Static analysis:

5 errors were found during analysis. 

Unexpected closing bracket. (near ")" at position 51) 
Unexpected closing bracket. (near ")" at position 108) 
Unexpected closing bracket. (near ")" at position 174) 
Unexpected closing bracket. (near ")" at position 241) 
Unexpected closing bracket. (near ")" at position 306) 
SQL query: Documentation 

(SELECT DISTINCT `User`, `Host` FROM `mysql`.`user`) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT `User`, `Host` FROM `mysql`.`db`) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT 

User , Host FROM mysql . tables_priv) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT User , Host FROM mysql . columns_priv) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT User , Host FROM mysql . procs_priv) ORDER BY User ASC, Host ASC LIMIT 0, 25

MySQL said: Documentation 

#126 - Incorrect key file for table '.\mysql\user.MYI'; try to repair it 

UPDATE-1: 我再次重新启动,并在看到以下内容:在预期

Warning in .\libraries\dbi\DBIMysqli.class.php#261 mysqli_query(): (HY000/1030): Got error 9 "Bad file descriptor" from storage engine MyISAM


.\libraries\dbi\DBIMysqli.class.php#261: mysqli_query(object, string 'SELECT * FROM mysql . db LIMIT 1', integer 0,) .\libraries\DatabaseInterface.class.php#246: PMA_DBI_Mysqli->realQuery(string 'SELECT * FROM mysql . db LIMIT 1', object, integer 0,) .\libraries\check_user_privileges.lib.php#46: PMA_DatabaseInterface->tryQuery(string 'SELECT * FROM mysql . db LIMIT 1') .\libraries\check_user_privileges.lib.php#395: PMA_checkRequiredPrivilgesForAdjust() .\libraries\List_Database.class.php#17: require_once(.\libraries\check_user_privileges.lib.php) .\libraries\PMA.php#17: require_once(.\libraries\List_Database.class.php) .\libraries\common.inc.php#1089: include_once(.\libraries\PMA.php) .\server_privileges.php#12: require_once(.\libraries\common.inc.php) Please advise



为什么这个问题是下降-5投票。我做错了什么? – Ghayel


我怀疑这是因为我们没有什么可以用来帮助你。看起来有一大堆错误消息已经导入到数据库中,但我们不知道这些消息可能来自哪里。您可能想在ServerFault上提出这个问题 - 我会建议添加关于如何尝试安装该软件的信息。另外,你已经把它标记为mysql-python - 它与你的安装方式有什么关系?否则,标签是什么? – andrewsi


我更新了我的问题。抱歉附上mysql-python标签。我删除了它 – Ghayel



我发现的实际问题是,Windows 8.1不允许某些程序更改c:/ programs ..文件夹。

我重新安装在我的d:通过创建文件夹,驱动器说d:/ PHP/XAMPP及其开始工作的罚款