2013-12-18 39 views


我想将它们拆分成data.frame,并在@GSee(How to split a string into substrings of a given length?)的建议之后编写了一些代码。但是,处理6000行花了大约4.3秒。


感谢您的任何建议。 WITH阿南达Mahto评论

temp <- readLines(textConnection("NO000050550193801TMAX 53 I 51 I 10 I 22 I 56 I 31 I 30 I 24 I 38 I 25 I 2 I 32 I 75 I 71 I 98 I 96 I 57 I 55 I 54 I 60 I 91 I 75 I 94 I 82 I 89 I 46 I 26 I 68 I 62 I 46 I 37 I 
NO000050550193801TMIN 25 I -6 I -27 I 0 I 3 I -14 I -8 I 11 I 10 I -11 I -30 I -23 I 22 I 38 I 47 I 33 I 13 I 5 I 10 I 29 I 42 I 45 I 51 I 44 I 35 I 5 I -16 I -20 I 5 I 2 I 5 I 
NO000050550193802TMAX 69 I 58 I 71 I 90 I 77 I 70 I 56 I 46 I 58 I 32 I 32 I 22 I 25 I 30 I 29 I 29 I 34 I 88 I 58 I 50 I 45 I 62 I 38 I 40 I 59 I 112 I 92 I 77 I-9999 -9999 -9999 
NO000050550193802TMIN 11 I 26 I 16 I 35 I 44 I 21 I 19 I 22 I 20 I 6 I 6 I -16 I -22 I -39 I -28 I -35 I -33 I -21 I -13 I 15 I 26 I 17 I -1 I 9 I 18 I 38 I 58 I 28 I-9999 -9999 -9999 
NO000050550193803TMAX 81 I 84 I 89 I 86 I 86 I 74 I 54 I 74 I 83 I 64 I 75 I 77 I 66 I 91 I 82 I 84 I 89 I 84 I 94 I 85 I 82 I 89 I 74 I 84 I 81 I 58 I 72 I 58 I 86 I 84 I 89 I 
NO000050550193803TMIN 31 I 25 I 29 I 45 I 61 I 20 I 9 I 8 I 38 I 31 I 9 I 39 I 27 I 56 I 48 I 65 I 45 I 54 I 46 I 42 I 43 I 36 I 56 I 61 I 15 I -2 I -11 I -2 I 12 I 30 I 24 I")) 

temp <- rep(temp, 1000) 

out <- strsplit(temp, '') 
out <- as.matrix(do.call(rbind, out)) 
pos_matrix <- matrix(c(12, 16, 18, seq(0, 30) * 8 + 22, 
    15, 17, 21, seq(0, 30) * 8 + 26), ncol = 2) 
out <- apply(out, 1, function(x) 
     apply(pos_matrix, 1, function(y) 
      paste(x[y[1]:y[2]], collapse = '')) 

user system elapsed 
4.46 0.01 4.52 


pos_matrix <- matrix(c(12, 16, 18, seq(0, 30) * 8 + 22, 
    15, 17, 21, seq(0, 30) * 8 + 26), ncol = 2) 
pos_matrix <- lapply(seq(1, nrow(pos_matrix)), function(x) 
     sprintf('substr(V1, %s, %s) f%s', 
      pos_matrix[x,1], pos_matrix[x,2], x) 
pos_matrix <- paste(pos_matrix, collapse = ', ') 
out <- data.frame(V1 = temp) 

out <- sqldf(sprintf('select %s from out', pos_matrix)) 

user system elapsed 
0.4  0.0  0.4 

WITH jlhoward建议编辑:

pos_matrix <- matrix(c(12, 16, 18, seq(0, 30) * 8 + 22, 
    15, 17, 21, seq(0, 30) * 8 + 26), ncol = 2) 
out <- apply(pos_matrix, 1, function(x) 
     substr(temp, x[1], x[2]) 
user system elapsed 
0.04 0.00 0.04 

按照[示例6f here](http://code.google.com/p/sqldf/)中的说明使用'sqldf'和'substr'? – A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1


sqldf和substr要快得多。相同的数据集只需要0.4秒。你的男人将你的评论添加到答案中,然后我可以接受它。 – Bangyou





vec <- as.vector(temp) 
pos_matrix <- matrix(c(12, 16, 18, seq(0, 30) * 8 + 22, 
         15, 17, 21, seq(0, 30) * 8 + 26), ncol = 2) 
pos <- t(pos_matrix) 
out <- do.call(rbind,list(apply(pos,2,function(x){substr(vec,x[1],x[2])}))) 
# user system elapsed 
# 0.09 0.00 0.09 

感谢您的建议。相同的数据集只需要0.4秒,而与sqldf的速度相似(但不需要加载sqldf软件包)。 – Bangyou


很高兴为你效劳。我已经添加了上面的代码,但看起来你已经明白了。 – jlhoward



m <- matrix(c(12, 16, 18, seq(0, 30) * 8 + 22, 
    15, 17, 21, seq(0, 30) * 8 + 26), ncol = 2) 
read.fwf(textConnection(temp), c(11,    # which you are apparently ignoring 
           m[,2]-m[,1]+1) ) 



scan建议 - 这与文件或连接工作。它可以修改代码以上面给出更方便地与temp工作:

writeLines(temp, "temp.txt") 
scan("temp.txt", what="")) 
# and now convert it to a matrix of appropriate size 


