2017-07-24 30 views

我试图在循环中执行语句,只有当所有先前的条件都不符合并且不返回(结束迭代)。但是即使循环显然结束了它的迭代,该语句仍在执行。在Javascript中跳过循环迭代 - 无法让它正常工作

这一切都发生在'catagorize words'部分的'parse'方法中。只有在其他条件不适用的情况下,我才想执行的声明是'添加未分类'声明。我没有包含包含'items'的对象,因为它有很多其他你不需要看到的东西。但如果你这样做可以在这里找到:Link

var textParser4 = { 
    // It need to store command phrases 
    commandWords: ["north", "pick up", "east", "south", "west", "up", "down", "examine", "open", "inventory", "use", "get", "take", "drop", "put dn"], 
    // It needs to store filler words - to remove 
    fillerWords: ["go", "to", "then", "with", "it", "at", "as", "and", "i"], 
    // It needs to store string after it's turned into array 
    stringArray: [], 
    // It needs somewhere to store seperated strings 
    seperateStringArrays: [], 
    // It needs a parsing function 
    parse: function(inputString) { 
    // It needs to make input string lower case. 
    inputString = inputString.toLowerCase(); 
    // It needs to remove punctuation 
    inputString = inputString.replace(/[.,\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]/g,""); 
    // It needs to remove filler words. 
    this.fillerWords.forEach(function(word) { 
     inputString = inputString.replace(word + " ", ""); 
    // Turn string into array 
    this.stringArray = inputString.split(" "); 
    // Remove empty elements 
    this.stringArray.forEach(function(element, index) { 
     if (element === "") { 
     this.stringArray.splice(index, 1); 
    }, this); 
    // Catagorise words 
    for (var i = 0; i < this.stringArray.length; i++) { 
     console.log("string array length: ", this.stringArray.length); 
     var jWord = this.stringArray[i] + " " + this.stringArray[i + 1]; 
     this.commandWords.forEach(function(cWord) { 
     //find two word commands first 
     if (cWord === jWord) { 
      this.seperateStringArrays.push({ phrase: this.stringArray[i] + " " + this.stringArray[i + 1], wordCatagory: "command" }); 
      // Remove word that has been joined with previous word 
      this.stringArray.splice(i + 1, 1); 
      // find single word commands 
     } else if (cWord === this.stringArray[i]) { 
      this.seperateStringArrays.push({ phrase: this.stringArray[i], wordCatagory: "command" }); 
     // find items words 
     }, this); 
     // find items 
     Game.items.forEach(function(item) { 
     if (jWord === item.name) { 
      // find two word items 
      this.seperateStringArrays.push({ phrase: this.stringArray[i] + " " + this.stringArray[i + 1], wordCatagory: "item" }); 
      // Remove word that has been joined with previous word 
      this.stringArray.splice(i + 1, 1); 
      // find single word items 
     } else if (this.stringArray[i] === item.name) { 
      this.seperateStringArrays.push({ phrase: this.stringArray[i], wordCatagory: "item" }); 
     }, this); 
     // Add uncatagorised 
     this.seperateStringArrays.push({ phrase: this.stringArray[i], wordCatagory: "uncatagorized" }); 
    // DOn't forget to empty string array after new arrays are created 
    // sort sentences into seperate commands 
    this.seperateStringArrays = []; 

// catagorise word 
// loop through string array 
// check if word or pair of words match a command 
    // If so, end iteration and start next 
// Check if word or word pair match an item 
    // If so, end iteration and start next iteration




this.seperateStringArrays.push({ phrase: this.stringArray[i], wordCatagory: "uncatagorized" }); 

正在运行的外forEach迭代,所以一旦迭代完成,它显然会继续执行,以解决这个问题;尝试将其作为else if放入循环中,并将其置于循环的底部,因为任何其他语句的计算结果为true都将返回到循环之外并在到达之前中断。

Game.items.forEach(function(item) { 
    if (jWord === item.name) { 
     // find two word items 
     this.seperateStringArrays.push({ phrase: this.stringArray[i] + " " + this.stringArray[i + 1], wordCatagory: "item" }); 
     // Remove word that has been joined with previous word 
     this.stringArray.splice(i + 1, 1); 
     // find single word items 
    } else if (this.stringArray[i] === item.name) { 
     this.seperateStringArrays.push({ phrase: this.stringArray[i], wordCatagory: "item" }); 
    //End of if statement 
    }, this); 
    //End of forEach 
this.seperateStringArrays.push({ phrase: this.stringArray[i], wordCatagory: "uncatagorized" }); 

不,我刚刚检查过,不是。你可以看到上面的forEach循环结束,除非Glitch告诉我谎言。这个陈述恰好在for循环结束之前。 – Cuckoo


@Cuckoo检查我的更新! – hyper0009


谢谢,但它仍然没有解决我的问题。我已经使用.map改写它。这是一个更清洁,它只是不正确返回。 – Cuckoo