2016-10-26 172 views

在此程序中,我试图在功能SortedMerge(struct node* a, struct node* b)中打印tail,tail->nexttail->data值。我创建了一个链接列表就像头指针“a”和2->3->20有头指针“b5->10->15在指针中需要一些帮助


struct node 
    int data; 
    struct node* next; 

struct node* SortedMerge(struct node* a, struct node* b) 
    /* a dummy first node to hang the result on */ 
    struct node dummy; 

    /* tail points to the last result node */ 
    struct node* tail = &dummy; 
    printf("tail %d \n",tail); 
    printf("tail->next %d \n",tail->next); 
    printf("tail->data %d \n",tail->data); 

/* Function to insert a node at the beginging of the 
linked list */ 
void push(struct node** head_ref, int new_data) 
    /* allocate node */ 
    struct node* new_node = 
     (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); 

    /* put in the data */ 
    new_node->data = new_data; 

    /* link the old list off the new node */ 
    new_node->next = (*head_ref); 

    /* move the head to point to the new node */ 
    (*head_ref) = new_node; 

/* Drier program to test above functions*/ 
int main() 
    struct node* res = NULL; 
    struct node* a = NULL; 
    struct node* b = NULL; 
    push(&a,5); //some more like this (5->10->15) 
    push(&b,2); //some more like this (2->3->20) 
    res = SortedMerge(a, b); 

    return 0; 


tail -686550032 
tail->next 15585456 
tail->data 1 



'的printf( “尾部%d \ n” 个,尾);'是一个未定义的行为。使用'%p'打印指针。 – Ari0nhh


你期望输出是什么?问题:首先,'%d'不是指针的右边说明符。使用'%p'。其次'tail-> next'和'tail-> data'是未初始化的值。打印这些将有随机垃圾值。 – kaylum


在SortedMerge()函数中执行'struct node dummy;'时,您将在堆栈上分配一个未初始化的'struct node'。因此,打印内容将是一个随机结果。 –




printf("tail %p \n",tail); 
printf("tail->next %p \n",tail->next); 


tail 0x7fff9c7f2f80 
tail->next 0x7fff9c7f2fb8 
tail->data 0 


struct node* SortedMerge_a(struct node* a, struct node* b) 
    printf("a %p \n",a); 
    printf("a->next %p \n",a->next); 
    printf("a->data %d \n",a->data); 


a 0x601010 
a->next (nil) 
a->data 5