2014-02-12 83 views

我的托管公司升级服务器后,我有一个非常奇怪的问题与类别。每隔一天一个类别崩溃,并在单击链接的菜单项时显示以下错误。你能帮忙吗?谢谢。 (http://myxolargos.grjoomla 2.5类别崩溃

error: 500

Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_1325_1.MYI'; try to repair it SQL=SELECT a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.title_alias, a.introtext, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.catid, a.created, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias, CASE WHEN a.modified = 0 THEN a.created ELSE a.modified END as modified, a.modified_by, uam.name as modified_by_name,CASE WHEN a.publish_up = 0 THEN a.created ELSE a.publish_up END as publish_up,a.publish_down, a.images, a.urls, a.attribs, a.metadata, a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.access, a.hits, a.xreference, a.featured, LENGTH(a.fulltext) AS readmore,CASE WHEN badcats.id is not null THEN 0 ELSE a.state END AS state,c.title AS category_title, c.path AS category_route, c.access AS category_access, c.alias AS category_alias,CASE WHEN a.created_by_alias > ' ' THEN a.created_by_alias ELSE ua.name END AS author,ua.email AS author_email,(SELECT MAX(contact.id) AS id FROM myxolarg_contact_details AS contact WHERE contact.published = 1 AND contact.user_id = a.created_by) as contactid,parent.title as parent_title, parent.id as parent_id, parent.path as parent_route, parent.alias as parent_alias,ROUND(v.rating_sum/v.rating_count, 0) AS rating, v.rating_count as rating_count,c.published, CASE WHEN badcats.id is null THEN c.published ELSE 0 END AS parents_published FROM myxolarg_content AS a LEFT JOIN myxolarg_content_frontpage AS fp ON fp.content_id = a.id LEFT JOIN myxolarg_categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid LEFT JOIN myxolarg_users AS ua ON ua.id = a.created_by LEFT JOIN myxolarg_users AS uam ON uam.id = a.modified_by LEFT JOIN myxolarg_categories as parent ON parent.id = c.parent_id LEFT JOIN myxolarg_content_rating AS v ON a.id = v.content_id LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT cat.id as id FROM myxolarg_categories AS cat JOIN myxolarg_categories AS parent ON cat.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt WHERE parent.extension = 'com_content' AND parent.published != 1 GROUP BY cat.id) AS badcats ON badcats.id = c.id WHERE a.access IN (1,1) AND c.access IN (1,1) AND CASE WHEN badcats.id is null THEN a.state ELSE 0 END = 1 AND (a.catid = 109 OR a.catid IN (SELECT sub.id FROM myxolarg_categories as sub INNER JOIN myxolarg_categories as this ON sub.lft > this.lft AND sub.rgt < this.rgt WHERE this.id = 109)) AND (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2014-02-12 21:58:27') AND (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2014-02-12 21:58:27') ORDER BY c.lft, CASE WHEN a.publish_up = 0 THEN a.created ELSE a.publish_up END DESC , a.created LIMIT 0, 11


登录到PhpMyAdmin,选择'#__ categories'表并点击“修复”选项 – Lodder


已经尝试过了,没有工作不幸! – user3303737


你现在使用的是什么版本的mysql? – Lodder




How do you fix a MySQL "Incorrect key file" error when you can't repair the table?表示他们的解决方案是确保tmp文件夹有足够的剩余空间来执行repai。



他们已经放弃了他们告诉我的PHP。这是一场噩梦,我有5个新闻门户,每一个类别崩溃,我必须创建一个新的,并尽可能多地传输文章,直到它再次崩溃!模块停止显示类别和整个站点崩溃。 – user3303737