2016-06-17 40 views


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我建立这显示调试信息的一个微小的JS组件 - 有什么办法读取到目前为止遇到的错误和警告的数量?




您需要在代码中使用某种包装来捕获未捕获的异常,或者需要以某种方式绑定到控制台API。 – ssube


您可以使用[devtools](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/devtools)使用扩展名。 – mash


也许你可以使用window.onerror = function(msg,url,lineNo,columnNo,error) –




// Add this IIFE to your codebase: 
(() => { 
\t // Get all of the property names of the console: 
\t const methodsToTrack = Object.keys(window.console); 
\t // Create an object to collect total usage tallies in: 
\t const usageRegistry = {}; 
\t for (let i = 0, j = methodsToTrack.length; i < j; i++) { 
\t \t let methodName = methodsToTrack[i]; 
\t \t // If the property is not a method, don't touch it: 
\t \t if(typeof window.console[methodName] !== 'function') { 
\t \t \t continue; 
\t \t } 
\t \t // Cache the original console method here: 
\t \t let consoleMethod = window.console[methodName]; 
\t \t // Overwrite console's method to increment the counter: 
\t \t window.console[methodName] = function() { 
\t \t \t // Defining registry properties here, so the registry only contains values for methods that were accessed: 
\t \t \t usageRegistry[methodName] = usageRegistry[methodName] || 0; 
\t \t \t // Execute the original method's behavior, capturing the returned value (if any) in a var, to return it at the end: 
\t \t \t const returnedValue = consoleMethod(...arguments); 
\t \t \t // Increment the usage registry for the executed method: 
\t \t \t usageRegistry[methodName]++; 
\t \t \t // Return the value the console's method would have returned, so the new method has the same signature as the old. 
\t \t \t return returnedValue; 
\t \t }; 

\t } 
\t // Define a funciton to output the totals to a console log, then clean up after itself: 
\t window.showConsoleTallies = function() { 
\t \t window.console.log(usageRegistry); 
\t \t usageRegistry['log']--; 
\t } 

// Examples: 
console.log('log 1'); 
console.error('error 1'); 
console.log('log 2'); 
console.warn('warn 1'); 
console.error('error 2'); 
console.log('log 3'); 

PS:这就是ECMA6版本,但随时run it through Babel,如果你想它是编译用于旧版浏览器。


这会计算404s和异常像devtool的计数器吗? – dandavis


不幸的是,@dandavis,我认为它只能用于计算开发人员使用的控制台方法。 'fetch('http://invalidajaxcall.com/').catch(showConsoleTallies)'(例如)似乎并没有使用console.error。 – jmealy