2016-03-08 82 views



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    <title>Startup Matchmaker</title> 
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    <h1>Startup Matchmaker</h1> 
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      <li class="main-nav"><a class="main-item" href="developers/developers.html">DEVELOPERS</a></li> 
      <li class="main-nav"><a class="main-item" href="designers/designers.html">DESIGNERS</a></li> 
      <li class="main-nav"><a class="secondary-item" href="howitworks/howitworks.html">How It Works</a></li> 
      <li class="main-nav"><a class="secondary-item" href="ourteam/ourteam.html">Our Team</a></li> 
      <li class="main-nav"><a class="secondary-item" href="blog/blog.html">Blog<a></li> 

<!-- QUOTE --> 
<div class="quote"> 
    <h2>Because two brains <del class="quote-taste">taste</del><span> </span><ins class="quote-are">are</ins> better than one.</h2> 

<!-- MAIN AREA --> 
<div class="main-image"> 
    <div class="translucent-container"> 
     <h3>Meet Your Match!</h3> 
     <p class="container-para">Have a great idea for your product, but need help making it a reality? We're here to help. Startup Matchmaker is the best place for designers and developers to find each other.</p> 
     <button class="live-button" href="#">CREATE A PROFILE</button> 

<!-- PROMO TOUTS --> 
<div class="all-promo-touts"> 
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    <h4>Create a Profile</h4> 
    <p>Are you a Designer? Developer? Put yourself out there so that others can find you!</p> 
    <button class="gray-button" href="#" id="signuppop">SIGN UP NOW</button> 
<div class="vertical-line fl"> 
<div class="promo-tout fl"> 
    <h4>Find a Developer</h4> 
    <p>Are you a Designer? Developer? Put yourself out there so that others can find you!</p> 
    <button class="gray-button" href="#">START YOUR SEARCH</button> 
<div class="vertical-line fl"> 
<div class="promo-tout-last fr"> 
    <h4>Find a Designer</h4> 
    <p>Are you a Designer? Developer? Put yourself out there so that others can find you!</p> 
    <button class="gray-button" href="#">START YOUR SEARCH</button> 

<!-- FOOTER --> 
    <p class="footer-text .clearfix:after">&copy; 2013 Startup Matchmaker. Made in NY.</p> 

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    document.getElementById('signuppop').onclick = function(){ 
     window.alert("Not taking sign ups yet. Sorry."); 


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overflow hidden inital*/ 

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感谢您提供更准确的反馈。我很感激它,并将为我今后可能提出的任何问题保持这种特定的级别。 – NicoleZ




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这工作!非常感谢 :) – NicoleZ