2016-09-22 28 views



“这桶名称已在使用中的群组名称必须是全局唯一尝试其他名称。 “。

已经超过12小时。文档建议,如果bucket ID不再被使用,它们应该被释放。该桶ID是否再次可用?


以供将来参考,如果你删除一个桶,而不是直接删除的项目其所属,我相信桶名称近乎瞬间变得可填海。 –


@BrandonYarbrough,事实并非如此。我有同样的问题,我删除了存储桶。只有在注意到我无法创建一个具有该名称的新桶之后,才删除该项目(这没有帮助)。 –



the support documentation

Shutting down a project stops all billing and traffic serving, shuts down any Google Cloud Platform App Engine applications, and terminates all Compute Engine instances. All project data associated with Google Cloud and Google APIs services becomes inaccessible.

After a 7-day waiting period, the project and associated data are permanently deleted from the console.

Note that after the 7-day waiting period ends, the time it takes to completely delete a project may vary. For example, if a project has billing set up, it might not be completely deleted until the current billing cycle ends, you receive the next bill, and your account is successfully charged. Additionally, the number and types of services in use may also affect when the system permanently deletes a project.


好吧,已经过了7天,并且存储桶ID仍在使用中。也许有人抓住它?悲伤;( – ageis


)请记住,如上所述,7天后所花费的时间可能会有所不同,所以我会继续努力 – jterrace


在这一点上,我真的怀疑可能有错误,并且我的存储桶名称没有发布由于某种竞争条件,我在删除了该项目的同时,还有一项转移仍在等待处理,所以也许这与它为什么不能再次提供相关的原因有关。我没有支持合同,但有什么方法可以拍摄快速的电子邮件给谷歌的人来检查我吗?我是[email protected]。 – ageis
