2011-12-13 42 views

看到这个评论from jquery-ui为什么z-index忽略位置:static?

// Ignore z-index if position is set to a value where z-index is ignored by the browser 
// This makes behavior of this function consistent across browsers 
// WebKit always returns auto if the element is positioned 

我看到jQuery的zIndex()返回0,如果该元素是position: static

z-index是否支持position:static? (它为我在Chrome中,还没有测试跨浏览器)


可能重复http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7814282/why-is-my-z-index-being-ignored – Dve


@Dve - 不是真的。这个问题的答案是“它不适用于静态位置的元素。”我问**为什么**。 – ripper234



z-index也是不可忽视的Flex的项目(柔性容器的直接子,元件相display: flexdisplay: inline-flex)。从w3c flexbox spec

Flex items漆完全一样,内嵌块CSS21,除了order修饰的文档顺序代替原文档顺序使用,并z-index值以外auto创建堆叠环境即使positionstatic


.flex { 
    display: flex; 
    align-items: center; 

.flex-item-one { 
    width: 100px; 
    height: 100px; 
    background-color: red; 
    margin-right: -50px; 

.flex-item-two { 
    width: 200px; 
    height: 200px; 
    background-color: green; 
<div class="flex"> 
    <div class="flex-item flex-item-one">One</div> 
    <div class="flex-item flex-item-two">Two</div> 


.flex { 
    display: flex; 
    align-items: center; 

.flex-item-one { 
    width: 100px; 
    height: 100px; 
    background-color: red; 
    margin-right: -50px; 
    z-index: 1; 

.flex-item-two { 
    width: 200px; 
    height: 200px; 
    background-color: green; 
<div class="flex"> 
    <div class="flex-item flex-item-one">One</div> 
    <div class="flex-item flex-item-two">Two</div> 