2017-02-16 19 views


.table { 
    display: table; 
    width: 100%; 

.table > div { 
    display: table-cell; 
    border: 1px solid red; 

    background-color: #e0eaf1; 
    width: 160px; 

.author a, .editor a{ 
    font-size: 12px; 
.author b, .editor b{ 
    font-size: 12px; 
<div class="table"> 
    <div class="share_edit_flag"> 

    <div class="editor"> 
    <div class="container"> 
     <a href="#">edited May 21 16 at 11:58</a> 
     <div class="profile"> 
     <a href="#">Rory O'Kane</a> 
     <!-- I don't have any badge in my website --> 

    <div class="author"> 
    <div class="container"> 
     <a href="#">asked May 21 16 at 11:51</a> 
     <div class="profile"> 
     <a href="#">vasanthkumarmani</a> 
     <!-- I don't have any badge in my website --> 


当我将float: right设置为.container时,它也会影响.share_edit_flag元素并使其损坏。


'的text-align:right' – zer00ne


使用CSS Flexbox的 – charlietfl


@ zer00ne [行不通](https://jsfiddle.net/f7ymg3Lj /) – stack




这就是说,你的问题与float最有可能的是,你没有清除它们后。如果您希望文本的容器显示在右侧,那么您还需要将text-align: right;添加到.container


.table { 
    display: table; 
    width: 100%; 

.table > div { 
    display: table-cell; 
    border: 1px solid red; 
    vertical-align: top; 

    background-color: #e0eaf1; 
    width: 160px; 
    float: right; 

    content: ""; 
    display: block; 
    clear: both; 

.author a, .editor a{ 
    font-size: 12px; 
.author b, .editor b{ 
    font-size: 12px; 
<div class="table"> 
    <div class="share_edit_flag"> 

    <div class="editor"> 
    <div class="container"> 
     <a href="#">edited May 21 16 at 11:58</a> 
     <div class="profile"> 
     <a href="#">Rory O'Kane</a> 
     <!-- I don't have any badge in my website --> 

    <div class="author"> 
    <div class="container"> 
     <a href="#">asked May 21 16 at 11:51</a> 
     <div class="profile"> 
     <a href="#">vasanthkumarmani</a> 
     <!-- I don't have any badge in my website --> 


以及你的情况,仍然'共享编辑删除'在框的底部。他们应该位居前列。 – stack


检查我的编辑。我已经添加了'vertical-align:top;'以保持文本正确对齐。 – Santi


是的,现在这是正确的,谢谢,upvote – stack

.table { 
     display: table; 
     width: 100%; 

    .table > div { 
     display: table-cell; 
     border: 1px solid red; 

     background-color: #e0eaf1; 
     width: 100%; 
     text-align: right; 

    .author a, .editor a{ 
     font-size: 12px; 
    .author b, .editor b{ 
     font-size: 12px; 