2016-10-22 40 views

好的,所以我试图从文本文件中找到最长的链,其中一行的最后一个单词是下一个词的第一个单词(适用于诗歌)。我所需要的Python脚本运行良好,但仍需要很长时间。我不是编码专家,完全不知道优化。我是否需要更多选择? 如何缩短运行较长文本所需的时间?行最后一个词的最长链/下一个第一个词

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
import re 
import sys 

# Opening the source text 
with open("/text.txt") as g: 
    all_lines = g.readlines() 

def last_word(particular_line): 
    if particular_line != "\n": 
     particular_line = re.sub(ur'^\W*|\W*$', "",particular_line) 
     if len(particular_line) > 1: 
      return particular_line.rsplit(None, 1)[-1].lower() 

def first_word(particular_line): 
    if particular_line != "\n": 
     particular_line = re.sub(ur'^\W*|\W*$', "",particular_line) 
     if len(particular_line) > 1: 
      return particular_line.split(None, 1)[0].lower() 

def chain(start, lines, depth): 
    remaining = list(lines) 
    del remaining[remaining.index(start)] 
    possibles = [x for x in remaining if (len(x.split()) > 2) and (first_word(x) == last_word(start))] 
    maxchain = [] 
    for c in possibles: 
     l = chain(c, remaining, depth) 
     sys.stdout.write(str(depth) + " of " + str(len(all_lines)) + " \r") 
     if len(l) > len(maxchain): 
      maxchain = l 
      depth = str(depth) + "." + str(len(maxchain)) 
    return [start] + maxchain 

final_output = [] 

#Finding the longest chain 

for i in range (0, len(all_lines)): 
    x = chain(all_lines[i], all_lines, i) 
    if len(x) > 2: 
final_output.sort(key = len) 

#Output on screen 
print "\n\n--------------------------------------------" 

if len(final_output) > 1: 
    print final_output[-1] 
    print "Nothing found" 

你能提供这样的行的例子吗? –


import itertools 
def matching_lines(line_pair): 
    return line_pair[0].split()[-1].lower() == line_pair[1].split()[0].lower() 

line_pairs = ((line,next_line) for line,next_line in itertools.izip(all_lines,all_lines[1:])) 
grouped_pairs = itertools.groupby(line_pairs,matching_lines) 
print max([len(list(y))+1 for x,y in grouped_pairs if x]) 



不错的解决方案。在Python 3.5中,因为y是一个生成器,所以它需要是'len(list(y))'。总数也是1短。 –


哈哈感谢:P ... –


是的,这个代码具有的复杂性$ O(N^2)$。这意味着如果你的文件有n行,那么你的代码执行的迭代次数为1 *(n-1)第一行,然后1 *(n-2)第二行等n个这样的元素。对于大n,这相当于$ n^2 $。其实,有一个代码在这一行

del remaining[remaining.index(start)] 


del remaining[:remaining.index(start)] 

(注意:在方括号“”),它扩展了运行时(现(n-1)+(n-1)+(n-1)= n *(n-1) -3)..)。
您可以优化代码,如下所示:从maxchainlen = 0开始,curchainlen = 0。现在,遍历行,每次比较当前行的第一个单词和上一行的最后一个单词。如果它们匹配,则将curchainlen加1。如果它们不匹配,则检查是否存在curchainlen,如果是,则分配maxchainlen = curchainlen,并将curchainlen初始化为0.在完成对行的迭代后,再次对maxchainlen进行检查。例如:

lw = last_word(lines[0]) 
curchainlen = 0 
maxchainlen = 0 
for l in lines[2:]: 
    if lw = first_word(l): 
     curchainlen = curchainlen + 1 
     maxchainlen = max(maxchainlen, curchainlen) 
     curchainlen = 0 
maxchainlen = max(maxchainlen, curchainlen) 

新代码的复杂性为O(n)。所以对于长文件,它将大大提高性能。 – galra



如果您使用python yield关键字,该问题的第一部分更容易,该关键字与return类似,但不会结束函数。这使您可以一次一行地循环播放内容,并且无需在整个内存中始终保存整个内容。


def get_chains(*lines): 
    # these hold the last token and the 
    # members of this chain 
    previous = None 
    accum = [] 

    # walk through the lines, 
    # seeing if they can be added to the existing chain in `accum` 
    for each_line in lines: 
     # split the line into words, ignoring case & whitespace at the ends 
     pieces = each_line.lower().strip().split(" ") 
     if pieces[0] == previous: 
      # match? add to accum 
      # no match? yield our chain 
      # if it is not empty 
      if accum: 
       yield accum 
       accum = [] 
     # update our idea of the last, and try the next line 
     previous = pieces[-1] 

    # at the end of the file we need to kick out anything 
    # still in the accumulator 
    if accum: 
     yield accum 

当你给这个函数线的字符串,它会yield出链,如果发现它们,然后继续。 呼叫这个功能可以捕获成功的链,并与他们做事。

一旦你有链子,很容易按长度排序并选择最长的。由于Python具有内置列表排序功能,只需收集一行行长 - >行对并对其进行排序即可。最长的一行将是最后一项:

def longest_chain(filename): 

    with open (filename, 'rt') as file_handle: 
     # if you loop over an open file, you'll get 
     # back the lines in the file one at a time 
     incoming_chains = get_chains(*file_handle) 

     # collect the results into a list, keyed by lengths 
     all_chains = [(len(chain), chain) for chain in incoming_chains] 
     if all_chains: 
      length, lines = all_chains[-1] 
      # found the longest chain 
      return "\n".join(lines) 
      # for some reason there are no chains of connected lines 
      return [] 