2017-03-07 34 views


create table Instrument (
    instrumentnaam  varchar(14)   not null, 
    toonhoogte   varchar(7)   not null 

INSERT INTO instrument VALUES ('piano', ''  ); 
INSERT INTO instrument VALUES ('fluit', ''  ); 
INSERT INTO instrument VALUES ('fluit', 'alt' ); 
INSERT INTO instrument VALUES ('saxofoon', 'alt' ); 
INSERT INTO instrument VALUES ('saxofoon', 'tenor' ); 
INSERT INTO instrument VALUES ('saxofoon', 'sopraan'); 
INSERT INTO instrument VALUES ('gitaar', ''  ); 
INSERT INTO instrument VALUES ('viool', ''  ); 
INSERT INTO instrument VALUES ('viool', 'alt' ); 
INSERT INTO instrument VALUES ('drums', ''  ); 

create table Bezettingsregel (
    stuknr    numeric(5)   not null, 
    instrumentnaam  varchar(14)   not null, 
    toonhoogte   varchar(7)   not null, 
    aantal    numeric(2)   not null 

INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (2, 'drums', '',  1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (2, 'saxofoon', 'alt', 2); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (2, 'saxofoon', 'tenor', 1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (2, 'piano', '',  1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (3, 'fluit', '',  1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (5, 'fluit', '',  3); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (9, 'fluit', '',  1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (9, 'fluit', 'alt', 1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (9, 'piano', '',  1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (12, 'piano', '',  1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (12, 'fluit', '',  2); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (13, 'drums', '',  1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (13, 'saxofoon', 'alt', 1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (13, 'saxofoon', 'tenor', 1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (13, 'fluit', '',  2); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (14, 'piano', '',  1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (14, 'fluit', '',  1); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (15, 'saxofoon', 'alt', 2); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (15, 'fluit', 'alt', 2); 
INSERT INTO bezettingsregel VALUES (15, 'piano', '',  1); 

create table Stuk (
    stuknr    numeric(5)   not null, 
    componistId   numeric(4)   not null, 
    titel    varchar(20)   not null, 
    stuknrOrigineel  numeric(5)   null, 
    genrenaam   varchar(10)   not null, 
    niveaucode   char(1)    null, 
    speelduur   numeric(3,1)   null, 
    jaartal    numeric(4)   not null 

INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (1, 1, 'Blue bird',  NULL, 'jazz',  NULL, 4.5, 1954); 
INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (2, 2, 'Blue bird',  1, 'jazz',  'B', 4, 1988); 
INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (3, 4, 'Air pur charmer', NULL, 'klassiek', 'B', 4.5, 1953); 
INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (5, 5, 'Lina',   NULL, 'klassiek', 'B', 5, 1979); 
INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (8, 8, 'Berceuse',  NULL, 'klassiek', NULL, 4, 1786); 
INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (9, 2, 'Cradle song',  8, 'klassiek', 'B', 3.5, 1990); 
INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (10, 8, 'Non piu andrai', NULL, 'klassiek', NULL, NULL, 1791); 
INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (12, 9, 'I''ll never go', 10, 'pop',  'A', 6, 1996); 
INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (13, 10, 'Swinging Lina', 5, 'jazz',  'B', 8, 1997); 
INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (14, 5, 'Little Lina',  5, 'klassiek', 'A', 4.3, 1998); 
INSERT INTO stuk VALUES (15, 10, 'Blue sky',  1, 'jazz',  'A', 4, 1998); 



SELECT i.instrumentnaam 
FROM instrument i inner join 
bezettingsregel b on i.instrumentnaam = b.instrumentnaam 
inner join stuk s on b.stuknr = s.stuknr 
WHERE genrenaam = 'klassiek' 
        FROM stuk 
        WHERE genrenaam = 'jazz' 



你也许是学生吗?我的笔记本电脑上有完全相同的桌子和东西供学校使用。 – iPhantomGuy


是的,我准备明天 – Yakalent


不错,我也是韩国人。大测试来了吧? – iPhantomGuy



我会用group byhaving。这里有一个方法:

SELECT b.instrumentnaam 
FROM bezettingsregel b inner join 
    stuk s 
    on b.stuknr = s.stuknr 
WHERE s.genrenaam IN ('klassiek', 'jazz') 
GROUP BY b.instrumentnaam 
HAVING MAX(s.genrenaam) = 'klassiek' AND MIN(s.genrenaam) = 'klassiek'; 



Thanx的答案,我不明白的是在这种情况下使用最大和最小值你能解释这一点吗? – Yakalent


@Yakalent。 。 。它只是检查价值总是“klassiek”而不是“爵士乐”。还有其他方法,但这种方式非常简单。 –


感谢您的解释! – Yakalent


由戈登·利诺夫答案(+1)是比较简单得多,但这里是你将如何使用not exists()做你想要什么:

select distinct b.instrumentnaam 
from bezettingsregel b 
    inner join stuk s 
    on b.stuknr = s.stuknr 
where s.genrenaam = 'klassiek' 
and not exists (
    select 1 
    from stuk nes 
    inner join bezettingsregel neb 
     on neb.stuknr = nes.stuknr 
    where nes.genrenaam = 'jazz' 
    and neb.instrumentnaam = b.instrumentnaam 

这里是你如何能与instrumentnaam not in()

select distinct b.instrumentnaam 
from bezettingsregel b 
    inner join stuk s 
    on b.stuknr = s.stuknr 
where s.genrenaam = 'klassiek' 
and b.instrumentnaam not in (
    select instrumentnaam 
    from stuk nes 
    inner join bezettingsregel neb 
     on neb.stuknr = nes.stuknr 
    where nes.genrenaam = 'jazz' 
