2016-06-18 159 views

目标是在.NET开发环境的新Windows Workstation(如Windows 10)上自动启用IIS。我意识到可以编写Powershell脚本来做这样的事情,但我不知道从哪里开始。自动安装IIS




为什么不是谷歌?这是从哪里开始,而不是在这里。 –


我一直在使用Google几天/周。 Powershell脚本不适用于这类任务,这让我感到困惑。大多数文章使用Powershell本身而不是脚本。 – micah


“Powershell脚本”和“Powershell本身”有什么区别? – jscott




在Windows Server,你可以运行下面的命令来自动安装IIS的:

#-LogPath can be added if you want a log to be created of the installation 
#-Restart can be added if you want to auto restart after installation 
Install-WindowsFeature -ComputerName SomePCHere -Name Web-Server 


Display Name           Name     
------------           ----      
    [ ] Web Application Proxy       Web-Application-Proxy   
[ ] Web Server (IIS)         Web-Server      
    [ ] Web Server          Web-WebServer     
     [ ] Common HTTP Features      Web-Common-Http     
      [ ] Default Document      Web-Default-Doc     
      [ ] Directory Browsing      Web-Dir-Browsing    
      [ ] HTTP Errors        Web-Http-Errors     
      [ ] Static Content       Web-Static-Content    
      [ ] HTTP Redirection      Web-Http-Redirect    
      [ ] WebDAV Publishing      Web-DAV-Publishing    
     [ ] Health and Diagnostics      Web-Health      
      [ ] HTTP Logging       Web-Http-Logging    
      [ ] Custom Logging       Web-Custom-Logging    
      [ ] Logging Tools       Web-Log-Libraries    
      [ ] ODBC Logging       Web-ODBC-Logging    
      [ ] Request Monitor       Web-Request-Monitor    
      [ ] Tracing         Web-Http-Tracing    
     [ ] Performance         Web-Performance     
      [ ] Static Content Compression    Web-Stat-Compression   
      [ ] Dynamic Content Compression    Web-Dyn-Compression    
     [ ] Security         Web-Security     
      [ ] Request Filtering      Web-Filtering     
      [ ] Basic Authentication     Web-Basic-Auth     
      [ ] Centralized SSL Certificate Support  Web-CertProvider    
      [ ] Client Certificate Mapping Authentic... Web-Client-Auth     
      [ ] Digest Authentication     Web-Digest-Auth     
      [ ] IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authe... Web-Cert-Auth     
      [ ] IP and Domain Restrictions    Web-IP-Security     
      [ ] URL Authorization      Web-Url-Auth     
      [ ] Windows Authentication     Web-Windows-Auth    
     [ ] Application Development      Web-App-Dev      
      [ ] .NET Extensibility 3.5     Web-Net-Ext      
      [ ] .NET Extensibility 4.5     Web-Net-Ext45     
      [ ] Application Initialization    Web-AppInit      
      [ ] ASP          Web-ASP       
      [ ] ASP.NET 3.5        Web-Asp-Net      
      [ ] ASP.NET 4.5        Web-Asp-Net45     
      [ ] CGI          Web-CGI       
      [ ] ISAPI Extensions      Web-ISAPI-Ext     
      [ ] ISAPI Filters       Web-ISAPI-Filter    
      [ ] Server Side Includes     Web-Includes     
      [ ] WebSocket Protocol      Web-WebSockets     
    [ ] FTP Server          Web-Ftp-Server     
     [ ] FTP Service         Web-Ftp-Service     
     [ ] FTP Extensibility       Web-Ftp-Ext      
    [ ] Management Tools        Web-Mgmt-Tools     
     [ ] IIS Management Console      Web-Mgmt-Console    
     [ ] IIS 6 Management Compatibility    Web-Mgmt-Compat     
      [ ] IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility   Web-Metabase     
      [ ] IIS 6 Management Console    Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console   
      [ ] IIS 6 Scripting Tools     Web-Lgcy-Scripting    
      [ ] IIS 6 WMI Compatibility     Web-WMI       
     [ ] IIS Management Scripts and Tools   Web-Scripting-Tools    
     [ ] Management Service       Web-Mgmt-Service    
[ ] IIS Hostable Web Core        Web-WHC 


Install-WindowsFeature -ComputerName SomePCHere -Name Web-Server, Web-Mgmt-Tools, Web-Security 


在Windows 8.1+可以使用Get-WindowsOptionalFeatureEnable-WindowsOptionalFeature安装IIS。


PS C:\> Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -online | Where {$_.FeatureName -like 'IIS*'} | Sort FeatureName | Format-Table 

FeatureName         State 
-----------         ----- 
IIS-ApplicationDevelopment     Disabled 
IIS-ApplicationInit      Disabled 
IIS-ASP         Disabled 
IIS-ASPNET         Disabled 
IIS-ASPNET45        Disabled 
IIS-BasicAuthentication     Disabled 
IIS-CertProvider       Disabled 
IIS-CGI         Disabled 
IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication Disabled 
IIS-CommonHttpFeatures      Disabled 
IIS-CustomLogging       Disabled 
IIS-DefaultDocument      Disabled 
IIS-DigestAuthentication     Disabled 
IIS-DirectoryBrowsing      Disabled 
IIS-FTPExtensibility      Disabled 
IIS-FTPServer        Disabled 
IIS-FTPSvc         Disabled 
IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics     Disabled 
IIS-HostableWebCore      Disabled 
IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic     Disabled 
IIS-HttpCompressionStatic     Disabled 
IIS-HttpErrors        Disabled 
IIS-HttpLogging       Disabled 
IIS-HttpRedirect       Disabled 
IIS-HttpTracing       Disabled 
IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility   Disabled 
IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication Disabled 
IIS-IPSecurity        Disabled 
IIS-ISAPIExtensions      Disabled 
IIS-ISAPIFilter       Disabled 
IIS-LegacyScripts       Disabled 
IIS-LegacySnapIn       Disabled 
IIS-LoggingLibraries      Disabled 
IIS-ManagementConsole      Disabled 
IIS-ManagementScriptingTools    Disabled 
IIS-ManagementService      Disabled 
IIS-Metabase        Disabled 
IIS-NetFxExtensibility      Disabled 
IIS-NetFxExtensibility45     Disabled 
IIS-ODBCLogging       Disabled 
IIS-Performance       Disabled 
IIS-RequestFiltering      Disabled 
IIS-RequestMonitor       Disabled 
IIS-Security        Disabled 
IIS-ServerSideIncludes      Disabled 
IIS-StaticContent       Disabled 
IIS-URLAuthorization      Disabled 
IIS-WebDAV         Disabled 
IIS-WebServer        Disabled 
IIS-WebServerManagementTools    Disabled 
IIS-WebServerRole       Disabled 
IIS-WebSockets        Disabled 
IIS-WindowsAuthentication     Disabled 
IIS-WMICompatibility      Disabled 

到Windows Server类似,您可以安装上面的功能(你可以通过使用逗号值在FeatureName参数分开安装多个功能:

#you can add -NoRestart to prevent automatic restarting (if required) 
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName IIS-Webserver 



这非常有帮助!谢谢! – micah


我认为上面这段代码也会在Windows 7/8/10上运行,对不对?运行'.ps1',以Admin身份运行,我使用'Install-WindowsFeature -ComputerName SomePCHere -Name Web-Server,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Security'创建的,我转到控制面板中的Windows功能窗口>程序和功能,它不会将IIS显示为已安装/启用。有什么我应该做的,使这项工作在常规的Windows? – micah


我的初步答案只适用于Windows服务器。我刚刚编辑并为客户端操作系统添加了一个部分。客户端操作系统部分只能在Windows 8.1+上运行。 –


有关IIS相关功能的完整列表以及有关Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet参数的更多信息,请参见Tyler Helder's helpful answer; 这个的答案是比较概念化的。

有一个很好的机会,ServerManager PowerShell的模块自带的Windows 服务器 OS预装(W2K8R2 +;注意客户操作系统require a different method):


  • 打开一个升高 PowerShell控制台(以管理员身份运行)
  • 运行Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server



需要注意的是从必须提供作为参数传递给Add-WindowsFeature/Install-WindowsFeature的cmdletName列中的值,而DisplayName column往往含有感兴趣的关键字。

案例:要发现其显示名称中包含“IIS”所有功能 - 并由此发现了IIS的功能的名称是Web-Server - 运行(PSv3 +):

Get-WindowsFeature | ? DisplayName -like *IIS*