2017-02-11 31 views



IF01 Programming 0 
IF02 Maths 1 IF01 
IF03 Data structures 2 IF01 IF02 
IF04 Digital logic 0 
IF05 Mathematical logistics 1 IF04 
IF06 Operations optimization 1 IF05 
IF07 Algorithm analysis 2 IF03 IF06 
IF08 Programming theory 1 IF03 
IF09 Operating systems 2 IF07 IF08 


IF01 Programming 
IF04 Digital logic 
IF02 Maths 
IF03 Data structures 
IF08 Programming theory 
IF05 Mathematical logistics 
IF06 Operations optimization 
IF07 Algorithm analysis 
IF09 Operating systems 




这似乎是某种形式的树是表示此数据的最佳方式。 – Abion47


@ Abion47 - 它是一个有向非循环图,而不是一棵树。 – Enigmativity


@Enigmativity是的,错误的术语。图表,而不是树。 – Abion47







// Defines a module as having a name and a list of modules it depends on to be eligible 
class Module 
    public string Name { get; set; } 
    public List<Module> DependsOn { get; set; } 

// Represents a solution as a list of modules 
class Solution 
    public List<Module> Modules { get; set; } 

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     // Defines the modules 
     var if01 = new Module() { Name = "IF01" }; 
     var if02 = new Module() { Name = "IF02" }; 
     var if03 = new Module() { Name = "IF03" }; 
     var if04 = new Module() { Name = "IF04" }; 
     var if05 = new Module() { Name = "IF05" }; 
     var if06 = new Module() { Name = "IF06" }; 
     var if07 = new Module() { Name = "IF07" }; 
     var if08 = new Module() { Name = "IF08" }; 
     var if09 = new Module() { Name = "IF09" }; 

     // Defines on which other modules each module depends on 
     if01.DependsOn = new List<Module>(); 
     if02.DependsOn = new List<Module>() { if01 }; 
     if03.DependsOn = new List<Module>() { if01, if02 }; 
     if04.DependsOn = new List<Module>(); 
     if05.DependsOn = new List<Module>() { if04 }; 
     if06.DependsOn = new List<Module>() { if05 }; 
     if07.DependsOn = new List<Module>() { if03, if06 }; 
     if08.DependsOn = new List<Module>() { if03 }; 
     if09.DependsOn = new List<Module>() { if07, if08 }; 

     // The list of all modules 
     var allModules = new List<Module>() { if01, if02, if03, if04, if05, if06, if07, if08, if09 }; 
     // The list of choosen modules at this step 
     var choosenModules = new List<Module>(); 

     // Writes each found solution 
     foreach (var solution in Calculate(choosenModules, allModules)) 
      solution.Modules.ForEach(m => Console.Write(m.Name + "/")); 

    // Determinates if a module is eligible considering already choosed modules 
    static bool IsEligible(Module module, List<Module> alreadyChoosed) 
     // All modules this module depends on needs to be present in the allready choosen modules 
     return module.DependsOn.All(m => alreadyChoosed.Contains(m)); 

    static IEnumerable<Solution> Calculate(List<Module> choosenModules, List<Module> remainingModules) 
     if (remainingModules.Count > 0) 
     // If some modules remain, we need to continue 
      // Takes the list of all eligible modules at this step 
      var allEligibleModules = remainingModules.FindAll(m => IsEligible(m, choosenModules)); 

      // We explore the solutions 
      foreach (var newlyChoosen in allEligibleModules) 
       // Considering this newly choosen module... 
       // ... which is so no more in the remaining modules 

       // And try to find all solutions starting with this newly choosen module 
       foreach (var solution in Calculate(choosenModules, remainingModules)) 
        yield return solution; 

       // As we have tested this module we push it back as unchoosed, so that the next possible will take its place in the solution 
     // If no more remaining modules, we have a solution 
      yield return new Solution() { Modules = new List<Module>(choosenModules) }; 

它应该不是特定的。数据文件仅作为示例给出,可以有更多或更少的模块。该方案应该是一般化的。 – Tom


@Tom,除了可以使用文件完成的初始化步骤外,程序是一般的...但问题不是“如何读取文件”? – lemon


我知道如何阅读文件,但是任务是编写一个程序,只需要您上传一个带有模块列表的.txt文件,并且它会为您提供包含所有可能组合的文本文件。我不知道如何优化它。我也需要使用递归。 – Tom



class Program 
private static void Swap(ref char a, ref char b) 
    if (a == b) return; 

    a ^= b; 
    b ^= a; 
    a ^= b; 

public static void GetPer(char[] list) 
    int x = list.Length - 1; 
    GetPer(list, 0, x); 

private static void GetPer(char[] list, int k, int m) 
    if (k == m) 
     for (int i = k; i <= m; i++) 
       Swap(ref list[k], ref list[i]); 
       GetPer(list, k + 1, m); 
       Swap(ref list[k], ref list[i]); 

static void Main() 
    string str = "sagiv"; 
    char[] arr = str.ToCharArray(); 

