2010-05-10 70 views
    <li><a href="#">one</a></li> 
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    <li><a href="#">three</a></li> 




尝试elancer或租来的编码器 – Quentin 2010-05-10 07:50:22


我觉得他是用租来的编码器,并获得报酬这一点;) – Konerak 2010-05-10 08:02:04


SO不一样了我猜。我问过很多类似的问题,总是得到帮助,但也许那些人已经离开,你已经到了?无论如何,我自己想出了一个解决方案。 – 3zzy 2010-05-10 10:43:16




看看这里: http://jsfiddle.net/meo/ACenH/234/

function slider(container, delay){ 
$container = $(container) // select the container elements and store them in a variable 

if (!$container.length){ return fasle; } // checks if the slider exists in your dom. if not the function ends here... 

    var slides = $container.length, // gives back the total LI's you have 
     slide = 0 // set the actual li to show 

     setInterval(function(){ // set a Interval for your main function 
      if (slide == slides - 1) { // if the actual slide is equal the total slides (-1 because eq is 0 based and length gives back the number of elements in the jQuery object) the slide counter is set to 0 
       $container.slideDown(); // and all slides a shown again 
       slide = 0; 
      } else { 
       $container.eq(slide).slideUp(); //slides the selected slide up i think you could think of a solution with .next() instead of eq() 
       slide++; // slide counter +1 

     }, delay) 


slider('ul > li', 2000); // call your slider function 

错字3,'fasle' – 2013-12-24 04:19:14