2016-09-16 31 views


import numpy as np 
from scipy.constants import Boltzmann, elementary_charge as kb, e 
import multiprocessing 
from functools import partial 
Tc = 9.2 
x = [] 
g= [] 
def Delta(T): 
Delta(T) takes a temperature as an input and calculates a 
temperature dependent variable based on Tc which is defined as a 
global parameter 
    d0 = (pi/1.78)*kb*Tc 
    D0 = d0*(np.sqrt(1-(T**2/Tc**2))) 
    return D0 

def element_in_sum(T, n, phi): 
    D = Delta(T) 
    matsubara_frequency = (np.pi * kb * T) * (2*n + 1) 
    factor_d = np.sqrt((D**2 * cos(phi/2)**2) + matsubara_frequency**2) 
    element = ((2 * D * np.cos(phi/2))/ factor_d) * np.arctan((D * np.sin(phi/2))/factor_d) 
    return element 

def sum_elements(T, M, phi): 
    sum_elements(T,M,phi) is the most computationally heavy part 
    of the calculations, the larger the M value the more accurate the 
    results are. 
    T: temperature 
    M: number of steps for matrix calculation the larger the more accurate the calculation 
phi: The phase of the system can be between 0- pi 
    X = list(np.arange(0,M,1)) 
    Y = [element_in_sum(T, n, phi) for n in X] 
    return sum(Y) 

def KO_1(M, T, phi): 
    Iko1Rn = (2 * np.pi * kb * T /e) * sum_elements(T, M, phi) 
    return Iko1Rn 

def main(): 
    for j in range(1, 92): 
     T = 0.1*j 
     for i in range(1, 314): 
      phi = 0.01*i 
      pool = multiprocessing.Pool() 
      result = pool.apply_async(KO_1,args=(26000, T, phi,)) 
    A = max(g); 
    del g[:]  

我的做法是试图发送KO1功能成多池,但我要么得到一个Pickling错误或too many files open,任何帮助是极大的赞赏,如果多是错误的做法我很乐意的任何指南。


代替多线程,我认为你可以减少代码的运行时间,但是使用正确的数组操作而不是循环,因为你似乎涉及相当简单的数学。 (如我错了请纠正我)。此代码看起来像是由C编程人员编写的;) 检查这些:http://technicaldiscovery.blogspot.de/2011/06/speeding-up-python-numpy-cython-and.html http:// scipy -cookbook.readthedocs.io/items/PerformancePython.html – dnalow


Iol我很受宠若惊:D @ dnalow,但遗憾的是这是由一位化学家成为工程师的新手编写的,我对使用网格方面感兴趣Numpy,但我不太确定我会如何在这里实现它。 – user3191569





def sum_elements(T, M, phi): 
    return sum(element_in_sum(T, n, phi) for n in range(0, M, 1)) 

如果使用python2,与xrange更换range。 这篇技巧可能会帮助你编写任何python脚本。



def job(args): 
    i, j = args 
    T = 0.1*j 
    phi = 0.01*i 
    return K0_1(26000, T, phi) 

def main():   
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4) # You can change this number 
    x = [max(pool.imap(job, ((i, j) for i in range(1, 314)) for j in range(1, 92)] 



中完成的谢谢你,我很喜欢这里的简单性,非常感谢你的提示,从现在开始,当Irun代码虽然我一直得到'NameError:全局名称'K0_1'未定义' – user3191569


代码片段分别代表'sum_elements'和'main'。 –


是的,我做了'sum_elements'和'main'的直接替代,但是当我运行'main()'时,我得到了上面的错误 – user3191569



import numpy as np 
from scipy.constants import Boltzmann, elementary_charge as kb, e 
import time 
Tc = 9.2 
RAM = 4*1024**2 # 4GB 

def Delta(T): 
    Delta(T) takes a temperature as an input and calculates a 
    temperature dependent variable based on Tc which is defined as a 
    global parameter 
    d0 = (np.pi/1.78)*kb*Tc 
    D0 = d0*(np.sqrt(1-(T**2/Tc**2))) 
    return D0 

def element_in_sum(T, n, phi): 
    D = Delta(T) 
    matsubara_frequency = (np.pi * kb * T) * (2*n + 1) 
    factor_d = np.sqrt((D**2 * np.cos(phi/2)**2) + matsubara_frequency**2) 
    element = ((2 * D * np.cos(phi/2))/ factor_d) * np.arctan((D * np.sin(phi/2))/factor_d) 
    return element 

def KO_1(M, T, phi): 
    X = np.arange(M)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] 
    sizeX = int((float(RAM)/sum(T.shape))/sum(phi.shape)/8) #8byte 
    i0 = 0 
    Iko1Rn = 0. * T * phi 
    while (i0+sizeX) <= M: 
     print "X = %i"%i0 
     indices = slice(i0, i0+sizeX) 
     Iko1Rn += (2 * np.pi * kb * T /e) * element_in_sum(T, X[indices], phi).sum(0) 
     i0 += sizeX 
    return Iko1Rn 

def main(): 
    T = np.arange(0.1,9.2,0.1)[:,np.newaxis] 
    phi = np.linspace(0,np.pi, 361) 
    M = 26000 
    result = KO_1(M, T, phi) 
    return result, result.max() 

T0 = time.time() 
r, rmax = main() 
print time.time() - T0 




我喜欢这个,它可能不会回答这个问题,但是这对于noob是有帮助的。 – user3191569


我忘了提及,在这里我跨越了一个数据点的立方体,第一维度M,第二维度T和第三维度phi。在内部,我总结了第一个维度(.sum(0)),因为它是在原来的 – dnalow