2015-10-17 79 views


ball.offset({top: ballMoveY += gravitation}); 
$("p").html(ballMoveX + '<br>' + ballMoveY + '<br><br>' + blokPos + '<br><br>' + gravitation); 
if (ballMoveY > blok4Y+20){alert('game over'); return ballMoveY = 0; return ballMoveX = 0}; 
if ((ballMoveY == blok1Y && ballMoveX < blok1X && ballMoveX > 2) || 
    (ballMoveY == blok2Y && ballMoveX < blok2X && ballMoveX > 15) || 
    (ballMoveY == blok3Y && ballMoveX < blok3X && ballMoveX > 110) || 
    (ballMoveY == blok4Y && ballMoveX < blok4X && ballMoveX > 325)){ 

    return gravitation = 0; 
else {return gravitation = 5;}; 
}, 5); 

但我不能让跳转顺畅。跳跃是从顶点开始,而不是从底部开始然后再向上跳动,然后再跳下。我使用空格键来触发球跳,箭头键左右移动球。 这是跳跃代码:

    if (e.which === 32 && gravitation == 0){ 
     return gravitation -= 200; 




重力基本上是速度在时间上的变化率,所以为了模拟重力,您必须在系统中添加一个speed变量。此速度将根据gravity更改,并且speed将用于更改您的对象的position。 跳跃是与重力相反方向的瞬时速度变化。


$(document).ready(function() { 

     var ball = $("#ball"); 
     ballPos = ball.position(); 
     ballMoveX = ballPos.left; 
     ballMoveY = ballPos.top; 
     gravitation = 3, speed = 0; //You declare speed as well as gravitation. Setting speed to 0 is the equivalent of dropping a ball without any force. 

     var blok1 = $("#blok1").offset(); 
     blok1Y = blok1.top; 
     blok1X = parseInt(blok1.left) + parseInt($("#blok1").css("width")); 
     var blok2 = $("#blok2").offset(); 
     blok2Y = blok2.top; 
     blok2X = parseInt(blok2.left) + parseInt($("#blok2").css("width")); 
     var blok3 = $("#blok3").offset(); 
     blok3Y = blok3.top; 
     blok3X = parseInt(blok3.left) + parseInt($("#blok3").css("width")); 
     var blok4 = $("#blok4").offset(); 
     blok4Y = blok4.top; 
     blok4X = parseInt(blok4.left) + parseInt($("#blok4").css("width")); 

     blokPos = blok1Y + '<br>' + blok2Y + '<br>' + blok3Y + '<br>' + blok4Y + '<br>' + '<br>' + blok1X + '<br>' + blok2X + '<br>' + blok3X + '<br>' + blok4X; 

     setInterval(function() { 
      speed += gravitation; //The speed changes according to the gravitation. 
            //You can modulate the speed at which this rate changes by changing gravitation value. 
           //But if you want to stay close to reality, gravitation should be constant. 
       top: ballMoveY += speed // The position changes according to speed. 
             //Speed is basically difference of position in time. 
             //Since this difference of time is taken care of with setInterval, 
             //you set difference of position directly with speed. 
      $("p").html(ballMoveX + '<br>' + ballMoveY + '<br><br>' + blokPos + '<br><br>' + speed); 
      if (ballMoveY > blok4Y + 20) { 
       alert('game over'); 
       return ballMoveY = 0; 
       return ballMoveX = 0 
      //Since your position values are less precise than before you need 
      //to validate if they're greater than, not equal. 
      //You'll see that for now, this makes a strange effect of 
      //stopping the ball not exactly at the right place. 
      if ((ballMoveY > blok1Y && ballMoveX < blok1X && ballMoveX > 2) || (ballMoveY > blok2Y && ballMoveX < blok2X && ballMoveX > 15) || (ballMoveY > blok3Y && ballMoveX < blok3X && ballMoveX > 110) || (ballMoveY > blok4Y && ballMoveX < blok4X && ballMoveX > 325)) { 
       speed = 0; // IF ball is on block its speed gets back to 0 
       gravitation = 0;// Here, normally it should stop movement, not change the gravity, 
           //but this can be done this way. But if you were the refactorfurther, 
           //you should clear the interval when the ball is stopped 
           //and start it on keydown callback. 
       return speed = 0;// Not sure you need to return anything... 
      } else { 
       return gravitation = 3; 
     }, 50); 

     $(window).keydown(function (e) { 
      if (e.which === 39) { 
        left: ballMoveX += 5 
      if (e.which === 37) { 
        left: ballMoveX -= 5 


     $(window).keyup(function (e) { 
      console.log(e.which, gravitation); 
      if (e.which === 32 && gravitation == 0) { 
       return speed = -30;// That's where your jump happens. A jump is a force in up direction. 
            //A one time force will have the effect of changing the speed on one moment. 
            //Once the speed has changed, the gravitation continues to have 
            //an effect and makes the ball slow down, then fall. 




天才!谢啦!!! –


你写了一个从零开始的游戏引擎一个投票的答案,这是奉献精神。有一个upvote。我用这个来研究一个CSS游戏引擎的概念,这里是一些可靠的东西。你的碰撞检测是不可靠的,但你在评论中提到了这一点。连续的工作! – KoldBane



$('#ball').animate({'bottom':20}, bouncetime, 'easeInQuad'); 

我在这里创建了一个例子: http://jsfiddle.net/xtggqcg5/1/

对于缓动我使用th e easeInQuad可以通过jQuery UI获得,但您可以添加自己的缓动功能。


感谢您的回答,,但我知道动画的方法,我已经试过了,但它并没有在这种情况下工作,因为有重力..球已经从上到下动画,从DOM准备开始,我想让它跳起来。 –


我确实让它跳起来,它不光滑。 –


那是关于宽松系统的美丽。您可以创建自己的并考虑重力。 –