2015-07-13 18 views


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<div id="title"> 
    <h1>LoL Stat Find</h1> 
<div id="subtitle"> 
    <h3>Quickly Find Summoner Stats!</h3> 
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<input name="summoner_name" type="text" maxlength="512" id="summoner_name" placeholder="Summoner Name" class="summoner" /> 
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     <h1>THIS IS A TEST</h1> 
     some more testing 
     <br>this is another test 


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$(function() { 
document.getElementById('search_button').onclick = function() { 
    var search = document.getElementById('summoner_name').value; 
    $(function() { 





$(function() { 

    $('#search_button').click(function() { 
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    <option value="NA">North America</option> 
    <option value="EUW">EU West</option> 
    <option value="EUNE">EU East</option> 
    <option value="KR">Korea</option> 
<div id="title"> 
    <h1>LoL Stat Find</h1> 
<div id="subtitle"> 
    <h3>Quickly Find Summoner Stats!</h3> 
<button type="submit" id="search_button">Search</button> 
<input name="summoner_name" type="text" maxlength="512" id="summoner_name" placeholder="Summoner Name" class="summoner" /> 
<div id="stats"> 
    <section id="main"> 
    <h1>THIS IS A TEST</h1> 
    some more testing 
    <br/>this is another test 


http://jsfiddle.net/arunpjohny/样式pq41ps8c / –