2011-05-10 125 views

我有一个AsyncTask从DoinBackground启动DatabaseHelper类,它将SQLite数据库从/ assets目录复制到应用程序目录(/ databases)。取消使用ProgressDialog的AsyncTask



第一个问题是当我调用AsyncTask.cancel()时,我的onCancel()事件触发,但AsyncTask继续运行。我知道,因为LogCat在旋转完成后很久才显示来自我的数据库帮助器的输出。 UI在旋转后可用,因为progressDialog消失了,但数据库似乎仍在复制,所以这不太好。



package com.test.helloasync; 

    import java.io.File; 
    import java.io.FileOutputStream; 
    import java.io.IOException; 
    import java.io.InputStream; 
    import java.io.OutputStream; 

    import android.app.Activity; 
    import android.app.ProgressDialog; 
    import android.os.AsyncTask; 
    import android.os.Bundle; 
    import android.os.SystemClock; 
    import android.util.Log; 

    public class HelloAsync extends Activity 
     myVars v; 
     protected fileCopyTask fct; 
     private final String TAG = "** HelloAsync **"; 
     private final String DBNAME = "foo.png"; // need png extension: Data exceeds UNCOMPRESS_DATA_MAX (5242880 vs 1048576) 

     public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) 
      super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); 
      setContentView (R.layout.main); 

     /* (non-Javadoc) 
     * @see android.app.Activity#onResume() 
     protected void onResume() 
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub 
      Log.d (TAG, "onResume()"); 

      // only start NEW task if not cancelled and file has not been copied yet 
      if ((v.taskCancelled == false) && (v.fileCopied == false)) 
       fct = new fileCopyTask(); 

      // show progressdialog if we were cancelled becuase asynctask will continue by itself 
      if ((v.taskCancelled == true) && (v.fileCopied == false)) 
       Log.d (TAG, "onAttachedToWindow(): launching fct"); 

       // may need to check status here to make sure it was cancelled and not something else... 
       Log.d (TAG, "fct cancel status is " + fct.isCancelled()); 


     * saves myVars class during rotation 
     public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() 
      Log.d (TAG, "onRetainNonConfigurationInstance(): saving myVars objects"); 

      // close db transfer dialogs if showing so we don't cause a UI error 
      if (v.pd != null) 
       if (v.pd.isShowing()) 
        v.taskCancelled = true; 

      // save task to myVars so we can use it onRestoreInstanceState 
      v.fct = fct; 

      return (v); 

     * restores myVars class after rotation 
     private void restoreFromObject() 
      Log.d (TAG, "restoreFromObject(): retrieving myVars object"); 
      v = (myVars) getLastNonConfigurationInstance(); 

      // initialize myVars object (v) first time program starts 
      if (v == null) 
       v = new myVars(); 
       Log.d (TAG, "myVars already initialized"); 
       fct = (fileCopyTask) v.fct; 

     * copy a file from /assets to /data/data/com.blah.blah/databases 
     private class fileCopyTask extends AsyncTask<Integer, Void, Void> 
      // on UI thread here 
      protected void onPreExecute() 
       Log.d (TAG, "onPreExecute()"); 

       // only show this when db has not been copied 
       // set initDbDone to false prir to call if downloading a new DB 
       v.pd = new ProgressDialog (HelloAsync.this); 
       v.pd.setProgressStyle (ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL); 
       v.pd.setMessage ("Initializing Database"); 

      * opens file in assets/ directory and counts the bytes in it so we can have an actual progress bar 
      * @return size 
      private int getAssetSize() 
       int size = 0; 

        InputStream fin = getBaseContext().getAssets().open (DBNAME); 
        byte [] buffer = new byte [1024]; 
        int length = 0; 
        while ((length = fin.read (buffer)) > 0) 
         size += length; 

       catch (IOException ioe) 
        Log.d (TAG, "fileCopyTask(): asset size failed: ioex :" + ioe); 
        size = 0; 

       Log.d (TAG, " fileCopyTask(): asset size is " + size); 
       return (size); 

      protected Void doInBackground (Integer... params) 
       Log.d (TAG, "doInBackground: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); 

        int inputsize = getAssetSize(); 

        // this is the input file in the assets directory. We have no idea how big it is. 
        InputStream fin = getBaseContext().getAssets().open (DBNAME); 

        // this is the destination database file on the android device 
        File dbFile = getBaseContext().getDatabasePath (DBNAME); 

        // check if destination directory exists 
        String parent = dbFile.getParent(); 

        // create the desitination directory if it does not exist in /data/data/blah.. (on device) 
        if (dbFile.exists() == false) 
         boolean result = new File (parent).mkdir(); 
         Log.d (TAG, " fileCopyTask(): mkdir() result is " + result); 

        // this is the output file in the databases/ subdirectory of the app directory (on device) 
        OutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream (dbFile); 

        // transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile 
        byte [] buffer = new byte [4096]; 
        int length; 
        int bytesCopied = 0; 
        while ((length = fin.read (buffer)) > 0) 
         fout.write (buffer, 0, length); 
         bytesCopied += length; 
         float b = (float) (bytesCopied * 1.0); 
         float i = (float) (inputsize * 1.0); 
         float pctdone = (float) ((b/i) * 100.0); 
         int pct = (int) (pctdone); 

         // updating every 4k seems to really slow things down so do it every 5 chunks 
         if ((pct % 5) == 0) 
          v.pd.setProgress ((int) pctdone); 

       catch (IOException e) 
        Log.d (TAG, "fileCopyTask(): DB copy blew up. IOE: " + e.getMessage()); 

        // just in case, attempt to cancel the process in event of cataclysm 
        this.cancel (true); 

       return null; 

      // can use UI thread here 
      protected void onPostExecute (final Void unused) 
       Log.d (TAG, "fileCopyTask():onPostExecute()"); 

       // set progress bar to 100% when done. 
       v.pd.setProgress (100); 

       // set the state flags to show a succesful completion 
       v.taskCancelled = false; 
       v.fileCopied = true; 

      }// onPostExecute() 
     }// fileCopyTask() 

// myVars.java 
package com.test.helloasync; 
import android.app.AlertDialog; 
import android.app.AlertDialog.Builder; 
import android.app.ProgressDialog; 
import android.content.DialogInterface; 

public class myVars 
    ProgressDialog pd; 
    boolean taskCancelled = false; 
    boolean fileCopied = false; 
    Object fct; 




想到我只是让android管理AsyncTask本身,因为它似乎想保持它在后台运行。所以,我最终做的只是关闭旋转过程中的progressDialog,然后再次在onResume()中弹出它。 AsyncTask似乎只是从中断的地方继续。

我会更新上面的代码 - 希望它可以帮助别人。


通常你会设置一个标志(例如boolean mIsRunning;)您doInBackground()方法周期性地检查。如果清除,请停止处理。当您希望取消该任务时,将该标志设置为false。


我已经玩了几天了。我可以取消AsyncTask和progressDialog,但是如果您旋转设备几次,进度条开始疯狂地来回跳动。我认为发生的事情是同时运行多个AsyncTasks。如何在循环过程中保持AsyncTask的多个副本不会产卵?我用一个完整的工作示例编辑了上面的代码。 – wufoo 2011-05-12 13:16:45