2011-03-17 16 views



在FlowDocument段落中,您可以将左边距设置为悬挂缩进值,然后将TextIndent设置为该值的负值。下面是一个例子:在这里缩进WPF Documents - Indenting Paragraphs


     <RowDefinition /> 
     <RowDefinition /> 

       <Paragraph TextIndent="-30" Margin="30,20,0,0"> 
        The first line of this paragraph is not indented, but the rest of the lines will be indented by 30 units. The first line of this paragraph is not indented, but the rest of the lines will be indented by 30 units. 

    <RichTextBox Grid.Row="1"> 
       <Paragraph TextIndent="-60" Margin="60,20,0,0"> 
        The first line of this paragraph is not indented, but the rest of the lines will be indented by 60 units. The first line of this paragraph is not indented, but the rest of the lines will be indented by 60 units. 
