2015-10-18 43 views

我试图实现一个多CPU FCFS算法,但我想不出一种方式来实现作业/进程如何跳转到另一个CPU。实现多CPU FCFS算法



int n, burstTime[99], waitingTime[99], totalAT[99], aveWT = 0, aveTAT = 0, i, j; 
cout << "Enter total number of processes: "; 
cin >> n; 

cout << "\nEnter Process Burst Time\n"; 
for (i = 0; i<n; i++) 
    cout << "P[" << i + 1 << "]: "; 
    cin >> burstTime[i]; 

waitingTime[0] = 0; //waiting time for first process is 0 

       //calculating waiting time 
for (i = 1; i<n; i++) 
    waitingTime[i] = 0; 
    for (j = 0; j<i; j++) 
     waitingTime[i] += burstTime[j]; 

cout << "\nProcess\t\tBurst Time\tWaiting Time\tTurnaround Time"; 

//calculating turnaround time 
for (i = 0; i<n; i++) 
    totalAT[i] = burstTime[i] + waitingTime[i]; 
    aveWT += waitingTime[i]; 
    aveTAT += totalAT[i]; 
    cout << "\nP[" << i + 1 << "]" << "\t\t" << burstTime[i] << "\t\t" << waitingTime[i] << "\t\t" << totalAT[i]; 

aveWT /= i; 
aveTAT /= i; 
cout << "\n\nAverage Waiting Time: " << aveWT; 
cout << "\nAverage Turnaround Time: " << aveTAT <<endl; 

编辑: 例如,这里有我想要做的,与实现样本输出程序:

Enter number of CPUs: 2 

Enter total number of processes: 6 

Enter Process Burst Time 
P1: [input here] 
P2: [input here] 
P3: [input here] 
p4: [input here] 
p5: [input here] 
p6: [input here] 

Process  Burst Time   Waiting Time     Turn Around Time 
P1   [burst time here] [calculated waiting time here]  [calculated turn around time] 
P2   [burst time here] [calculated waiting time here]  [calculated turn around time] 
P3   [burst time here] [calculated waiting time here]  [calculated turn around time] 
P4   [burst time here] [calculated waiting time here]  [calculated turn around time] 

P5   [burst time here] [calculated waiting time here]  [calculated turn around time] 
P6   [burst time here] [calculated waiting time here]  [calculated turn around time] 

CPUs handling the processes: 
CPU 1: P1, P3, P4 
CPU 2: P2, P5, P6 

多CPU意味着什么?你打算使用线程吗? – Chiel




data = input("some large file") 
output = [] 
for i in length(data): 
    output[i] = frobnosticate(data[i]) 


chunks = 42 
data = input("some large file") 
chunksize = length(data)/chunks 
output = [] 
for c in chunks: 
    # split off one chunk and frobnosticate it 
    chunk = data[c * chunksize ... (c + 1) * chunksize] 
    tmp = [] 
    for i in chunk: 
     tmp[i] = frobnosticate(chunk[i]) 
    # store results in the output container 
    for i in length(tmp): 
     output[c * chunksize + i] = tmp[i] 



chunks = 42 
data = input("some large file") 
chunksize = length(data)/chunks 
output = [] 
threads = [] 
for c in chunks: 
    # split off one chunk and frobnosticate it in a separate thread 
    chunk = data[c * chunksize ... (c + 1) * chunksize] 
    threads[c] = create_thread(frobnosticate, chunk) 
for c in chunks: 
    # wait for one thread to finish and store its results in the output container 
    tmp = threads[c].get_result() 
    for i in length(tmp): 
     output[c * chunksize + i] = tmp[i] 



哦,如果我不能清楚地说清楚,我很抱歉,我想要做的事情更简单,并不像线程那么先进和复杂。 我只是想模拟在多个CPU上处理作业的FCFS算法。 下面是我设想的输出示例: 程序将要求用户输入应处理作业的CPU数量,然后程序继续执行计算每个进程的平均等待时间和平均转换时间的指令。 – Nayuta


例如: '输入CPU数目:2 输入的进程总数:6 输入过程突发时间 P1:[输入这里] P2:[输入这里] P3:[输入这里] p4:[input here] 处理进程的CPU: CPU 1:P1,P3,P4 CPU 2:P2,P5,P6' – Nayuta