2011-06-06 23 views

我正在为gerrit中的我的公司设置访问控制,并且在我们当前的内部流程中,同行评审人员与编码人员之间存在交叉(他们往往是同一群人) 。我们还希望只需要1位审阅者同行审阅代码并在其看起来不错的情况下提交。从gerrit的同行评审人名单中排除作者

使用默认设置,任何具有+2: Looks good to me, approved选项的用户都可以同行查看他们自己的代码。



你确定你必须强制吗?程序员是聪明的人,只是把它作为一个规则。在某些角落案例中,审查自己的代码可能很有用(例如,代码已经过审查,但您在提交消息中修复了拼写错误,在这种情况下,其他审阅将会失去时间)。 – 2011-12-05 21:57:47


@TomaszWysocki我只能说,程序员在处理过程中远非聪明。我一直在Gerrit寻找这个功能,因为愚蠢的开发人员。您想要查看您自己的工作的具体示例会打开整个系统,导致错误使用。是否要求另一位同行评论者回顾简单的改变!只需添加我是一名开发人员。 – Tnem 2012-01-13 08:34:03


看到这个答案:[使用块语句](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11560812/exclude-author-from-gerrit-review/47887713#47887713) – very 2017-12-19 13:09:35




  • 允许+ 1S的配置数量计算为一次+2手动提交
  • 可选自动足够+1票
  • 提交
  • 可选计数-1票为打击+1票理货的目的
  • 选择性忽略上传自己的+1(你可能更喜欢对作者,我已经没做检查)


您可能希望将日志文件移动到任何正常的日志轮换 - 可能位于../logs/comment-added.log中。

我试过把可配置的位拉到最前面。调用这个文件的评论挂钩和 把它放在$ gerrit_root/hooks,chmod it 755或类似的。在admin 组中设置一个机器人用户,以便该钩子可以使用sql界面(并在+ 1s的内容上注释+2)。

# comment-hook for a +2 approval from a simple quorum of +1 votes. 
# Licence: Public domain. All risk is yours; if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces. 

$QUORUM = 2; # Total number of +1 votes causing a +2 
$PLEBIANS = 'abs(value) < 2'; # or 'value = 1' to ignore -1 unvotes 
$AUTO_SUBMIT_ON_QUORACY = '--submit'; # or '' for none 
$AND_IGNORE_UPLOADER = 'and uploader_account_id != account_id'; # or '' to let uploaders votes count 

$GERRIT_SSH_PORT = 29418; 
$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY = '/home/gerrit2/.ssh/id_rsa'; 
$SSH_USER_IN_ADMIN_GROUP = 'devuser'; 

# Hopefully you shouldn't need to venture past here. 


$LOG = "/home/gerrit2/hooks/log.comment-added"; 
open LOG, ">>$LOG" or die; 

sub count_of_relevant_votes { 
     # Total selected code review votes for this commit 
     my $relevance = shift; 
     $query = " 
       select sum(value) from patch_sets, patch_set_approvals 
       where patch_sets.change_id = patch_set_approvals.change_id 
       and patch_sets.patch_set_id = patch_set_approvals.patch_set_id 
       and revision = '$V{commit}' 
       and category_id = 'CRVW' 
       and $relevance 
     $command = "$SSH \"gerrit gsql -c \\\"$query\\\"\""; 
     #print LOG "FOR... $command\n"; 
     @lines = qx($command); 
     chomp @lines; 
     #print LOG "GOT... ", join("//", @lines), "\n"; 
     # 0=headers 1=separators 2=data 3=count and timing. 
     return $lines[2]; 

sub response { 
     my $review = shift; 
     return "$SSH 'gerrit review --project=\"$V{project}\" $review $V{commit}'"; 

# ###################### 
# Parse options 

while ($_ = shift @ARGV) { 
     if (/^--(.*)/) { 
       $key = $1; 
     else { 
       $V{$key} .= " " if exists $V{$key}; 
       $V{$key} .= $_; 
#print LOG join("\n", map { "$_ = '$V{$_}'" } keys %V), "\n"; 

# ###################### 
# Ignore my own comments 

if ($V{comment} =~ /$GATEKEEPER/) { 
     # print LOG localtime() . "$V{commit}: Ignore $GATEKEEPER comments\n"; 
     exit 0; 

# ###################### 
# Forbear to analyse anything already +2'd 

$submittable = count_of_relevant_votes('value = 2'); 
if ($submittable > 0) { 
     # print LOG "$V{commit} Already +2'd by someone or something.\n"; 
     exit 0; 

# ###################### 
# Look for a consensus amongst qualified voters. 

$plebicite = count_of_relevant_votes($PLEBIANS); 

#if ($V{comment} =~ /TEST:(\d)/) { 
#  $plebicite=$1; 

# ###################### 
# If there's a quorum, approve and submit. 

if ($plebicite >= $QUORUM) { 
     $and_submitting = ($AUTO_SUBMIT_ON_QUORACY ? " and submitting" : ""); 
     $review = " --code-review=+2 --message=\"$GATEKEEPER approving$and_submitting due to $plebicite total eligible votes\" $AUTO_SUBMIT_ON_QUORACY"; 
else { 
     $review = " --code-review=0 --message=\"$GATEKEEPER ignoring $plebicite total eligible votes\""; 
     # print LOG "$V{commit}: $review\n"; 

     exit 0; 

$response = response($review); 

print LOG "RUNNING: $response\n"; 
$output = qx($response 2>&1 ); 
if ($output =~ /\S/) { 
     print LOG "$V{commit}: output from commenting: $output"; 
     $response = response(" --message=\"During \Q$review\E: \Q$output\E\""); 
     print LOG "WARNING: $response\n"; 
     $output = qx($response 2>&1 ); 
     print LOG "ERROR: $output\n"; 

exit 0; 




正如[documentation](https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/prolog-cookbook.html#RulesFile)中提到的那样,'rules.pl'文件应该放在'refs/meta/config'该项目的分支。 – 2016-07-07 06:36:46



%filter to require all projects to have a code-reviewer other than the owner 
submit_filter(In, Out) :- 
    %unpack the submit rule into a list of code reviews 
    In =.. [submit | Ls], 
    %add the non-owner code review requiremet 
    reject_self_review(Ls, R), 
    %pack the list back up and return it (kinda) 
    Out =.. [submit | R]. 

reject_self_review(S1, S2) :- 
    %set O to be the change owner 
    %find a +2 code review, if it exists, and set R to be the reviewer 
    gerrit:commit_label(label('Code-Review', 2), R), 
    %if there is a +2 review from someone other than the owner, then the filter has no work to do, assign S2 to S1 
    R \= O, !, 
    %the cut (!) predicate prevents further rules from being consulted 
    S2 = S1. 
reject_self_review(S1, S2) :- 
    %set O to be the change owner 
    find a +2 code review, if it exists, and set R to be the reviewer 
    gerrit:commit_label(label('Code-Review', 2), R), 
    R = O, !, 
    %if there isn't a +2 from someone else (above rule), and there is a +2 from the owner, reject with a self-reviewed label 
    S2 = [label('Self-Reviewed', reject(O))|S1]. 
%if the above two rules didn't make it to the ! predicate, there aren't any +2s so let the default rules through unfiltered 
reject_self_review(S1, S1). 

此规则在rule #8 from the cookbook的好处(IMO)是:

  • 当所述变化被阻止的Self-Reviewed标签中仅示出,而不是添加Non-Author-Code-Review标签变化
  • 通过使用reject(O)该规则导致Self-Reviewed标签字面上成为红色标志
  • 作为submit_filter代替submit_rule,这个规则被安装在一个父项目,并适用于所有的子项目

请注意:此规则编写,以防止自我审查的变化Owner,而例如从食谱与Author比较。根据您的工作流程,您可能需要用gerrit:commit_author(O)或​​替换2 gerrit:change_owner(O)谓词或​​


您可以通过访问选项卡中的GUI来完成。 转到/ refs/heads/section - >在标签代码 - 查看部分添加组'更改所有者' - >选择-1 .. + 1

这将使更改所有者有权给-1 +1