2017-02-15 69 views


public static int computeRecursive(int n){ 
    if(n <= 1){ 
     return n; 
     return 2 * computeRecursive(n-2) + computeRecursive(n-1); 

那你试试这么远吗? – nachokk


'return((1 << n)+1)/ 3;':) – ZhongYu




public static int computeRecursive(int n){ 
int a[]=new int[n]; 
a[0]=1; a[1]=1; 
for(int i=2;i<n;i++){ 
return a[n-1]; 

非常感谢,这正是我需要的! –



public static int f(int n) { 
    if (n <= 1) { 
     return n; 

    int result = 0; 
    int a = 0, // f(0) = 0 
     b = 1; // f(1) = 1 

    // start iteration at n=2 because we already have f(0) and f(1) 
    for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { 
     // f(n) = 2 * f(n-2) + f(n-1) 
     result = 2 * a + b; 

     // f(n-2) = f(n-1) 
     a = b; 
     // f(n-1) = f(n) 
     b = result; 

    return result; 

不错!你做了功课! – nachokk


@nachok我对这个问题更感兴趣,而不是它是否是功课。成为OP的道德良知并不是我的责任。 –


猎人,问题是那样我认为你不帮他/她做功课 – nachokk


在我看来这两种递归和迭代的解决方案是弱,如果你可以运用你的数学技能和制定出公式。在这种情况下,我们有:f(n)=(2 ** n - ( - 1)** n)/ 3。贝娄是你如何解决问题的。

f(0) = 0 
f(1) = 1 
f(n) = f(n-1) + 2 * f(n-2) 

So the polynomial for this recurrence is: 
r ** 2 = r + 2 

If you sole that you will get the values of r as r1 =−1 and r2 =2 

So the solution to the recurrence is on the form: 
f(n) = c1 ∗ r1 ** n + c2 ∗ r2 ** n 

To work out the values for c1 and c2 constants just use the initial condition f(0) = 0 and f(1) = 1 and you will get 
c1 = -1/3 and c2 = 1/3 

So the final formula for your iteration is 
f(n) = (-1 * (-1) ** n + 2 ** n)/3 = (2 ** n -(-1) ** n)/3. 


public static int f(int n) { 
    return n <= 1 ? n: (Math.pow(2,n) - Math.pow(-1, n))/3; 



抱歉我没有得到f(n)= f(n-1)= 2 * f(n -2)' –


对不起,我的意思是'f(n-1)+ 2 * f(n-2)。我更新了我的答案。谢谢。 – Julian