2016-06-15 32 views


Sub searchandpaste() 
    Dim stopvar As Variant 
    Dim i As Variant 
    Dim j As Variant 
    Dim k As Variant 
    Dim TestVal1 As Variant 
    Dim TestVal2 As Variant 

    i = 0 
    j = 0 

    Do While stopvar = 0 
     i = i + 1 
     MsgBox ("Row " & i) 
     MsgBox ("j equals " & j) 
     'If the first cell is empty, that means we've hit the end of the worksheet, and it stops the do-while loop 
     TestVal1 = Cells(i, 1) 
     If TestVal1 = 0 Then 
      stopvar = 1 
      TestVal2 = Cells(i, 6) 
      If IsEmpty(TestVal2) = True Then 
       MsgBox ("Detected Empty Cell in Column 6") 
       j = 1 
      ElseIf TestVal2 = "XXXX" Then 
       'This means we have a place we need to insert a value 
       MsgBox ("Detected XXXX in Column 6") 
       'We know at this point that in Cells(6,i) we have a value we need to insert. Thus, we need to search Cells(7,i) for key text 
       If IsNumeric(Cells(7, j).Find("CYLINDER")) Or IsNumeric(Cells(7, j).Find("CYLINDERS")) Or IsNumeric(Cells(7, j).Find("CYL")) = True Then 
        MsgBox ("Detected the string CYLINDER") 
        j = j + 1 
        MsgBox ("j equals " & j) 
        MsgBox ("Did not detect the string CYLINDER") 
       End If 

      End If 
     End If 
End Sub 


'We know at this point that in Cells(6,i) we have a value we need to insert. Thus, we need to search Cells(7,i) for key text 
If IsNumeric(Cells(7, j).Find("CYLINDER")) Or IsNumeric(Cells(7, j).Find("CYLINDERS")) Or IsNumeric(Cells(7, j).Find("CYL")) = True Then 
    MsgBox ("Detected the string CYLINDER") 
    j = j + 1 
    MsgBox ("j equals " & j) 
    MsgBox ("Did not detect the string CYLINDER") 
End If 

我的意图是,这将搜索的字符串在单元(i,7)字气缸的不同变化,如果找到一个,它会返回TRUE或FALSE(假将是一个NAN ,被IsNumeric捕获并转化为FALSE),并让我知道它检测到它。但是,这似乎并不奏效。




你应该使用'InStr'的方法做这样的比较:'如果InStr函数(1,电池(7,J), “拉缸”)> 0或者InStr函数(1,单元格(7,j),“CYLINDERS”)> 0或InStr(1,单元格(7,j),“CYL”)> 0 Then' – Ralph


此外,当“Cyl”,“cyl”?你为什么不把代码中的单词改为大写来覆盖这些场景-UCase() - ?或者在模块的开头使用Option Compare Text,我不明白为什么要做3次比较,如果单元格有“CYL”,当然它会有CYLINDER和CYLINDERS。 – Sgdva


太好了,谢谢拉尔夫。你是正确的Sgdva。 @Ralph,如果你提交这个评论,我会将其标记为答案。 – TheTreeMan




If InStr(1, Cells(7, j), "CYLINDER") > 0 Or _ 
    InStr(1, Cells(7, j), "CYLINDERS") > 0 Or _ 
    InStr(1, Cells(7, j), "CYL") > 0 Then 
     MsgBox ("Detected the string CYLINDER") 
     j = j + 1 
     MsgBox ("j equals " & j) 
    MsgBox ("Did not detect the string CYLINDER") 
End If 



If InStr(1, Cells(7, j), "CYLINDER", vbTextCompare) > 0 Or _ 
    InStr(1, Cells(7, j), "CYLINDERS", vbTextCompare) > 0 Or _ 
    InStr(1, Cells(7, j), "CYL", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then 
     MsgBox ("Detected the string CYLINDER") 
     j = j + 1 
     MsgBox ("j equals " & j) 
    MsgBox ("Did not detect the string CYLINDER") 
End If 


If InStr(1, UCase(Cells(7, j)), "CYLINDER") > 0 Or _ 
    InStr(1, UCase(Cells(7, j)), "CYLINDERS") > 0 Or _ 
    InStr(1, UCase(Cells(7, j)), "CYL") > 0 Then 
     MsgBox ("Detected the string CYLINDER") 
     j = j + 1 
     MsgBox ("j equals " & j) 
    MsgBox ("Did not detect the string CYLINDER") 
End If 


使用Option Compare Text您的模块的顶部,并作为在此间指出, https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg278697.aspx


Option Explicit 



谢谢你的帮助!我很感激:) – TheTreeMan


不确定你想用j变量完成什么,因为它似乎没有任何关联。除了我似乎已经确定了您的代码中的错误和Ralph提供的答案。 Cells(7, j)应该是Cells(i, 7)。完整的代码是:

Sub searchandpaste() 
    Dim stopvar As Variant 
    Dim i As Variant 
    Dim j As Variant 
    Dim k As Variant 
    Dim TestVal1 As Variant 
    Dim TestVal2 As Variant 

    i = 0 
    j = 0 

    Do While stopvar = 0 
     i = i + 1 
     MsgBox ("Row " & i) 
     MsgBox ("j equals " & j) 
     'If the first cell is empty, that means we've hit the end of the worksheet, and it stops the do-while loop 
     TestVal1 = Cells(i, 1) 
     If TestVal1 = 0 Then 
      stopvar = 1 
      TestVal2 = Cells(i, 6) 
      If IsEmpty(TestVal2) = True Then 
       MsgBox ("Detected Empty Cell in Column 6") 
       j = 1 
      ElseIf TestVal2 = "XXXX" Then 
       'This means we have a place we need to insert a value 
       MsgBox ("Detected XXXX in Column 6") 
       'We know at this point that in Cells(6,i) we have a value we need to insert. Thus, we need to search Cells(7,i) for key text 
       If InStr(LCase(Cells(i, 7)), "cyl") > 0 Then 
        MsgBox ("Detected the string CYLINDER") 
        j = j + 1 
        MsgBox ("j equals " & j) 
        MsgBox ("Did not detect the string CYLINDER") 
       End If 

      End If 
     End If 
End Sub 

j是我如何追踪别的东西。这与当前的代码并不太相关。谢谢你把它放在一起! – TheTreeMan
