2011-06-07 144 views

我正在使用C2DM-Sharp库为Android创建推送通知服务器。 我已经创建了一个示例代码来测试推送通知,但在关闭连接时,代码发出错误“发生了一个或多个错误”。 “任务被取消了。”以下是我的代码Android(c2dm)推送通知错误


 //Service emailid 
     var senderID = "[email protected]"; 
     var password = "myservice Password"; 
     //The application that is registering to receive messages 
     var applicationID = "appID"; 

     service = new C2dmService(senderID, password, applicationID); 

     NameValueCollection extras; 
     //for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
      extras = new NameValueCollection(); 
      string registrationId = textBox4.Text; 
      //An ID issued by the C2DM servers to the Android application that allows it to receive messages 
      string collapseKey = "CKEY"; 
      string key = "count"; 
      string value = "5"; 
      extras.Add(key, value); 

      //Queue up the message to be sent 
      service.QueueMessage(registrationId, extras, collapseKey); 
      service.Stop();------- its giving error here at the time of stoping the service 
