2017-04-03 22 views



The next tag is used by some projects to identify the upcoming version.By default, other than latest, no tag has any special significance to npm itself.

NPM Documentation



By default, the latest tag is used by npm to identify the current version of a package, and npm install (without any @ or @ specifier) installs the latest tag. Typically, projects only use the "latest" tag for stable release versions, and use other tags for unstable versions such as prereleases.

The next tag is used by some projects to identify the upcoming version.

By default, other than latest, no tag has any special significance to npm itself.

所以,举例来说,我不得不故宫本身产生NPM ERR相关的一些问题!错误:EACCES:在安装包权限被拒绝的错误,我第一次通过恢复到故宫的早期版本(从5.4.0)修正:

npm install -g [email protected] 


npm install -g [email protected] 


运行:npm show npm versions --json显示以下版本历史以给出想法究竟是什么安装的: [... “5.3.0”, “5.4.0”, “5.4.1”, “5.4.2”, “ 5.5.0“, ”5.5.1“ ]