2017-08-05 62 views

我正在尝试创建清单程序。需要包含ios :: app以覆盖inventory.txt文件中的数据,比如ios :: out,但是当我添加ios :: app数据时,已经在损坏/垃圾中读取。我想这个问题归结为这一行: outfile.open(“inventory.txt”,ios :: out | ios:app | ios :: binary);从文件提供垃圾的C++ fstream阅读



void add() { 

    Inventory Item; 
    int recnum; 
    ofstream outfile; 

    // opening file 
    outfile.open("inventory.txt", ios::out | ios:app | ios::binary); 

    if (outfile.fail()) 
     cout << "\nFile failed to open" << endl; 

    cout << "\nPlease enter the record ID to be added (will overwrite duplicates) : "; 
    cin >> recnum; 
    cout << "\n" << recnum << " has been set as the record ID for this item." << endl; 

    cout << "Please enter item description in 50 characters or less : "; 
    cin.getline(Item.description, size); 

    // do-whiles below are for looping for input validation 
    do { 
     cout << "Please enter the number of items on hand : "; 
     cin >> Item.quantity; 
     if (Item.quantity < 0) 
      cout << "Please enter a valid number." << endl; 
    } while (Item.quantity < 0); 

    do { 
     cout << "Please enter the wholesale price for this item : "; 
     cin >> Item.wholesale; 
     if (Item.wholesale < 0.01) 
      cout << "Please enter a valid number." << endl; 
    } while (Item.wholesale < 0.01); 

    do { 
     cout << "Please enter the retail price for this item : "; 
     cin >> Item.retail; 
     if (Item.retail < 0.01) 
      cout << "Please enter a valid number." << endl; 
    } while (Item.retail < 0.01); 

    // couldn't figure out how to perform input validation for date 
    cout << "Please enter the date this item was added (format: mm/dd/yyyy) : "; 
    cin.getline(Item.dateadded, datesize); 

    // finding position in file, writing to file, closing file 
    outfile.seekp(recnum*sizeof(Item), ios::beg); 
    outfile.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&Item), sizeof(Item)); 


你使用的ofstream ....不是.... ifstream的你 –


标题说,“从文件读取”你的代码写入到一个!?另外,什么是“Item”的声明我有一个偷偷摸摸的怀疑,那就是它不是一个POD,在这一点上你不能把它写到像你现在这样做的文件中。 – Borgleader


嗨,是的,但是当我写数据的时候,我认为这个问题正在发生。我有一个display()函数,我打电话后,它只开始显示垃圾后,我添加了ios :: app – Kubie




下面是对这个问题怎么可以troubleshooted更多详细信息:Opening a binary output file stream without truncation