2013-12-16 96 views


import javax.swing.BorderFactory; 
import javax.swing.JFrame; 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; 
public class PizzaOrder 

    private JPanel phone; 

    public static void main (String[] args) 

    JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Pizza Order"); 

    JPanel phone = new JPanel(); 
    phone.setBorder (BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder()); 

    JTabbedPane tp = new JTabbedPane(); 
    tp.addTab ("Pizza Order", new PizzaGUI()); 



import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*; 

import javax.swing.*; 

public class PizzaGUI extends JPanel 
    private JLabel resultLabel; 

    private JButton button0, button1, button2, button3, button4, button5, button6, button7, button8, button9, buttonclear; 

    public PizzaGUI() 
     // grid layout 
     setLayout (new GridLayout (5, 3)); 

     // creates buttons and label 
     resultLabel = new JLabel (" "); 
     button0 = new JButton ("Small: 10.00"); 
     button1 = new JButton ("Medium: 14.00"); 
     button2 = new JButton ("Large: 16.00"); 
     button3 = new JButton ("Soda: 2.00"); 
     button4 = new JButton ("Water: 1.50"); 
     button5 = new JButton ("Extra Cheese: 1.50"); 
     button6 = new JButton ("Pepperoni: 1.50"); 
     button7 = new JButton ("Mushroom: 1.50"); 
     button8 = new JButton ("Sausage: 1.50"); 
     button9 = new JButton ("Pepper Onion: 1.50"); 
     buttonclear = new JButton ("Total"); 

     //listeners for each button 
     button0.addActionListener (new ButtonListener0()); 
     button1.addActionListener (new ButtonListener1()); 
     button2.addActionListener (new ButtonListener2()); 
     button3.addActionListener (new ButtonListener3()); 
     button4.addActionListener (new ButtonListener4()); 
     button5.addActionListener (new ButtonListener5()); 
     button6.addActionListener (new ButtonListener6()); 
     button7.addActionListener (new ButtonListener7()); 
     button8.addActionListener (new ButtonListener8()); 
     button9.addActionListener (new ButtonListener9()); 
     buttonclear.addActionListener(new ButtonListenerT()); 

     //adds all buttons and label 
     add (resultLabel); 
     add (button0); 
     add (button1); 
     add (button2); 
     add (button3); 
     add (button4); 
     add (button5); 
     add (button6); 
     add (button7); 
     add (button8); 
     add (button9); 
     add (buttonclear); 

     setPreferredSize (new Dimension(720,360)); 
     setBackground (Color.white); 

    //code below is one listener per button 
    private class ButtonListener0 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      resultLabel.setText(resultLabel.getText() + "10.00"); 

    private class ButtonListener1 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      resultLabel.setText(resultLabel.getText() + "14.00"); 

    private class ButtonListener2 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      resultLabel.setText(resultLabel.getText() + "16.00");  

    private class ButtonListener3 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      resultLabel.setText(resultLabel.getText() + "2.00");   

    private class ButtonListener4 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      resultLabel.setText(resultLabel.getText() + "1.50");   

    private class ButtonListener5 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      resultLabel.setText(resultLabel.getText() + "1.50");   

    private class ButtonListener6 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      resultLabel.setText(resultLabel.getText() + "1.50");   

    private class ButtonListener7 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      resultLabel.setText(resultLabel.getText() + "1.50");   

    private class ButtonListener8 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      resultLabel.setText(resultLabel.getText() + "1.50");   

    private class ButtonListener9 implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      resultLabel.setText(resultLabel.getText() + "1.50");  

    private class ButtonListenerT implements ActionListener 
     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 

      double total; 

      resultLabel.setText ("Total plus tax:" + total = total *1.07);   


我编程3年以上。我从来没有见过有人添加类名。 –


我知道它没有任何意义,我只是试图展示我想要实现的想法 – Lou44


你是指总数= ButtonListener0 + ButtonListener1 + ButtonListener2 + ... – maheeka





private class ButtonListener0 implements ActionListener 
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 
     resultLabel.setText(String.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(resultLabel.getText()) + 10.00));   



private class ButtonListenerT implements ActionListener 
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 
     double total; 
     total = Double.parseDouble(resultLabel.getText()); 
     resultLabel.setText ("Total plus tax: " + (total *1.07));   

它说:对于按钮侦听器0: “JLabel类型的方法setText(String)不适用于参数(双精度)” – Lou44


@ Lou44检查现在.. –


嗯它现在运行。但是,当我按任何按钮它说在控制台中的所有这些:(这只是它的一部分,不能发布全部) 线程“AWT-EventQueue-0”中的异常java.lang.NumberFormatException:空字符串 \t在sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(来源不明) \t在java.lang.Double.parseDouble(来源不明) \t在PizzaGUI $ ButtonListener2.actionPerformed(PizzaGUI.java:99) \t在javax.swing.AbstractButton中.fireActionPerformed(Unknown – Lou44